Crushing Canopy

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crushing Canopy


Choose one —

  • Destroy target creature with flying.
  • Destroy target enchantment.

lagotripha on Hydratic Rampage

4 years ago

I highly reccomend avoiding expensive cards for first decks- if you are going to spend >$5 on a card, you want to be picking up a card that fits into lots of decks as a format staple (for green, stuff like Birds of Paradise). A lot of cards are expensive because there isn't enough supply for a format (in whiptongue's case, commander), rather than them being the best options. There are diminishing returns on copies of legendary creatures too, and no shortage of inexpensive cards that never quite made the cut into modern that are super fun. Old standard staples are frequently <$0.30

If there are hydras you want to spend money one anyway, pick up one and run tutors like Uncage the Menagerie.

If you get bored, start messing around with synergies; a lot of 5/6/7 drops are playable in a green ramp shell like this- some will perform outstandingly, and others can sit it out with minor cost.

In terms of fighting fliers, Grappling Sundew, Wall of Tanglecord or Traproot Kami offer a delay, there is a lot of cheap spot removal like Aerial Volley, multiplayer options like Clip Wings, sweepers like Corrosive Gale/Hurricane/Skyreaping, options to turn flying into a downside like Bower Passage/Dense Canopy, utility answers like Crushing Canopy and Crushing Vines, 'total shutdown' effects like Elvish Skysweeper, Scattershot Archer or Gravity Well.

Then there are options like a 'fight' subtheme using your own fliers- allowing for answers to more than just flying Foe-Razer Regent is a lot of fun, Frontier Siege is cute, Kraul Harpooner has seen competitive modern play in sideboards.

I really reccomend packing in one answer and a couple of planned search effects- knowing that Uncage the Menagerie can get you a Vastwood Hydra/Overgrown Battlement/Kraul Harpooner makes it decent when you only have a few options, while it encourages a relaxed and varied decklist.

Feed the clan sees great sideboard play for a reason- its a good card when facing lightning bolt effects, but if they have repeatable damage it starts looking lackluster. I'd look at creatures with lifegain stapled on- Gilded Goose will be rotating soon, and so should get cheap and remain somewhat relevant in that neiche, while cards like Healer of the Glade, Pelakka Wurm or Oracle of Nectars do the thing in the meantime.

Finally, the 'I'm optimising a deck' thing- with 24 basic lands you can swap for 2-3 utility lands. There are budget cards that fix major problems without competing for slots; Emergence Zone against counterspells, Labyrinth of Skophos/Mystifying Maze to Fog attackers, small-scale lifegain like Sapseep Forest/Glimmerpost/Radiant Fountain, card advantage like Memorial to Unity, manlands like Treetop Village or threats like Rogue's Passage.

The reason deckbuilding in casual magic is so fun is that there is rarely a 'right' answer- there are about twenty ways to solve any problem, and its more about which one you enjoy more than what exactly you pick. I had a deck which aimed to use Gutter Grime with Brindle Boar and Gristleback for a while and it did great. Look around, don't worry too much about optimising and have fun.

djnewellmit on Bant Flash

5 years ago

Nice list, I've been looking to do something similar to abuse Vivien, Champion of the Wilds . For the sideboard, have you considered Kraul Harpooner in place of Atzocan Archer ? The Harpooner will kill more fliers than the archer and comes out for one less mana. I'm leaning toward including the Harpooners in the main deck; I'll share my list once I have something playable. I am going deeper into the adapt creatures, Incubation Druid and Growth-Chamber Guardian , to make full use of the play-at-instant speed that green doesn't get very often.

Some secondary options for fliers I've had good experience with in this meta are Crushing Canopy since it also answers enchantments and Sagittars' Volley as it can clean a board of spirit tokens as well as one large body. However, those last two are not creatures which is probably more important in your deck.

natetc95 on

5 years ago

Murphy77 9-lives

Also remember that in War of the Spark, they have already spoiled Teyo, the Shieldmage . Makes 2 walls for and gives you hexproof. So, pretty good in this deck! I love this deck and have been playing it since the beginning of Allegiance. It's just so much fun to mess with people. They usually think you're new to the game haha. "Look at this scrub playing defenders..." When those same people lose, they always look like they have to re-evaluate their life choices.

Murphy, Arcades is your win condition and both of your win conditions (Arcades and High Alert) are easily removed right now. Vivien Reid , Crushing Canopy , Mortify , etc. And as a draw engine and win con, arcades draws removal. It hurts to have one in hand and another on the field but since he's 5 power and legendary, generally your opponents have to expend a lot of resources to kill him. When he gets killed, it feels awesome to immediately play him on your next turn. I run 4 in my deck. If you only run 3, then the odds of hitting him with Adventurous Impulse go down dramatically and now your method of getting to your win con quickly is far less effective since it doesn't hit High Alert.

The other thing I would say would be to swap Snubhorn Sentry to Resolute Watchdog . Able to block very favorably from turn 1 and his effect allows you protect Arcades for . This little dog has saved Arcades more than I am willing to admit.

Murphy77 on Count on Elves M

5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback djnewellmit,

Yes, at the moment the combination of Reclamation Sage , Tower Defense and Vivien Reid does the trick. I am sure that at some stage I will find another card that I really want in the side-board, which will most likely mean replacing 2 of the above with Crushing Canopy . At this point in time I find Tower Defense to be more versatile than Sagittars' Volley and it is cheaper to cast. I suppose that if 1/1 token creature decks become popular again then Sagittars' Volley becomes a must.

djnewellmit on Count on Elves M

5 years ago

You're welcome!

I see that you're already looking at the spoilers for WAR. I'm very excited about the proliferate elves.

Another sideboard option I'd suggest is Crushing Canopy . I see you have Tower Defense to play against flyers (and possibly save against a Deafening Clarion ). Canopy gives you an answer to flying threats, while also giving you another answer against problematic enchantments. My Canopy has proven useful especially against many white (mono-white, WB, Jeskai) decks that to bring in Lyra Dawnbringer and Ixalan's Binding from the sideboard. However, you may find that Canopy is too redundant with Reclamation Sage and Vivien Reid . I've even considered Sagittars' Volley , especially if anyone in your meta is running a WB afterlife/spirits deck.

stensiagamekeeper on Simba Ramp 18 Lands

5 years ago

If possible I'd consider swapping out the Crushing Canopy s plus the multani's or something for a couple copies of both Thrashing Brontodon and Kraul Harpooner . Just a way to cover the same bases while adding to your critical mass of chonkers. New Vivien, Champion of the Wilds might be a sweet include in this also when she becomes available.

That said I think the best avenue for improvement would be the sideboard. There aren't any popular decks that are gonna have consistent targets for Broken Bond or Plummet when it matters and I'm not sure what matchups Silhana Wayfinder and the twins are coming in against. Cards like Thrash / Threat , Sorcerous Spyglass , Shapers' Sanctuary and Find / Finality seem like decent sideboard options.

If wildcards are in short supply you might want to consider the following: - Atzocan Archer (decent against mono tempo+ weenie sometimes) - Colossal Majesty (winmoorish but fun) - Diamond Mare - Dryad Greenseeker (card advantage) - Kraul Foragers - Kraul Harpooner - Thrashing Brontodon

TheSimikBOat on TheSimikBOat

5 years ago

1119Jace_Beleren, I see that you have very clear the cards that you are going to put in the sideboard. My additional suggestions for the sideboard are 2 Murmuring Mystic , 2 Biogenic Ooze , 2 Rekindling Phoenix , and 2 or 3 Crushing Canopy .

About the creatures for the side that I mentioned, I have to say that you need 4 creatures in the sideboard in any combination of them like alternative Win/Cards. You may put 2 Rekindling Phoenix and 2 Biogenic Ooze . Or 1 Rekindling Phoenix , 1 Biogenic Ooze and 2 Murmuring Mystic ...

I hope that helps you!

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