Grappling Sundew

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Grappling Sundew

Creature — Plant

Defender, reach

: Grappling Sundew becomes indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy this creature.)

legendofa on Dream Tribal Commanders

3 years ago

My other dream commander is for Plant tribal. Since I got into botany, I've been noticing more and more how many games are made by animals. "No duh," I hear you thinking, "plants can't use computers." Well, there's more biological difference between Vinelasher Kudzu , Wall of Pine Needles , and Grappling Sundew than there is between Joven's Ferrets , Rysorian Badger , and Thieving Otter . Guess which group has unique creature types? And then you get into whatever Greater Mossdog and Bayou Groff are supposed to be, and the complete wrongness of Wall of Kelp . So at least give Plants something to unify as, instead of making Legendary Elf #56.

A Plant commander would probably have to ramp in some way. Saproling tokens might get involved as well. The best colors would probably be .

lagotripha on Hydratic Rampage

4 years ago

I highly reccomend avoiding expensive cards for first decks- if you are going to spend >$5 on a card, you want to be picking up a card that fits into lots of decks as a format staple (for green, stuff like Birds of Paradise). A lot of cards are expensive because there isn't enough supply for a format (in whiptongue's case, commander), rather than them being the best options. There are diminishing returns on copies of legendary creatures too, and no shortage of inexpensive cards that never quite made the cut into modern that are super fun. Old standard staples are frequently <$0.30

If there are hydras you want to spend money one anyway, pick up one and run tutors like Uncage the Menagerie.

If you get bored, start messing around with synergies; a lot of 5/6/7 drops are playable in a green ramp shell like this- some will perform outstandingly, and others can sit it out with minor cost.

In terms of fighting fliers, Grappling Sundew, Wall of Tanglecord or Traproot Kami offer a delay, there is a lot of cheap spot removal like Aerial Volley, multiplayer options like Clip Wings, sweepers like Corrosive Gale/Hurricane/Skyreaping, options to turn flying into a downside like Bower Passage/Dense Canopy, utility answers like Crushing Canopy and Crushing Vines, 'total shutdown' effects like Elvish Skysweeper, Scattershot Archer or Gravity Well.

Then there are options like a 'fight' subtheme using your own fliers- allowing for answers to more than just flying Foe-Razer Regent is a lot of fun, Frontier Siege is cute, Kraul Harpooner has seen competitive modern play in sideboards.

I really reccomend packing in one answer and a couple of planned search effects- knowing that Uncage the Menagerie can get you a Vastwood Hydra/Overgrown Battlement/Kraul Harpooner makes it decent when you only have a few options, while it encourages a relaxed and varied decklist.

Feed the clan sees great sideboard play for a reason- its a good card when facing lightning bolt effects, but if they have repeatable damage it starts looking lackluster. I'd look at creatures with lifegain stapled on- Gilded Goose will be rotating soon, and so should get cheap and remain somewhat relevant in that neiche, while cards like Healer of the Glade, Pelakka Wurm or Oracle of Nectars do the thing in the meantime.

Finally, the 'I'm optimising a deck' thing- with 24 basic lands you can swap for 2-3 utility lands. There are budget cards that fix major problems without competing for slots; Emergence Zone against counterspells, Labyrinth of Skophos/Mystifying Maze to Fog attackers, small-scale lifegain like Sapseep Forest/Glimmerpost/Radiant Fountain, card advantage like Memorial to Unity, manlands like Treetop Village or threats like Rogue's Passage.

The reason deckbuilding in casual magic is so fun is that there is rarely a 'right' answer- there are about twenty ways to solve any problem, and its more about which one you enjoy more than what exactly you pick. I had a deck which aimed to use Gutter Grime with Brindle Boar and Gristleback for a while and it did great. Look around, don't worry too much about optimising and have fun.

golgarigirl on Arcades Wall/Flicker

4 years ago

Other defenders to consider: Crashing Drawbridge , Wall of Junk , Geist of the Archives , Resolute Watchdog , Portcullis Vine , Suspicious Bookcase , Wakestone Gargoyle , Grappling Sundew

Ways to Win: Tower Defense , Tree of Redemption , Bar the Door , Solidarity , Slagwurm Armor , Meishin, the Mind Cage , Primal Rage , Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa

Flicker: Ghostway , Panharmonicon

Removal: Generous Gift , Arcane Denial

Other things: Search for Tomorrow , Treefolk Umbra , Brave the Sands , Guardian Project , Darksteel Plate

Notes: This deck has an absurdly low curve, and wants it's ramp in it's 1 slot, if it has much at all. Most good options are going to be a bit expensive if they're any good. Card draw shouldn't be a attention to what problems you run into while playing. Are you stalling for a way to push through? Do you need creature removal that isn't board clear? ETC.

gingerthewritingdog on No one can stop the wall!

4 years ago

High Alert should be in there as an extra way (besides Arcades and Assault Formation) to get your creatures attacking, Plumeveil is a great blocker but also can be a great attacker as it has flying, Wall of Denial is just all-around amazing, Grappling Sundew can deal with flyers as well as gaining indestructible for 5, and finally, Jeskai Barricade as a response to any removal spells your opponents might have.

Murphy77 on Hu-Wall(not really walls)-Ti.dek

5 years ago

Sorry, that was a bit rude,

If you are splashing green for Huatli, the Sun's Heart , then Tower Defense is a must-have. Imagine 3, 0/4 creatures and High Alert - Play Tower Defense and swing with 3, 8/8 creatures. Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive can then make all of your creatures unblockable. Slaughter the Strong gives you a cheap one-sided board-wipe. Dovin's Veto counters your opponent's board-wipes. This should be the core of your deck.

I rather like Suncleanser , but would back it up with 2 or 3 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive , Wall of Mist , Wall of Runes , Grappling Sundew and Resolute Watchdog . You want to aim for your first attack to be a one-turn-kill.

9-lives on

5 years ago

Is there a Standard equivalent of Consulate Skygate ? This would have been a perfect replacement for Grappling Sundew . Hover Barrier is also an illegal card for Standard that would have been very useful.

9-lives on

5 years ago


Adventurous Impulse only lets me choose one out of three, while I'm guaranteed a land card from Open the Gates . It seems that Open the Gates is more advantageous for lands.

I see that Opt is kind of useless unless I really need to draw a card; any alternatives?; Chemister's Insight is too much mana cost. I could also drop Opt, but I think I'll need them for drawing High Alert or Arcades, the Strategist .I don't think I really need Tower Defense when I have the other four instants as it costs 2 mana, especially one green which is rare for my deck, while Dive Down will be useful for bolts on Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive as it grants hexproof. And when I do get him on the field along with High Alert or Arcades, the Strategist and wall(s) then Aegis of the Heavens will be very useful.

I think removing Suncleanser would be useful and adding more mana cards in its stead as I have only 18 along with 4 Open the Gates , and I've tried the draw mechanic on the website on this deck, and I rarely draw enough land cards that I need. If I could entirely use blue and white except for Arcades, the Strategist, I would be a happy camper, but I think I'll really need reach from Grappling Sundew . Is there a Standard Legal flying card with 1 or less offense and high defense? I was thinking of Concordia Pegasus but only 3 damage is kind of a waste for 2 mana.

It all depends on my luck of the draw in this deck, as I need High Alert or Arcades, the Strategist with Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive early in the game with enough lands along with walls/creatures to sustain my game.

The only reason I'm playing Bant is for Arcades; otherwise if I could double my High Alerts then I would play Azorius. That would require drawing strength I do not know of in order to draw High Alert with only four of them in my deck.

musicskypirate on Arcades' Wall Tribal

5 years ago

I'm tempted to build very similar but drop the 4 of walls to 3 of's to cater for Grappling Sundew thus helping prevent that aerial damage from the current influx of Mono Blue and Drakes.

Nice build, think I'm going to adapt this slightly to my own store meta and bring it in over the weekend!

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