Lava Dart

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lava Dart


Lava Dart deals 1 damage to target creature or player.

Flashback — Sacrifice a Mountain. (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

5 months ago

halanvaina My main suggestion is to stop trying to build a deck around Crumbling Sanctuary... 5 mana is far too high for a card that only lets you begin to enact a plan. It also undoes any work you've done towards defeating your opponent before its cast.

Good red cards i'm seeing in the meta include:

^ all of the above seem to be fairly frequently used within the meta, as seen from the links already provided in my last post.

From your statement "Mono red is a difficult color to work with outside of aggro" - yes this is true. But one thing worth noting is that your deck isn't doing any of the typical things a non-aggro deck would be doing... so your current build is kindof aggro, just extremely slow. If you're wanting to build towards Midrange or Control, you need a LOT more interaction with the opponent to slow them down. If you're wanting your deck to be more geared towards Combo, then you need to have reliable ways to win the game extremely quickly. In any case you can't decide to be both a slow deck and a non-interactive deck - your deck needs to either be very fast, or very interactive (that is the case for all decks generally speaking).

From your other comments:

  • What specifically do you think Feldon's Cane is helping you with? You keep defending it in a super vague way but I'm seeing absolutely zero reason to be running it (I also just re-read Crumbling Sanctuary and realised Feldon's Cane doesn't even help with that, so I honestly have no idea what value you think this artifact is bringing).

  • The problem with Devastating Dreams is that it costs you and your opponent the same amount of lands and creatures - your deck includes both of these so you're unlikely to make any big advantages in this area (especially as your deck needs a LOT of lands to function). But then, it additionally costs you (and only you) a bunch of cards from your hand. I don't see how that every advantages you.

  • On your comment "It does damage to each creature, and makes the both of us sac ideally all of our lands". What do you gain from losing all your lands? As the opponent almost-assuredly has a lower mana-curve than you, won't they just get back into the game quicker? Especially as they'll still have a hand of cards. Yes it can work with Mogg Maniac but your deck isn't geared around pulling off this combo so it feels unlikely to give you a payoff high enough to warrant this interaction.

My suggestions would be as follows:

  • What archetype are you wanting this deck to slot into? If its aggro, you need to drastically lower the mana-curve (i.e, have nothing over 3 mana. You need to be able to reliably apply enough pressure to deal lethal by turn 4-5). If it's midrange, you still need to lower the mana-curve a bunch, but additionally you need a bunch of cards that interact with your opponents boardstate and slow them down. If it's control, you need to have the vast majority of your deck as interactive pieces and game-controlling effects. If its combo, you need to reliably be able to win the game by turn 4-5.

  • Once you know what archetype you're wanting to build, you need to decide what strategy you're wanting to enact here... so far it feels like there's no clear direction going on - I can assume by the name of the deck you're wanting to base this around Crumbling Sanctuary, which I can't ever see working unless you're building some form of control-shell, which will likely need more than just red as a colour-base. But in any case, you need to ditch all cards that aren't either enacting your plan, or strengthening the archetype you're in.

If you'd like I can try and build you some kind of example list, though i'd need to have a clear indicator to the answers of the above 2 questions on archetype and strategy.

GutterbonesMan on Axonil [Budget]: Most You Ever Lost On A Coin Toss

8 months ago

Thank you for the recs SufferFromEDHD!

I thought about Death Spark but wasn’t sure since this deck isn’t very creature heavy, might still try it out.

Release the Ants similar reason, relatively low CMC of this deck, might be worth considering though.

Lava Dart I like, just so hard to cut stuff at this point!

For Looming Spires and Teetering Peaks I avoid lands that come into play tapped, I also like that this deck is just all Mountains.

Akoum Hellkite is too expensive to play unfortunately for what I’m going for.

Cinder Pyromancer is another good maybe!

I had Defiler of Instinct originally but it mostly ended up sitting in my hand so I cut it.

Keldon Marauders is cool but I’m trying to keep more towards instants and sorceries.

Thanks again!

SufferFromEDHD on Axonil [Budget]: Most You Ever Lost On A Coin Toss

9 months ago

Death Spark finally found a home! Made for this God.

Release the Ants built in Buyback.

Lava Dart Gutshot #2

Looming Spires and Teetering Peaks to squeeze out a few extra points of damage.

Akoum Hellkite budget version of Valakut.

Cinder Pyromancer Budget version of Goblin Sharpshooter

Defiler of Instinct ramp and consistent damage.

Keldon Marauders a lot of damage for very little.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

10 months ago

jethstriker yeah i could see it being a potential local-meta-call for a particularly rough matchup.

UG infect hasn’t existed in a competitive meta since Wrenn and Six & Lava Dart got printed, and I can’t even remember seeing RG tron - but if you local meta has specific problems only a niche card can answer, then it’s always the correct choice to include it.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

10 months ago

9-lives if you're asking which brew you built is more competitive for modern burn, then it's going to be whichever list more-closely resembles the established list, which was you're Boros list.

I'm aware of what these red-green cards can do, I still don't think they're anywhere-near remotely playable, particularly in burn, and I've already detailed on why these cards feel unideal. But I'll give some further detail below:

  • Questing Druid is just a much slower Monastery Swiftspear. Yes the stat-buffs are permanent, but its at the cost of double the mana, no haste, and an initial toughness of 1, making it far too vulnerable to the abundant number of cards that deal 1 damage (Orcish Bowmasters, Wrenn and Six, Lava Dart, etc). The card is much better suited for longer, grindier games where its adventure and stat-buffs become more relevant - it's not useful in an archetype that's hoping for the game to be over on turn-4.

  • As stated earlier, burn decks never need more than 2 mana. By the time you can cast Black Market Tycoon, you already have all the mana you need to play the game. This card wastes a turn not dealing damage to the opponent, but also takes 2 full turns to create enough treasure to regain the mana you lost casting it to begin with. Burn has never had an issue with needing more than 2 lands, and so gaining treasure is largely pointless. Added to this, making treasure means this card isn't dealing damage, which means it's putting you further behind for achieving a turn-4 win.

  • Atarka's Command is situationally useful in some decks, which is why it's occasionally in some sideboards - however it needs to be stressed that the card isn't particularly useful for aggressive strategies. 99% of the time if you're putting this in a burn deck, you're either doing modes 1&2 (so, just a Skullcrack), or modes 2&4 (which is probably just doing 4 damage, so a Boros Charm). Remember that competitive burn is already not running Skullcrack at the moment, so that option isn't particularly powerful. The card isn't bad, but its not particularly strong when it means splashing green instead of the much-more capable white.

At the end of the day, you've already said you're playing a deck for being creative and having fun, and so if winning isn't a factor, then play whatever you want and don't worry about it. But if you are trying to make the deck stronger, then the correct option will always be to make changes which get the list closer to the established competitive list. In that vein, changing the deck from BW to BG will have made the overall deck weaker - not having options like Lightning Helix means you'll lose any burn-vs-burn matchups, as well as a lot of other aggro-races, and not having Boros Charm means missing out on one of burns biggest damage-dealing spells.

capwner on Shadow Clone Jutsu

10 months ago

Interesting concept, I'm more familiar with the Gruul version of this deck that uses Ground Rift, Lava Dart, Underworld Breach, and other fun red stuff. The red part of that deck seems really necessary to get the quick combo kills that make Rotpriest worth it. But maybe the control aspect you get from blue ends up being good too. My recs are to add Spellskite, this lets you get double activations off every targeted spell and it protects your priests. I'd also consider Phantasmal Image over Artisan of Forms because Image enters as a priest, while Artisan essentially wastes a trigger in order to do its clone effect. Also since you're in Simic maybe run Growth Spiral over Explore?

jarncards on All Will Burn

1 year ago

I'd use Faithless Looting, especially if you're using lava-dart. and for burn spells Lava Dart, Thunderclap, or Fireblast are probably better burn spells than your one mana spells. Being able to cast the burn on the turn you have All Will Be One + any combo piece is what you need most. I would main-deck include Pact of Negation even without blue mana and have a sideboard including 4x Pyroblast/4x Red Elemental Blast

other possible rituals include Simian Spirit Guide and Lotus Petal

Balaam__ on Pauper Red go BRRR

1 year ago

Having some experience in Pauper, this is a great and efficient list. I would however recommend one slight change. There are 12 pump spells reliant on creatures as the target, and you only run 8 bodies. I’d increase that to at least 12, maybe a playset of Thermo-Alchemist or something, as drawing into spells with nothing to target is a distinct possibility with the current setup.

Personally, I’d drop Lava Dart as it offers the weakest overall potential damage (even factoring in Flashback). You really want to take advantage of your pump spells as much as possible, as they’ll offer maximum damage for the cost.

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