Phyrexian Reclamation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Phyrexian Reclamation


, Pay 2 life: Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

Necramus on

3 weeks ago

Goldberserkerdragon it may be worth it to run things like Phyrexian Reclamation so you can avoid having your commander taxed into oblivion!

RufusTheGrufus on Anikthea's Enchanting Recycling Plant [Primer]

2 months ago

"That's just my 2cents, would love your thoughts.”

Oh boy, well I definitely have some thoughts!

“Creeping Ren - Yeah, it's definitely not as good as replenish. I suppose it depends on the amount of interaction/wipes in the meta and if you have enough card draw to bypass the grindy attrition.”

Yeah definitely, and on second thought it may be more appropriate to compare it to Phyrexian Reclamation. I'll probably have to playtest with Creeping Renaissance swapped in over it; I'm not sure yet which will be more cost intensive in the long run, and being able to hit different card types with Creeping Renaissance is really nice. I'm a bit hesitant though because it would dilute the enchantment count further and Phyrexian Reclamation is relevant way earlier in the game.

“Archon of Sun's Grace - It's nice, it makes tokens. For 4 mana, is there something better?”

Oh man, Archon of Sun's Grace is so much more than just a creature that makes tokens for four mana! Just In looking at it's stats, it's a ¾ with flying and lifelink, for four mana; which is an amazing cost rate. This list is pretty vulnerable to faster decks and/or decks with a lot of flying, so both the lifelink and the flying help keep me around till the mid/late game. On that same note, the tokens produced do the same exact thing. Because Archon of Sun's Grace triggers off of enchantments entering the battlefield, it's surprisingly easy to organically generate a game-winning number of tokens (either through combat damage or ping effects).

“Mindwrack Harpy - 4 mana, mill cards. I feel that there are other cards that can mill. I get it's an enchantment creature, I just wonder how impactful it is.”

Maybe it's just my playgroup in particular, but having flying creatures in a deck feels incredibly impactful on it's own. Like you've pointed out, it's an enchantment, so it will trigger the significant number of cards that care about enchantments that are built into this list. Additionally, it doesn't just mill yourself and provide you with more card selection for Anikthea's ability, it also mills each opponent. With just one Mindwrack Harpy, your opponents will likely be irritated and disrupted, but with a plethora of Mindwrack Harpy copies (which this deck is capable of doing!) you're also threatening to take players out of the game. It definitely has downsides in that it can assist other players who are also playing with their graveyard; but the fact that it happens on your turn helps balance that out a bit.

If I were to cut Mindwrack Harpy I'd want to slot in a similarly efficient, enchantment-based piece of card advantage. Flickering Ward could be interesting since it also doubles dips and acts as protection, but the card advantage efficiency is nowhere close unfortunately.

“I feel like in EDH, you are going to have a lot of stuff in your GY regardless."

Sometimes you will, sometimes you won't! There's so much variance just within a single deck, let alone across 4, that I wouldn't say it's guaranteed. And even then, I would rather be reliant on my own methods of getting cards into my graveyard, during my turn, rather than waiting for my opponents to interact with me in some way. For decks that rely on using their graveyard it's really important to be able to control when cards are put into the yard, rather than just passively waiting for your graveyard to fill, since graveyard hate is plentiful and easily accessible.

“Mirkwood Bats - As a finisher, do you need the redundancy? It cost a lot and without the setup doesn't seem too impactful.”

Mirkwood Bats I don't feel as passionate about but man, you really don't want me to have any flyers lol! The setup for this card is literally baked into the deck’s packages; and you wouldn't play any wincon cards before you're set up anyways (e.g., casting Craterhoof Behemoth with no other creatures)! Mirkwood Bats wasn't originally on my radar but eventually got added to this list back when I was more heavily playtesting it.

Because this list allows for a ton of tokens to be produced, oftentimes my turns would get obnoxiously long without being able to close out the game. Mirkwood Bats allows me to capitalize on tokens the second they're produced, as well as when I sacrifice them (which is way more rare, but definitely comes up).

In terms of redundancy I'm actually worried I may not have enough of these effects, but I also don't want to convert the list fully to an aristocrat build. I would not say that having four ping effects is redundant in a 100 card deck and, while I have various tutors to help mitigate that; I haven't found myself with an excess of pingers when playing this list (so far at least!).

legendofa on Grandeur in Commander

8 months ago

I had a Grandeur Commander concept with The Ever-Changing 'Dane. Get a Grandeur creature out, sac-copy it with 'Dane, and use something like Phyrexian Reclamation or Malevolent Awakening as recursion. I never built it, but I think there's a viable casual deck in there.

Belfore on Pestilence of Phyrexia

9 months ago

strong textAny price cap per card cause Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider is a bit pricey but fits very well into your deck. You might also consider Evolution Sage and also doing a text search on the gatherer for infect. You might also consider Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, Sheoldred  Flip, and Phyrexian Reclamation. that is just for starters.

ldvatwa on Volrath: No School, like Old School

10 months ago

I love that you run all the old versions of these great cards. I remember pulling those versions of Avatar of Woe, Mutilate, and Phyrexian Reclamation out of packs. Good times!

Pheardemons on Mishra's Relentless Horde

1 year ago


Phyrexian Reclamation was there as a way to get the token generatros back like Krenko, Mob Boss. I do understand the potential of taking it out.

War Cadence has not been tested as it is the newest addition. I liked the idea of politicing. Plus, it was a win condition giving my creatures essentially unblockable. I'll think about it.

Vedalken Orrery is one of those cards I include in almost all of my decks. It is always a good choice. However, I do understand the fact that this deck usually wins on my turn in combat, so it may not be NEEDED here.

Because I have Wound Reflection and Archfiend of Despair I was debating on City on Fire. It rarely wins the turn it comes down and it tells the whole table what I'm about to do on my next turn. Granted, blocking creatures still triple damage.

Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin was another one that has been kind of subpar. If I can get it down turn two or three it is a powerhouse. Late game it's pretty bas as it has small attack and is required to attack.

Last_Laugh on The GOAT of GOAD

1 year ago

Phyrexian Reclamation would be a great way to repeatably get Kardur back and avoid commander tax.

Try Plumb the Forbidden in Read the Bones slot. Just sac'ing Kardur nets you the same 2 cards but the ceiling is much higher and it's a sort of anti boardwipe tech that keeps your grip full afterwards.

Pain Magnification can be triggered by you or your opponents (just not against you). This card could be bonkers here. I think of it as a "curse all opponents" effect.

Emberwilde Captain is good card draw here, deters attacks when you can't goad, and the monarchy is easy to hold if you goad consistently.

Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant is admittedly a bit group huggy, but it is an excellent source of card draw that goads.

Bothersome Quasit will turn the chaos up to 11 if you can consistently goad.

Vengeful Ancestor is another fun card in goad decks. It's especially punishing against go-wide strategies.

Anyways, I hope that helps. I ran Marisi for goad personally but am familiar with the archtype. The deck looks good.

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