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Metallic Sliver
Artifact Creature — Sliver

kingofcramers on
Shiver me slivers
2 years ago
Quick Sliver can be pretty saucy. Also, I feel like 4 Metallic Sliver might actually be solid for early beats, plus they're easy to play. I really like the sentinel too. Looks solid tho
MagicMarc on
5color Sliver
2 years ago
It is nice to see you making changes in a good direction with the deck!
Regarding your land; I would suggest spreading out your basics. You have a lot of plains but only a singleton or so in the other colors. Even it out as best you can since you are playing a 5 color deck. If anything, I would go higher on forests than any other basic because your mana slivers are green and your spells to get more land are green.
About the cards you added to the deck; I would drop Dormant Sliver, Metallic Sliver and The Locust God and add in Brood Sliver, Toxin Sliver, and Kindred Summons. Dormant Sliver is a trap. The card draw sounds awesome but when you play it you take away the one thing that slivers do best, Attack! You should never be on the defensive with a tuned sliver deck. Your opponents need to be. Metallic Sliver is a contradiction of Sliver Tribal. It is a vanilla sliver that adds no new ability to the tribe. It should never be in any Sliver deck. About the The Locust God. I understand how good this card is, but this is a Sliver deck and not a token Izzet deck. Save that for a different deck. Drop it for Galerider Sliver, Diffusion Sliver, or Venom Sliver. Seriously speaking, giving Slivers flying or death touch will just win games and you won't miss The Locust God.
About making more room in the deck; You have a lot of spells for a tribal creature deck and there is a little room to shave. I would suggest removing Aphetto Dredging, Bala Ged Recovery Flip, and Chain Reaction. Aphetto Dredging just does not do enough in this deck. To begin with, you need to have played and lost three Slivers to see its total benefit. So if you arent losing Slivers or did not play any good ones, this card is dead in your hand in many games. I would try to get a copy of Haunting Voyage instead. Casting this can flip a game in your favor. It is the same with Bala Ged Recovery Flip. No one Sliver is important enough to get back by itself so unless a card gets them all back or puts them into play then it is just sub-par. You already have a bunch of removal, maybe even too much so I would cut Chain Reaction. It is not one-sided and does not have any extra benefit. Replace all three of these with more slivers. Especially from the list I already suggested.
You need to focus on what the deck is. It's all about Slivers. Any card in your deck that is not a Sliver should already have it's value questioned by you. So it has to do something great to win games or help you win games to stay in the deck. Anything else can be cut for more Slivers.
Most of your other cards are good support, removal or counters. I think you could still shave a few more cards but I would wait to see after you make adjustments and play the deck for a while before cutting anything else. Once you have more Slivers in the deck and in play during games you should see a big change in it's performance.
Omniscience_is_life on Ghalta Primal Hunger effect stack …
3 years ago
It seems like there's a few things to clear up here:
the mana cost of a card never changes, even if you can cast it for less. That is to say, a Metallic Sliver always has a mana cost of 1, even if you have Foundry Inspector in play and can cast it for 0.
activating the Scavenge ability of a creature isn't the same thing as casting it: Ghalta, Primal Hunger only cost less if you're casting it.
You can link to a card as I did above by doing something like this:
[[Ghalta, Primal Hunger]]
Doombeard1984 on
4 years ago
ok then. So I would suggest (if your budget permits) a Sliver Legion. It is a strictly Sliver Coat of Arms. Speaking of CoA, I would probably actually cut it for the Sliver Legion. You could also look at things like Shared Animosity and Magma Sliver. I suggest dropping the Coat of Arms because the effect from this is symmetrical. I am a "greedy" player. If I bring an effect to the table, I want it for me only :) .
So, I don't want to be the guy to suggest infect... However, if you are going all out attack Triumph of the Hordes is a good finisher.
Metallic Sliver seems a little like filler. I tend to look at cards and say "If I pull this card, am I going to be happy". I don't see a time when you pull this that you are happy.
Brood Sliver could also be a really good include. Lots of extra Sliver tokens for your Hive. If this is something you want to lead into, you could look at Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives or Doubling Season as well. At the very expensive end of this, you could look at Sliver Queen. Her, plus any doubler and Basal Sliver means, infinite sliver tokens!!
I think some draw would be useful for you too. YOu never want to be running out of gas. Guardian Project and The Great Henge are possibilities. With the henge, remember, if your Commander is out, it will only cost due to the cost reducing effect.
Also, sometimes you just need to boardwipe. Either the board has become too crazy, or you are wanting to "turn sideways". If you got Sliver Hivelord out you can afford to destroy all your opponents creatures as you are rocking indestructible. Wrath of God, Damnation are one of a multitude of wraths. Also, everyones favorite, Cyclonic Rift can always open your opponent up for the end.
Hopefully that gives you some ideas. And of course
So, thats some ideas at least. Hope it gives you stuff to think about.
Delta295 on
R/W Slivers
5 years ago
Metallic Sliver is not modern legal, I would recommend Sidewinder Sliver in its place. With the amount of evasion you have ( Cloudshredder Sliver , Bonescythe Sliver , and Lavabelly Sliver ), I don't think you need the Bladeback Sliver , even if you were able to empty your hand of instants. if you are looking for somehting with a similar effect, you could use Cautery Sliver . anouther option would be to keep the Bladeback Sliver , and replace the Metallic Sliver with Sentinel Sliver , so you could attack, defend, and tap them for the extra damage at the opponents end step, as opposed to trying to balance all three
Strangelove on
The First Sliver (archived)
5 years ago
Hey Sectiron, +1 for you mate!
Here's my (casual?) list: Slivers/ First/ Lords
Clearly you've given it some thought, but it reads like you're underestimating your excludes... unless you're under-tuning for casual, tbf.
I wanted to list a few combos in case you missed them ;)
Morophon, the Boundless + Pulmonic Sliver + Guardian Project (etc) + Darkheart Sliver (or Basal Sliver + Metallic Sliver (etc))... infinite life (or infinite mana).
Pulmonic Sliver + Dormant Sliver + Basal Sliver + Metallic Sliver (or Changeling Outcast or Universal Automaton )(or Mindlash Sliver )... infinite mana (and stax).
...and more I'm sure!
...Basically, Morophon, the Boundless , Sliver Queen , and Pulmonic Sliver go infinite in many ways... and Dormant Sliver , Basal Sliver (aka Ashnod's Altar ) , and Darkheart Sliver are all really good.
...as are Firewake Sliver (it gives haste) and Mindlash Sliver . Really, any sacrifice in general would let you play and turn off Dormant Sliver / Harmonic Sliver (aka Aura Shards )/ Crystalline Sliver /(etc) as well as capitalize on board wipes.
Ramp feels really nice... why not play more? Resigning yourself to 5 mana sounds miserable! I agree cascading into ramp is a bummer, but if you play 2:1 cards like Skyshroud Claim , (etc), you'll consistently play your commander as well as protect yourself from land hate (...it is too easy to deny the WUBRG player).
Also, play way more 1-drops, including non-Slivers. I personally like Phyrexian Reclamation and have been testing Reconnaissance . Currently my only 0-drop is Summoner's Pact , which effectively lets me stop cascading through <100 cards, tutor, and then shuffle. Your current setup is torture! Cascading for a single 1-drop (which you can't skip and just tutor) into <3 0-drops? You're flipping and shuffling way too much for a single rock! Either way, though, it looks like fun.
My tables are also casual, but Slivers are arch-enemy... no matter what! Embrace it :)
Hopefully this was helpful. glhf!
Verbatiam on
WUBRG Sliver V9.0.0
6 years ago
Slivers is my pet archtype so appologies if I go a little overboard with this comment
also one card thats really win more with slivers is Kindred Summons
On the topic of Artifacts they can be really useful in a budget 5 colour deck as they work with whatever colours you happend to have out. Most of your artifacts are good, I'd just cut Hedron Archive and Tamiyo's Journal, the former because you really need coloured mana and the latter because its a really slow tutor and not very good source of cards. I'd recommend adding Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, and Heartstone (Heartstone is especially good). If you find more space in the deck I'd also recommend signets for your major colours as they can convert 1 colour that you dont need to 2 that you do.
All in all I really love the deck and it fills me with nostalga for my old Sliver deck (it was my first ever commander deck). Hope some of this helps and I'd be happy to talk about what I've said more (hope this isn't way to much)
Valengeta on
Budget Slivers
6 years ago
My advice is to stick with a White and Green deck, you have the base slivers there like Sinew Sliver, Muscle Sliver, Brood Sliver, Horned Sliver, Bonescythe Sliver, Gemhide Sliver, Ward Sliver, Might Sliver, Manaweft Sliver, Essence Sliver and Sidewinder Sliver there, plus some more but these are the greatest ones for me. With them you can splash more colors to use Crystalline Sliver, Necrotic Sliver, Sliver Queen, Sliver Legion, Sliver Overlord and Sliver Hivelord, which are the ones with most value in my opinion outside Selesnya colors, although there are some good ones too in Blue and Red. Metallic Sliver is a good and cheap body but with no abilities of its own. Also get non-creatures spells that allow you to draw, tutor or fix your hand/deck for more creatures, as well as things to protect said creatures from boardwipes and individual kill spells. Check my sliver deck to get a more accurate idea of what I'm saying please Merciless Aliens
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