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Said on Kroxa cedh - …...

  • how u want to discard your Worldgorger with "Necropotence" on battlefield ? o.0 Your deck is kind a weird, i guess u dont have too much experience playing with "Discard Kroxa" cEDH ?

  • how your "Sire Of Insanity" works with necropotence ? o.0 u should replace them by enchanment "Oppresion"

  • i rly dont see any kind of speed here... Night's Whisper is too weak and slow... yes u draw 2 cards but u lost 2 mana on sorcery speed it's great card but too slow and expensive in cEDH.

  • Thrill of Posibility replace by "Cathartic Pyre" - if u need to remove opponents Dauthi / Dranith u deal 3 damage, i u need discard Worldgorger u chose second option.

Best speed for Kroxa is:

turn 1) land, cast entomb (put Vilis on grave), mox diamond or lotus petal cast reanimate, put Vilis on battlefield, lose 8 life, draw 8 cards , cast enother 0 mana ramp for example chrome mox, cast burnt offering, sac Villis add 8 mana in any combination red/black cast your combo from hands, tutor , stax, draw engine etc <-- this could happen in turn 1 or u can cast "Yawgmoth's Will" and again reanimate Villis, draw additional 8 card, cast additional stax / tutor and win on next turn with counterspell on hand etc.

this is scenario when u draw in first turn 17 cards... this is how it should work on cEDH

  • u should consider to add in your deck new cards in cEDH meta like: "Tinybones Joins Up", "Chthonian Nightmare" (which combo with Dockside to generate infinite mana) or "Tinybones, the Pickpocket" wich can steal "Mystic Remora"
July 26, 2024 12:40 p.m.

MTG Decks

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Prototype Decks 1
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Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank 1101
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Joined 2 years