Grim Initiate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Grim Initiate

Creature — Zombie Warrior

First strike

When Grim Initiate dies, amass 1. (Put a +1/+1 counter on an Army you control. If you don't control one, create a 0/0 black Zombie Army creature token first.)

TheOfficialCreator on Rakdos I play your deck

2 weeks ago

Laughing Jasper Flint would excel in your gameplan, and Grim Initiate or Shambling Ghast would be good 1-drops.

Professor Onyx stands out as not being great for the gameplan, I highly recommend Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools. Great sack outlet with great card draw, AND steals your opponent's commanders. In that same vein, Brainstealer Dragon.

BruhYouFarted on Rakdos Aristocrats

2 years ago

Also, I would personally either chuck the com-bo into the sun or go all in. Is this a combo deck, or an aggro/stompy one? Because if you're going aggro, you have 7 wasted slots, and if you're playing combo, you have 32. All in, or duck out. Simple as that.

If you want to go stompy, I'd personally recommend Nested Shambler or Grim Initiate for their Double-Lives, and possibly a full set of Myr Servitor for grindy matches. If going in for the combo, go with Viscera Seer, Dusk Legion Zealot, Street Wraith, and Sign in Blood; with an Impact Tremors in the back because Spoiler Alert: Control Decks don't care too much about your 99/99 Carrion Feeder unless you're able to wrestle them into submission with your lack of card advantage.

This is not meant to be harsh, just to say the reality. I wish we were in a Magical Christmas Land where this kind of decks can fly, however that is not the timeline we live in.

MTGStinky on Maybe a decent Cavalcade deck?

2 years ago

Man, I had my fun with cavalcade deck and by looking at your deck, I would like to tell you about few suggestion (I am no pro player, just want to share what worked for me)

  1. I do not see any extra card draw, don't you have problem with getting zero card hand after few turns? What about Light Up the Stage ?
  2. Raid Bombardment seems useless. Cost one more mana than Cavalcade + without extra card draw, I would be scared to run into hand when I have only enchantements and no creatures after board wipe
  3. I am not a big fan of Chandra's Pyreling since it do not have trample and can be blocked with 1/1. I prefer Chandra's Spitfire + Torch Courier for surprise.
  4. Grim Initiate + Heartfire was pretty good. Also Initiate have first strike so you may strike for 1 and THEN sacrifice it to the face, boosting Spitfire even more.
  5. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell for extra boost.

Anyway I really love how you include Spikefield Hazard  Flip and Bomat Courier . Both of them seem to be pretty epic to add into my version. Thank you for sharing.

prettyjesus on Winota $100 Budget - That's Boros Baby!

2 years ago

27JUL2021 changes


  1. Memnite relatively vanilla, and somehow quite expensive towards our budget (~$5). Instead Legion Loyalist which can also trigger (even on a top deck), and gives us much-needed evasion.
  2. Phyrexian Walker also pretty vanilla, replacing with Grim Initiate . Why? Grim gives us something on a board wipe, to help us recover
  3. Auratouched Mage (which also comes out with the next card).. it isn't quite as broken as it may seem. Gets chump blocked and doesn't do quite much. Add in Goblin Rabblemaster to give us more dudes
  4. Breath of Fury comes out if Aura Mage does, it's a combo that isn't too great. Let's add in Anax, Hardened in the Forge to give us more board wipe survivability
  5. Victory's Envoy is a tough cut, but is a bit slow. Only is very good if we have gobs of tokens. Add in Mother of Runes for obvious reasons

Randobot on Champion of the Crackling Club

3 years ago

+4 Grim Initiate +2 goblin balloon brigade +1 crackling club

Goblin_Guide on Warrior tribal

3 years ago

I would lose the Herald of Dromoka for a cheap ass warrior or another lord. Cheap ones: Aven Skirmisher, Dragon Hunter (it's a 2/1 for one with upside), Goblin Cohort, Grim Initiate, Mardu Shadowspear, Mardu Woe-Reaper (should at least be in the sideboard), Somberwald Vigilante, Vampire Lacerator, and of course, the best one, Zurgo Bellstriker.

Suns_Champion on Kick Start My Heart | Winota, Joiner of Forces EDH

4 years ago

Okay WOW I am behind on comments! I will try to make this quick, so I apologize if I sound rude or blunt!

ScionsStillLive tajic's protection is too niche.

martin3141 thanks! Wily Goblin seems neat, but I think Winota on turn 3 isn't a priority. I'd rather spend 2 mana to get two tokens, and then something else on turn 3, then finally play Winota. Spectral Procession = mana base problems. Creatures that leave behind tokens when dying would be a fantastic route to take Winota, if there were enough of them! Grim Initiate does seem particularly good as a one-drop. Don't like land destruction so no Raiders. My experience with Leave / Chance has been lukewarm at best. Thanks for the comment!

raspberryfish25 thank you! I had considered all the cards you mentioned but felt like I had better options. As for Fumigate over better board wipes... well I had one and didn't want to spend more money than I already was haha! Thanks for the comment!

jconeil1988 I have! I guess my problem with him is that at 4cmc he interrupts when I want to cast Winota. And only gives one token. I'd rather spend two mana for two tokens.

ImperatorFurioso and Coward_Token yeah whoops! The prototype button was still clicked. Fixed.

Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner feels a little awkward. I'll have to think about her. But yeah Mangara, the Diplomat will find a slot.

Sorry I had to rush through everyone! Thank you all SO much for the comments and suggestions, it does mean a lot to me!

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