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1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Keldon Firebombers
Creature — Human Soldier
When Keldon Firebombers enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices all lands he or she controls except for three.

Ender666666 on
Magitek Machinations (Feldon Dragons)
4 months ago
Hey Optimator, have you considered spamming Keldon Firebombers? I always found it fun :)
Ender666666 on
Feldon of the Third Path - Reanimator Control
4 months ago
Hi, I used to run Keldon Firebombers in my Feldon deck to great effect. Have you considered them?
BlueStar220 on
Marchesa, the Black Rose
1 year ago
Keldon Firebombers can be good. But I would rather it also destroy artifacts and creatures. For this deck, I think the more it can reset the board, the better. I actually used to have four land destruction cards in the deck: Jokulhaups, Devastation, Obliterate, and Bearer of the Heavens.
But since I have so many draw and search cards in the deck, I'm actually able to very consistently obtain a land wipe. After many games, I've noticed that I would often end up with two or more MLD in my hand. At that point, the excess were just duds. So I decided to remove Devastation and Bearer of the Heavens to make room for cheaper cards that were more useful. After lowering the average CMC, I was also able to put in more non land cards. Which I also felt made it better.
I've looked at your deck, and I think it's VERY good. I especially liked the combos you have in the deck. My deck doesn't really have too many permanents that are sac outlets, so I probably wouldn't be using those specific combos. Which I'm ok with, since I like keeping +1 counters on my creatures to prep for a MLD.
It's just a different way of winning. But again, very good job on the Marchesa deck!
Ender666666 on
Murders and Acquisitions (Marchesa Superiority)
1 year ago
I prefer Keldon Firebombers because they really are effectively MLD, but they don't hurt as much because everyone gets to keep some stuff.
I especially liked them in my Feldon of the Third Path deck, where 3 mana was all I needed to keep recurring them.
Jokulhaups hits all my artifacts, which feels bad to me.
(that said, I get your point and don't disagree)
(I guess the thought of Marchesa sending a Firesquad to torch her enemies just plays better in my narrative thana huge natural disaster)
Ender666666 on
Murders and Acquisitions (Marchesa Superiority)
1 year ago
Question to the masses... Is Keldon Firebombers too mean to play in this deck, once I establish a board presence?
Ender666666 on
Marchesa, the Black Rose
1 year ago
If MLD is your plan, try Keldon Firebombers perhaps?
MeneerDutchy on
Henzie “The Toolman” Taylor ETB
2 years ago
Torgaar, Famine Incarnate Dusk Mangler Gruul Ragebeast Hornet Queen Meteor Golem Overseer of the Damned Regal Force Rune-Scarred Demon Terror of Mount Velus Titan of Industry Verdant Sun's Avatar Baleful Beholder Bane of Progress Blight-Breath Catoblepas Blitz Leech Brutalizer Exarch Cleanup Crew Dakmor Lancer Dark Hatchling Duplicant Earthshaker Giant Goremand Grave Titan Great Oak Guardian Greenwarden of Murasa Kodama of the East Tree Kogla, the Titan Ape Massacre Wurm Noxious Gearhulk Patron of the Vein Ravager Wurm Regal Behemoth Soul of the Harvest Sower of Discord Thief of Blood Ulvenwald Hydra Whiptongue Hydra Bloodtithe Collector Blossom Prancer Cavalier of Thorns Conclave Naturalists Custodi Lich Demanding Dragon Emrakul's Hatcher Fury Giant Ambush Beetle Gilt-Leaf Winnower Gray Merchant of Asphodel God-Eternal Rhonas Gruesome Scourger Ingot Chewer Indrik Stomphowler Invader Parasite Keldon Firebombers Massacre Girl Mindclaw Shaman Morkrut Banshee Nessian Game Warden Obsidian Charmaw Pharika's Mender Phyrexian Delver Predatory Nightstalker Priest of the Blood Rite Puppeteer Clique Qasali Slingers Regisaur Alpha Serpent Assassin Shadowborn Demon Shriekmaw Silverglade Elemental Stuffy Doll Stingerfling Spider Whiptail Moloch Wei Assassins Wild Celebrants Agent of Erebos Ancestral Statue Balustrade Spy Bloodboil Sorcerer Bramble Sovereign Cackling Fiend Carrion Imp Chain Devil Coal Stoker Dagger Caster Disciple of Bolas Dread Presence Flametongue Kavu Foundation Breaker Grief Intellect Devourer Kozilek's Predator Llanowar Empath Masked Admirers Mausoleum Turnkey Misfortune Teller Myconid Spore Tender Nekrataal Nantuko Cultivator Ondu Giant Oxidda Scrapmelter Quirion Trailblazer Rampant Rejuvenator Ravenous Chupacabra Sawblade Slinger Slippery Bogbonder Solemn Simulacrum Summoner's Egg Sylvan Messenger Traxos, Scourge of Kroog Umori, the Collector Voice of Many
Steven89 on
Sneaky Purphy B. [Primer I guess]
3 years ago
Hi Hercules23 :)
thanks for your input. I also had Feldon as the commander before Purphoros and I completely agree with you. The same goes for your description about red and MLD (I also have a Ruric Thar whose strategy is exactly what you described, by breaking parity with MLD). This is why I never considered including MLD in Purphy B.
Regarding the MDFC Lands, this deck generally cannot play upfront (it happened like two times for me) so having lands enter the battlefield tapped when you need them untapped is less punishing for this deck (unlike for a combo deck or interaction heavy decks, those decks really need untapped lands) However, I agree that the cost of them coming into play tapped is meta dependant. I wouldnt want to play those cards if my meta is highly tuned and the games are over at turn 6 in average. In my meta, the games take a bit longer and having them come into play tapped is rarely a downside because of the philosophy of this deck/my playstyle: I either am not being attacked by my opponents because I often have open mana (I might have a fatty to cheat into play to block their haymakers/valuable creatures) or I am just not threatening (either because I dont even have Purphy B. out or no real hand to deliver fatal damage). In all those cases, drawing a MDFC land from the top with no other lands in hand in a situation in which I really need a untapped land is rarely a real downside because of the reasons stated above. This might seem not convincing, but I played and still play this deck a ton and have >50 games with the MDFC lands included and it happened only once or twice where it really hurt. There were far more games in which these niche "extra" spells performed extremely good, especially Kazuul's Fury Flip. Spikefield Hazard Flip also plays better than it looks, there are many value creatures with toughness 1 and Spikefield Hazard also prevents reanimation shenanigans and graveyard based combos which your opponents never expect from a mono red deck with only one mountain untapped. I can totally see your point though and understand you having doubts about those inclusions. I can just say: You should really give them a try :)
Keldon Firebombers You are totally right, the wheel argument I made is a weak one, I tried to justify my cut :D But still, I had to cut something. This list is so tight... It seems rather easy to cut other stuff like Bolt or Abrade but this would be the wrong way.
Ryusei, the Falling Star the "without flying" part is a real downside, at least in my meta. I'd rather have unconditional mass damage like in Crater Hellion and for most creatures 4 damage is enough :)
Spinerock Knoll Damn, that one totally flew under my radar, thanks for pointing that out!
Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion Yeah I was thinking about this one before. You are completely right, it cycles through my hand and even better: It costs 4 mana and can be thus played before Purphy B. which is a huge advantage: Many of the value creatures like Neheb, the Eternal or Terror of the Peaks cost 5 cmc which makes it wierd and not optimal since Purphy B. need to be played asap. I haven't found a cut for this Neheb, as I'd rather have a wheel effect. The wheel costs less mana and gives me unconditionally a new hand whereas this Neheb needs to connect. Also, you can never generate card advantage with this card. The "downside" of a wheel though (my opponents get a new hand) can be neglected as I am usually the person with the emptiest hand and thus gain the most value of a wheel. If I weren't playing all those wheel effects I would totally play this card :)
Extra Combat cards: Yeah, they are soooo good and you are again right^^ I am honest, so far I have 2 extra combat step cards in my list Scourge of the Throne and Moraug, Fury of Akoum and I haven't felt the need for more extra combat step cards. I guess I could include one more card. If you include to many of those extra combat step cards, you will reach a treshold at which they become less effective since you have less "beef" that benefit from those extra step cards. This is also why I decided against both the cards you mentioned in favor for the scourge and Moraug: They are themselves big beaters and can deal insane amount of damage without the help of other beaters. Moraug alone won me games (I had devotion of 5, so that Purphy B. was able to attack and I had 2 fetch lands available). Also, winning with Purphy B. mostly boils down to one explosive combat step. Combant Celebrant with "only" one extra combat step is certainly worse. Port Razer has the potential to have more than one extra combat step, but he needs to connect which is not guaranteed at all. Granted, Scourge also provides only one extra combat step, but, as I said, this guy is beefy on its own, and a dragon for Dragon's Hoard .
Everflowing Chalice I missed that one :) thanks
Regarding MLD: I completely agree with everything you said (it really is silly for green mages to complain while they stomp faces with 20 mana on turn 6) except for one thing: You won't win a game "fast" with 3 mana left and Purphy B. out after setting everything back with MLD or resource denial. You beat face for one time and then your creature dies. You might have Mimic Vat or Sundial of the Infinite or any other recursion but half of the MLD cards also destroy artifacts. You also need to get back to 3 mana after MLD cards like Jokulhaups / Obliterate which will be troublesome as those cards cost 6-7 mana, so you probably already played most if not all of your lands and rocks. If you reach that game state in which you have 6-7 mana available your hand is most likely rather empty, so you most likely wont have enough beater to deal with the whole table. "Not having enough beater to deal with the whole table" is exactly why you usually cannot play upfront with this commander. This is why you actually need your opponents to deal damage among them, so you can close out the game in an explosive turn with your limited beef (see philosophy, and yes, this is why this deck usually sucks hard if only combo and blue mages are on the table). MLD and also stuff like Smoke / Mudslide actually prevents exactly that: Since you are denying your opponents resources, they will stay at high life points which means that your average beater (that was cheated into play and dies after one turn) is just not enough. You'd rather want to hardcast them in this state of the game which is impossible though because of MLD. My point is: I do not thinkg that having an indestructible commander is a reason enough for playing MLD. You would need card- and mana-generating permanents like Chandra, Torch of Defiance or Outpost Siege that won't get destroyed by MLD.
Treasonous Ogre and Alena: I dont really see the need of having big mana in this deck. It is counterintuitive as this deck is all about circumventing the big mana costs with the ability of Purphy B. Maybe you can convince me otherwise :)? I could see those cards worth running, if your meta adapted to your commander by always saving the removal card for him. This is actually the biggest weakness of this deck. Handling Purphy B. once is devastating as 7 cmc is not always in reach.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx True, no real downside, but the devotion of this deck is usually quite low as there is almost no board presence except for the turns in which you attack. It might be advantageous in exactly those moments to have 2-3 more mana available during that turn, maybe just enough to cheat an additional creature into play. Just be careful not to include too many of colorless lands :)
Have (2) | metalmagic , reikitavi |
Want (1) | Atzaru |