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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Patron of the Nezumi
Legendary Creature — Spirit
Rat offering (You may cast this card at any time you could cast an instant by sacrificing a Rat and paying the difference in mana costs between this and the sacrificed Rat. Mana cost includes colour.)
Whenever a permanent is put into an opponent's graveyard, that player loses 1 life.

Balaam__ on
Mind Robbers
4 years ago
Patron of the Nezumi is worth taking a look at. Between it, Duskmantle Guildmage and Mindcrank you’d have a brutal way to close out a game.
Deadpoo111 on
Memento Mori: Remember That You Must Die
4 years ago
There's a promo of Brain Maggot that is absolutely disgusting and perverse, I think it'd be pretty cool.
In terms of extra cards, I'd suggest some legendary creatures from the Kamigawa blocks, not only is their art exactly what you're looking for, but some have the same theme as your deck. Here's the ones I would suggest:
- Seizan, Perverter of Truth
- Iname, Death Aspect
- Patron of the Nezumi
- Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
- Kuro, Pitlord
- Yukora, the Prisoner
Some extra weird cards that I've found in my journey's:
- Greel, Mind Raker
- Ashling, the Extinguisher
- Geth, Lord of the Vault
- Macabre Waltz
- Treacherous Urge
- Mindstab Thrull
- Blood Funnel
- Kheru Bloodsucker
Overall, really cool deck theme! I'd put in an Underworld Dreams because it's pretty creepy and goes great with your theme +1
Oh yeah! and you should take out Jungle Hollow and Bloodfell Caves!
Amb130 on
So Many Rats!
5 years ago
Thornbite Staff. Absulutely nuts with Marrow-Gnawer. Besides that the deck looks pretty sweet. I'd personally cut Patron of the Nezumi for maybe another sac outlet to keep Skullclamp usable after getting a lord effect and and switch Graveshifter for Phyrexian Reclamation for repeatable recursion.
Chesu on
Rat Commander
5 years ago
Your landbase is pretty solid, but the ramp could do with an increase. Things like Wayfarer's Bauble and Expedition Map will speed things up along with Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotus which excels in mono-colored decks. Plague Wind is just Damnation but costs an extra 5 mana. Patron of the Nezumi is also way too slow for any commander deck. The rat sac'd to lower the cmc just isn't worth it. Plague of Vermin will almost certainly be your downfall against any kind of lifegain deck at the table. Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni only works in a couple of situations and could be replaced with a 2 cmc card like Burglar Rat , Gutter Skulk or Pack Rat that last one is personally my favourite of the bunch. Anyways I think the biggest problem with the deck is the high cmc cards with not enough benefit.
Jamminmagician on
Blood Tax
6 years ago
Ben's Recommendations:
Armillary Sphere or Wayfarer's Bauble
Solemn Simulacrum I know, he's annoying and expensive and in every deck but he RAmPS AND DRAWS AND IS COLOURLESS LIKE BLEH
Pristine Talisman Triggers your life-gain abilities.
Gravestorm MAN that theming
Ob Nixilis Reignited one of THE cheapest walkers around
Krav, the Unredeemed and his partner Regna, the Redeemer can generate card advantage by searching for each other, seem to be on theme (life gain and tokens are both parts of this deck, see your commander for details, but krav specifically lets you draw a shit TON of cards. Also, gives you some sac outlet ability and ridiculously tiny activation cost)
Necropotence this IS a more expensive card and with good reason. But of all the "more expensive card draw" cards i believe it is the LEAST more expensive. Seriously this card blows games out. (SIDENOTE this works SUPER WELL with your axis of mortality, necropotence yourself to 1 in response to the trigger then swap with someone to go right back to 35)
Harvester of Souls Gimme card draw for your creatures. Tax'ing the hell out of the entry to hell.
Actually on-theme cards that are really mean:
Magus of the Abyss There's a REASON people refer to chumping every turn as abyss-ing
Infernal Darkness a card you can probably find for 3$ or less, ruins people's happy fun times (except you)
Call to the Grave See above regarding magyss of the abyss.
Patron of the Nezumi Pay the death tax
World Queller This one's especially spicy cause you can choose a permanent type you DON'T have one of.
Angelic Arbiter A little high on the curve tbh but does make your opponents choose combat or spells
Aura of Silence I really think this is a must-have card for this strat.
Archfiend of Depravity New government law, every player shall have no more than 2 creatures. Communism at work, the government gets as many as it wants.
Magister of Worth A VERY thematic board wipe. (it will ALWAYS be a board wipe)
Cliffhaven Vampire For all those extorts and life linkers.
Leonin Arbiter Seriously punishes decks with greedy manabases and green decks
Aven Mindcensor See Leonin Arbiter
Oathsworn Vampire This guy is great card advantage and a recurrable chump for your "symmetric" forced sacrifice effects
Windborn Muse Better than Baird IMO
Orb of Dreams EVERYTHING is tapped
Utter End Seems to me a better card than Mortify, even if it costs 1 more.
Hushwing Gryff Flash torpor orb fucks SO MANY DECKS
Descent into Madness Although this is only particularly strong if you have a huge draw-engine to keep exiling bad cards from your hand instead of permanents.
Words of Waste Can be powerful but may require too much tuning of mana/draw to be actually good.
Kataki, War's Wage expensive but powerful effect.
That's all for now. too many options honestly.
JibJig on
6 years ago
Cards I'd cut:
Aberrant Researcher Flip - There are better options to throw cards into your own graveyard. Examples include Sultai Ascendancy or Search for azcanta which will later let you Anticipate each turn.
Accursed Witch Flip - Curses alienate one player and make them hate you. You don't want people to hate you in EDH. Also curses aren't very good to begin with.
Ashling, the Extinguisher - 4 mana with no evasion makes it very unlikely this critter will actually connect with players. I recommend cutting it for a better force-sacrifice effect like Innocent Blood.
Bloodbriar - It's selfish (it only gives itself +1/+1 counters) and it has zero evasion. Not worth it. I recommend Reyhan, Last of the Abzan in its stead; it has the same CMC and lets you move around +1/+1 counters all day.
Briarbridge Patrol - Not very good. Tireless Tracker is so much better. Replace the creature-searching with Evolutionary Leap or if you want to spend $75 Survival of the Fittest is amazing.
Centaur Rootcaster - Same reason as Ashling. Get rid of it. Wood Elves and Sakura-Tribe Elder instead.
Deadeye Plunderers - You only have two artifacts in the deck.
Demon of Wailing Agonies - Slow. Especially when your commander has CMC 6.
Gatekeeper of Malakir - BBB cost is really hard to get sometimes in BUG colors.
Glissa, the Traitor - Slow. She's neat and a good blocker but it doesn't matter because you only have two artifacts.
Greater Harvester - Same reason as the Gatekeeper. Run Smothering Abomination instead.
Labyrinth Guardian - This critter adds nothing to your strategy.
Magus of the Mirror - I've killed people with their own Magus. Also the same problem as the curses; it alienates one person. Also Tree of Perdition exists.
Marrow Chomper - Too slow.
Mortician Beetle - Selfish. Swap with Fleshbag Marauder and Slum Reaper.
Patron of the Nezumi - Not enough rats to make it worth it. Effect is meh.
Phylactery Lich - Same reason as Gatekeeper. Also you only have two artifacts.
Savra, Queen of the Golgari - She does nothing on her own; she needs other things to do her work which isn't good.
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant - Just run Grave Titan instead.
Skullmulcher - Consider Soul of the Harvest instead. Both are good but you might need more gas than Skullmulcher can give you.
Utopia Mycon - Too slow.
I'll add more comments when I get more time to look over the next few categories.
maxon on
7 years ago
Titilanious Thanks for the suggestions. Yeah, Patron of the Nezumi is not very good. I was having problems with late game blocking especially, and with the rat offering option of Patron, I could cast if for only 4 mana if I had a Chittering Rats . Unfortunately it was usually dead in my hand. Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni actually wasn't bad in earlier versions of this build which was way more rat heavy and included more Typhoid Rats , Nezumi Cutthroat , Swarm of Rats as well as Skullsnatcher . I would swing with my army of rats, and just ninjutsu him out. It was more about sneaking in 5 damage than stealing a creature. However, as this deck progressed, I cut more and more rats in favor of discard spells and removal which kind of forced me to hold back the few rats I did have for blocks.
Thank you for the advice. I will definitely be doing some thinking and tinkering.
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