Chittering Rats

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chittering Rats

Creature — Rat

When Chittering Rats enters the battlefield, target opponent puts a card from their hand on top of library.

SufferFromEDHD on Syr Konrad, the Grim

9 months ago

Deserted Temple double your big mana lands.

Dust Bowl is awesome late game in a deck full of basic lands.

Haunted Crossroads, Mortuary and Volrath's Stronghold seem like auto includes.

Bloodghast for the consistent triggers.

Misinformation, Painful Memories and Chittering Rats for the tempo triggers off opponents.

SufferFromEDHD on Killing with (Konrad)

11 months ago

Chittering Rats and Painful Memories some of the only black effects to create mill opportunity.

Thoughtpicker Witch if your opponent won't play along, make them.

Misinformation tempo

Tortured Existence epic common! Definitely a value engine. Haunted Crossroads creates even more value.

And if possible Volrath's Stronghold

flytyer97 on Myrkul Enchantrocrats

2 years ago

SlushyJones those are both great ideas, though I will probably lean against Chittering Rats since the ETB isn't that great nor does it do anything once it becomes an enchantment. I really like Magus of the Disk though!!

SlushyJones on Myrkul Enchantrocrats

2 years ago

Magus of the Disk could be interesting here, a theoretical panic bomb if things get too hot. Not sure how if it would trigger with Myrkul properly though. Chittering Rats have a really strong Enter-the-Battlefield effect, but they kinda just sit around once they're an enchantment. Definitely optional cards though, the deck is plenty strong right now

BrassLord on Mono Black Devotion

3 years ago

Love it when Gary gets some time in the spotlight! Malakir Rebirth  Flip and any similar effects pair really well with your ETBs. Fiend Artisan could give you more access to your toolbox of creatures as well as continuing to contribute to your devotion. A few copies of Lashwrithe or Nightmare Lash might also do you some good, pairs really well with your lifelink bodies, as they offset the equip cost!

In the current state, the deck feels a little removal light, though I don't have a whole lot of experience playing with Dictate type effects. If you're looking for something a little spicy, Skull Collector is an interesting card from Kamigawa. It's a decent resilient beater with regeneration, and it enables some fun ETB interactions with cards like Chittering Rats. Granted, you're deck looks more like a beat down sort of strat, but it's some food for thought!

Balaam__ on Exham Priory

3 years ago

@GrimlockVIII thanks for the input! I’m still very new to Pauper, so I’m quite unfamiliar with all the tricks and top decks/combos. Only I prefer to build stuff myself first without looking at what everyone else has done.

I went mono back with this first foray into Pauper, but I stumbled upon the same basic ideas you’ve presented with my sideboard, only in white. Ephemerate and Cloudshift accomplish much the same as Ghostly Flicker, and I already have the Chittering Rats in place. I suppose blue is the more logical color to pair with black though. If I ever decide to tune this for competitive play, I’ll definitely take a look at some of those decks. Thanks for the suggestions!

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