2020 LUDEVIC 2020

"He may be a mad scientist, but he's better than the alternatives!"

Welcome to Ludevic's Political Extravaganza! Now, let me tell you, this ain't no group hug, this is capitalism! Aid your temporary "friends", and completely destroy those that try to hinder you!
These Social Policies should work as currency, helping you get what you want from your "friends". The standard procedure is to ask someone to let Ludevic hit for one, and if they agree and do their part, we'll give them a treat for their service and draw a card at the end of turn.
  • First, I have to address Spurnmage Advocate AKA The True MVP. Not only does his ability help our "friends", it also threatens attackers! And he's a human, so we'll Scry 1 with Path of Ancestry! And all that for !? What a bargain!
  • Spectral Searchlight, Field of Ruin and Oath of Lieges have ramp effects that can be used to help other players. They are especially effective if another player is mana screwed, since they'll probally help us if we hold these over their heads.
  • Vows of Flight, Lightning and Duty will not only buff our "friends'" most powerful creatures, but will also stop them from attacking you when they're done with the other threats. If they complain about having their creatures enchanted because of that, just say "You won't need to attack me anyway" or "It probally won't even matter".
  • Opening the Vaults will give mostly everyone on the table a card or two, but let's be honest for a sec, we're mainly doing this because over 60% of our non-land cards are affected by it. Yes, he have a grand total of 20 enchantments and 16 artifacts.
  • Is the board favorable to us and our "friends"? Dovescape will keep it that way for a long time! It is especially effective if we already have some defenses on board, since it makes removing our setup a really hard task (unless someone has It-that-must-not-be-named).

Just like in real life, throwing gifts at people will make them friendly towards you! That way they'll let us in peace while we build our defenses. Speaking of which...

These are our Proud American Defenses! They'll make people think twice before attacking us.
  • Maze #1,Maze #2 and Maze #3 stop attackers right on their tracks. Maze #3 also stops damage based boardwipes which can be very useful at times. TIP: The Maze Trio can be used to help our "friends", so we need to make sure to keep them alive so we can exploit their power for longer!
  • We're going to build a wall! And only taxpayers will get through! That will keep those aggro and tribal decks at bay, at least until the other defenseless players are dead.
  • Even if someone goes past our walls, we can still use Dissipation Field,Soul Snare and Spear of Heliod to make sure those damn tribal players pay for defying the state! There's also The True MVP. Damn is that card good...

Of course, the angry mobs we're keeping away from our borders have to go somewhere. Where you ask?

Our Military Politics will make the neighboring contries look more attractive to our "friends"...
  • Crown of Doom is a dangerous card. If used incorrectly, it will probally make us lose a few "friends". If you have it on your starting hand, try to make "friendships" with people that are right next to you in play order, so they can benefit from the Crown before it can be pinned on them.
  • Bitter Feud is quite interesting as well. If used when our "friends" are ahead, you'll help them finish our mutual enemies. If used when they're behind, it's the perfect chance to betray them! On the event that the players you targeted try to gang up on you, use the old "Prisioner's Dillema", saying that the other will kill them as soon as they tap to attack us.

Now, you may be asking yourself, "Does this political manipulation work everytime?" Unsurprisingly, the answer is "no". But that's why we have our very speacial...

Politics not solving our problems? Push one of these! Everything will be fine!.. probally.
  • Has our influence fallen into disrepair and everyone will probally alpha swing at us next turn? Disrupt Decorum before they do and gain an extra turn to end your preparations!
  • Delay, Swan Song and Arcane Denial will stop most infinite combos and tutors, so we and our "friends" can stay alive for longer! Unless of course, you stopped one of our "friends" from comboing off. But hey! The rest of the board will probally be happy with us, so getting some new "friends" shouldn't be so hard.
  • Sudden Demise may look lackluster when we could run Wrath of God, but choosing a specific color to destroy can be a really effective political play! That way, we can keep our "friends'" boards full and our opponents' boards clean.
  • Supreme Verdict is self explanatory, but it also interacts really well with Dovescape, since it can't be countered by it. It's especially effective when we need to betray our "friends" after they're done with our opponents.

Of course, constantly helping our friends, building our defenses, and getting rid of our opponents will require a lot of cards, but we don't need to worry about that! Because we have a...

Even without access to black, we have card draw and value for days!
  • Staff of Nin and Thopter Spy Network can consistently draw two cards per turn if Ludevic is in play.
  • Guile combos off well with our counterspells, and Arcane Denialing our own spell is always a fun way to draw three cards. Do be carefull though! Some people really hate when their stuff is stolen.
  • Coercive Portal is our colorless version of the Arena. Sure, it costs one more, but it's colorless and we don't lose life. Of course, the fact that others can vote for carnage could be a problem, but we can always buy their votes by giving them stuff.
  • Starfield of Nyx is not only a lasting recursion effect, but also a win condition.
  • Vedalken Orrery may not draw any cards, but letting you play cards at instant speed enables some surprising plays. They'll never see that Bitter Feud kill coming!

Now that we're done talking about the deck's cards, let's ask the most important question...

Despite making all those "friends", we'll eventually need to betray them so we can win. Now, you didn't forget the deck has two commanders right? Introducing...


Ishai is not only what gives our deck it's white color, it's also our main and most consistent win condition. Our "friends" are always fueled thanks to your gifts, so there'll be more than enough spells to make the Eagle of Freedom stand high and mighty. At first, don't be overly aggressive. Attack only when you need some card draw from Ludevic (and make sure to use that as an excuse, rolling a die for extra "it isn't my fault" effects). When a fight starts between other players, take a side, and try to not be the main threat to the opposing side by employing Diplomatic Policies. When the dust settles, our "friends" won't be able to properly turn on us because of our Propaganda effects. Flying should give us enough evasion to finish them off, especially if you have Duelist's Heritage on the field or a Curse of Bloodletting in your hand. However, if our Eagle of Freedom is killed too many times, we also have a secret win condition. Remember Dovescape and Guile ? If you get your hands on both of them, you can create an infinite ammount of 1/1 birds! Here's how:

  1. Get both Dovescape and Guile into play.
  2. Cast a non-creature spell.
  3. Dovescape will counter it and create some birds.
  4. Since a spell was countered by an ability you control, exile it.
  5. Cast the exiled spell for free.
  6. Repeat from step 3 for infinite birds!
I'm still playtesting this deck, so if anyone has suggestions or advice, they'll be well received. Liked the deck? Then upvote for Ludvic now!


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors BG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

34 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.25
Tokens 1/1 WU Token Creature Bird, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Goblin 1/1 R, Gold, Horror 4/4 B, Knight 2/2 W w/ First Strike, Spirit 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Commander, Edh Ideas, Interesting, ideas, yerr
Ignored suggestions
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