Hello, my name is Mons and I make youtube content about competitive elder dragon highlander or just cEDH. I mostly make deck tech videos or explain combos. But I also make gameplay videos in front of a camera or over cockatrice. In the section below called youtube content you can see videos I have made on this specific deck. Down below you can find some sections with information about this deck. You could copy the deck completely, but I recommend learning the deck's philosophy on how it is supposed to be played. If you wish to check out my youtube channel just copy paste this link into your browser.

This is a control and storm deck all in once. It exploits the facts that we have several opponents in multiplayer commander.
If we have a the creature Tandem Lookout in play and then cast Guttersnipe . What we do now is soul bond them together.

Now, whenever you cast an instant or sorcery Guttersnipe will deal 2 damage to all opponents. Because it is soulbond with tandem lookout you will draw a card for each opponent you have. If you have 3 opponents you will draw 3 cards. No Tandem Lookout isn't limited to combat damage. All form of damage = draws a card.

So if you cast a Dark Ritual you will get three black mana and draw 3 cards. So you can cast more rituals and draw more cards. And yes, we will draw the entire deck from this. And yes, killing all opponents with Guttersnipe is the idea.

But that is where this deck takes one big change. Instead of playing every single ritual I can get my hands on I played a lot of control cards that have an alternative cost ignoring its mana cost. Like Force of Will . Yes, I counter-spell my own spells to get more Guttersnipe ping - ping - ping triggers. But in the list, you will find a lot of cards that don't cost mana.

So it's a build that holds a lot of control spot removal cards that function for the storm run.

Astral Cornucopia

Normaly this card is to expensiv for competitive commander, to get a rock that tapes for whatever. However you can cast it for to just get the Firebrand Archer trigger. If the game goes long this is also a card you can dump a lot of mana into, giving you a huge Vial Smasher the Fierce . But then you would have a lot of mana that Thrasios, Triton Hero can use to draw cards with.

Sygg, River Cutthroat

This dimir merfolk works wonders with Vial Smasher the Fierce . If the first spell you cast each turn have a CMC of 3 or higher, Sygg, River Cutthroat will draw you a card. This means that the first spell will cantrip every turn. Now we have a lot of free to cast spells with higher CMC of 3 so this shoulden't be a problem. Force of Will is a good example.

All cEDH TV decks

I have a deck folder for all my decks I have made if you wanna look around for other ideas. I play close to every commander and strange gameplan. So there is a bunch of different decks in that folder. I have other more organized smaller folders of specific concepts too. But this folder simply contain everything I have ever made. Its a good place if you only wish to scroll around for inspiration.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.29
Folders EDH ideas, EDH, Competitive EDH, EDH Decklsits, Saved, That's an idea, Slow Bomb decks, cEDH, All cEDH decks Folder, Thrasios & Vial Smasher
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