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Anikthea Hand of Erebos Commander 2024

Commander / EDH BGW (Abzan, Junk)


9/12/24 no more changes until more playtesting.

Anikthea -1 khalni heart expedition -1 assassin’s trophy -1 nessian wanderer -1 font of fertility -1 battle at the helvault -1 forest -1 song of the worldsoul -1 battle for bretagard -1 the binding of the titans -1 herald of the pantheon -1 starfield of nyx -1 nyxborn behemoth -1 krosan verge -1 bitter triumph -1 familiar ground -1 sigil of the empty throne -1 composer of spring -1 doom foretold -1 mindwrack harpy -1 chivalric alliance -1 kaya, geist hunter -1 Narci, Fable Singer -1 plains +1 candy grapple +1 ondu inversion +1 Teferi’s protection +1 black market connections +1 ghostly prison +1 banishing light +1 demonic tutor +1 beseech the mirror +1 darkbore pathway +1 toxic deluge +1 for the common good +1 trouble in pairs +1 sphere of safety +1 vanquish the horde +1 ancestral mask +1 ojer taq, deepest foundation +1 cunning rhetoric +1 assassin’s trophy +1 rootcast apprenticeship +1 overlord of the hauntwoods +1 caretaker’s talent +1 ripples of undeath +1 maelstrom pulse

Consider if need more instant speed removal: Get Lost, Path to Exile, Cast Out

While I enjoyed Narci in this deck when it had more sagas, i dropped her for Teferi’s protection, as at this point I only have a few saga cards, and she is not an enchantment creature. Comboing her with several copies or Cruelty of Gix made for a good win-con, but I think overall this is the better choice, cause if i have Narci out im probably already in a win-more situation anyways. Better to have Teferis protection to protect my commander. Teferi’s can protect me against cards like Farewell exiling all enchantments, or at worst will protect my commander / cards from spot removal or protect me from some alpha strike.

Maelstrom Pulse was added not only to give me more removal which this deck needed, but because it can deal with token decks as itll kill all tokens w the same name.

Dropped a plains for ondu inversion as board wipes hurt opponents more than me, and destroying all nonland permanents can actually help me abuse Anikthea bringing back an enchantment that would otherwise not be in the grave so i can abuse it with token doubling.

Consider all cards with Bargain keyword so i can sacrifice my own enchantments that do not go away on their own via vanishing or saga , to later bring back anyways / abuse w Anikthea token doubling. This is why i did -1 assassin’s trophy for +1 candy grapple so its more synergy w my deck , i have enough other removal, and the spot assassins trophy had was mainly to kill low cmc aggressive commanders.

I dropped song of the worldsoul for beseech the mirror because song is slow, to benefit from it before it removed you need a lot of mana to cast it and manage to populate in the same turn. I think its less of a win con and perhaps more of a win-more. Every time i end up getting around to being able to cast it im either already winning or losing or want to cast something else in my hand. Beseech the mirror could tutor up whatever is needed at the time to help me win AND has synergy because Bargain, and isnt so high mana cost so itll help me win the game rather than be a win-more. I dropped 2 forest for blooming marsh & darkbore pathway cause the triple black can be hard to cast.

Also consider: rowan’s grim search seems really synergy

I still would like to fit Mindwrack Harpy in / perhaps 1 more enchantment creature as im concerned about losing its self mill / not having enough creatures now, after more playing ill have to see if it makes sense to drop anything. For example Elemental Bond , while it does its job if i get 1-2 draws out of it and it can be heavy abused w doubling tokens, it may be better to have the mindwrack harpy if i struggle to get 1 draw off elemental bond cause i have less creatures now / not many 3 power or more, or if its too hard to get rid of elemental bond into the grave to abuse it. The ideal scenario would be to play my commander right after playing elemental bond to trigger a draw. Dont forget elemental bond can trigger off any 3cmc+ card i bring back w Anikthea as it will always be a 3/3, so perhaps drop something else i find lackluster for the harpy when time comes. Update: Harpy probly not needed as i have even more self mill now than originally with Six and Ripples, which are superior to Harpy. So harpy is only needed if i find i need even MORE ways to get stuff into the graveyard.

Consider: braids arisen nightmare for more ways to get enchantments into my graveyard


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94% Casual


Date added 8 months
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

60 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.33
Tokens Copy Clone, Everywhere, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, Squirrel 1/1 G, Treasure
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