This deck is a fun spellslingers deck.
The main goal is to stall as long as possible and then have one big turn when your opponents least expect it. Use the one-mana draw spells (Preordain, Ponder, Brainstorm) to churn through the deck and add a counter onto Ramos. In the mid-game try a value creature like Young Pyromancer, Talrand, Sky Summoner, or Thing in the Ice to take over the game. Late game use a bunch of cascade triggers to storm off. Try to cast as many spells as possible, use Ramos for mana, and then blink him using Ghostly Flicker or Essence Flux to reset him.
This deck is very mana hungry. This means 2 things. We need to guarantee our land drops in the early game and we need to ramp to the late game. As such, we have plenty of draw spells and ramp cards. The ramp cards include Krosan Verge, Cultivate, Farseek, Kodama's Reach, Wood Elves, Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, and Trace of Abundance. Our early game draw spells include Ponder, Preordain, Serum Visions, Baleful Strix, Rashmi, Eternities Crafter, Abzan Charm, Brainstorm, Opt and Sultai Charm. Coiling Oracle and Urban Evolution can serve as both ramp and card draw.
Time to Storm
Okay, you are at 4 life and are dead to any attacker next turn. What is our move? The absolute minimum amount of mana needed is 9 but the more the better. Our move is to cast Ramos, Dragon Engine and then play enough spells in the same turn to get 5 +1/+1 counters on Ramos. Then we can remove the counters, add 10 mana to our mana pool, blink Ramos so we can use his ability again, and then repeat the process. By blinking Ramos with Ghostly Flicker and Essence Flux can reset Ramos as a "new creature." This means that this will technically be the first time using his ability this turn and we can keep the storm going. Mana Geyser lets us get a ridiculous amount of mana and this is probably the best spell we could have in our hand. Rude Awakening can also generate us a lot of mana and can be an alternative to Mana Geyser if our opponents are not tapping enough mana. Jeska's Will can serve as both card draw and a mana dump. We will only be casting this card when it is time to storm so in theory our commander should be out 98% of the times we want to cast this. Jund Charm and Abzan Charm are unique because they are able to put 5 +1/+1 counters on all at once. This is why at least 9 mana is necessary. While comboing off, Rush of Knowledge, Gush, Precognitive Perception, Treasure Cruise, Fact or Fiction help us keep the cards coming. Maelstrom Wanderer is just an insane card and you will have a lot of fun casting it. Underworld Breach can make for a huge turn by recasting Mana Geyser and Rude Awaking to generate an almost unlimited amount of mana.
Win Conditions:
This deck has several ways to win the game. Villainous Wealth and Epic Experiment can win if we can amass a critical amount of mana (20ish?). Temporal Fissure and Mind's Desire can win if we build our storm count high enough. We also have Remand in the deck to either counter an important spell early or we can do a neat trick with our storm cards. We cast our storm card, hold priority and then cast Remand targeting the original storm copy. This puts our storm card back in our hand and lets us recast it while still resolving all the other storm copies. Also Door to Nothingness is in the deck because that is hilarious. I was able to knock out an opponent with it and it was very satisfying. Let us not forget about our commander. You can also bash in for 21 commander damage easily with Ramos and use Temur Battle Rage if necessary. Remember, most of the time Ramos is entering the battlefield the same turn we go off, and blinking Ramos would give him summoning sickness if he did not already have it. Therefore, a commander damage kill will typically happen when a Lightning Grieves* is on the battlefield.
The Removal
Removal is interesting in this deck. Because our plan is to win out of nowhere in one turn, there are just some things that we do not care about. At the same time, we have a lot of cascade cards in our deck. If we cascade into removal spells, it is kind of use it or lose it. Our wraths are Duneblast, Crux of Fate, and Jund Charm. Conveniently, all of these wraths result in Ramos surviving. Imagine that. The rest of our removal is very flexible and situational. And, they are all multicolored and will put multiple +1/+1 counters on Ramos. These include *Hull Breach, Abzan Charm, Jund Charm, Mortify, Putrefy, Rakdos Charm, Silumgar's Commmand, and Sultai Charm.
Final Thoughts:
The best card in this deck is definitely Mana Geyser. The amount of mana Mana Geyser and Reverberate can produce is absolutely ridiculous. Mana Geyser is the best card to tutor for. Overall, this deck is pretty complicated. Be responsive to how the game is playing out. Know when you need to combo off or when your opponents are tapped out. Do not get frustrated if you have a hard time piloting this deck. It will take practice.
Better fetchlands (Scalding Tarn etc.) Sacred Foundry, Steam Vents, Demonic Tutor instead of Diabolic Tutor.