
Why do I wanna make this deck?

I think I fell in love when I first saw Melek, Izzet Paragon. They were my first introduction to copying spells, and I love the new option they add to the game: casting spells from the top of your deck.

How do I reach that goal/want?

I think the main thing I wanna do is make a deck that can go nuts casting spells from the top of the deck.

Due to the colors we're in (and my love for direct damage), it's gonna be a burn deck, focused on hitting critical mass (= a combination of available mana and ways to copy spells) to close out the game with N copies of a big, beautiful, burn spell, baby!

Considering most copy effects have a static cost, it's best to copy high cost spells. I'd also just rather throw around "deal 5 damage" two times, than "deal 2 damage" five times. Not only is it harder to copy something multiple times, less decisions most of the time also mean easier decisions, which makes for a quicker game.

Magecraft scales wonderfully with copies, but there aren't all that many cards in blue/red with effects that would support the build, so we'll see how many we get to add.

What do I need to do that?

  1. Ramp and draw to hit critical mass
  2. Ways to protect ourselves while gathering resources
  3. Burn spells

Hitting critical mass is easiest by relying on a couple big draw spells and by having some rituals to help us prepare for one big hit. Some cost reduction also helps us make the most out of the mana we create with our rituals, or just makes it easier overall to get off multiple spells in one turn to close out the game.

I've found that adding both rituals and X spells that burn or copy make winning incredibly easy, so I'm not including any of those, since winning is no longer an exciting challenge, but a given if nobody has a counterspell (which not a lot of people play in my meta).


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Reasons for removal:

  • Labyrinth of Skophos and Terrain Generator were pretty much always just colorless lands that aren't being used.
  • Wandering Fumarole feels like it can be upgraded. The fact that it can turn into a land does pretty much nothing for the deck.
  • Aria of Flame and Strionic Resonator don't do anything in this deck.
  • Finale of Promise doesn't have any cool targets to hit. Probably works better in a different deck.
  • Reasons for adding:

  • Dictate of Kruphix and Kumena's Awakening give some recurring draw the deck is missing.
  • Myriad Landscape makes it easier to trigger Mystic Sanctuary, and therefore has more of a purpose than Terrain Generator.
  • Thundering Falls gives more top-deck manipulation.
  • Commander's Sphere and Izzet Locket give some more ramp the deck can use.
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    Date added 5 years
    Last updated 2 weeks

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    4 - 0 Mythic Rares

    40 - 0 Rares

    20 - 0 Uncommons

    17 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 3.55
    Tokens City's Blessing, Orc Army, Treasure
    Folders Commander/EDH (Paper), c on trol
    Ignored suggestions
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