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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Beacon of Destruction
Beacon of Destruction deals 5 damage to target creature, player or planeswalke. Shuffle Beacon of Destruction into its owner's library.
griffstick on Spells that come back
3 years ago
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Style Points
3 years ago
I came here from your deck help thread. After properly reading Velomachus for the first time, Approach of the Second Sun seems like a great card for him. Fury of the Horde is another extra combat spell. Also, Beacon of Destruction and Beacon of Immortality might be fun.
wallisface on Rakdos Burn
5 years ago
Cards that I don’t think are good:
Guttersnipe - bad because it’s slow and not very impactful
Neheb, the Eternal - bad because modern is considered a turn-4 format and this guy’s too expensive in cmc for what is effectively a red aggro deck.
So, also Furnace of Rath , Wound Reflection , and Beacon of Destruction are all bad for the same reason given prior.
Rain of Gore is bad - so few modern decks run lifegain, and you’re already running other cards that do this effect but better.
I would be replacing all these cards with more copies of the cards you’re not running full playsets of - i.e more Lightning Skelemental , Monastery Swiftspear etc... the good stuff
weirdog92 on Xenagos Attack Attack Attack! (EDH)
5 years ago
Bogardan Hellkite , Spine of Ish Sah , Beacon of Destruction , Word of Seizing , Artifact Mutation
Omnath, Locus of Rage , Vigor , Hydra Omnivore , Greenwarden of Murasa , Signal the Clans
Murphy77 on Goblin Anarchy
5 years ago
If I were to build a Goblin EDH deck, my starting point would be Zada, Hedron Grinder (as commander) and a range of attack boosters like Sure Strike . As I see things, you really need a lot of card-draw to make this type of deck work. A few artifacts that you can tap for added card-draw could be rather useful. The effects of cards like Harsh Mentor and Zo-Zu the Punisher would add an extra dimension to your deck ( Chandra, Torch of Defiance might fit in here). Then there are cards that are standard in any Goblin deck ( Goblin Piledriver and Goblin Dark-Dwellers etc.) and cards that are fairly standard in any mono-red deck ( Blood Moon , Mob Rule , Beacon of Destruction ?, Soul-Scar Mage etc.).
There are a few cards in your build that seem to stand out as cards that add very little to the deck ( Splinter Twin , Lightning Crafter , Goblin Welder , Thornbite Staff and Goblin Bombardment seem to stand out the most).
I am sure that I am missing a few cards that could be game-changers. I don't play EDH very often, but I find it useful to haul out your EDH deck every few weeks, add in cards that might work in the deck, then think carefully about what you can do without.
thekiltedpir8 on Chaotic devastation
7 years ago
I'm having trouble finding the reasoning to have Knowledge Pool and Scrambleverse in the deck, and if they are that crucial to the deck's mechanics. I'm looking to replace them with Wild Evocation and Beacon of Destruction.
Sismir on can I or can't I …
7 years ago
Thrumming Stone on the field, 3 cards in my library all 3 are Beacon of Destruction the 4 Beacon of Destruction is on hand, i play the Beacon of Destruction i may ripple 4.all cards revealed i may play, which is the other 3 beacons. but the cards i do not play goes into the bottom of the library, and Beacon of Destruction also goes into the library after being cast. Can I make an infinite combo here or not?can't figure if I can play a beacon, and ripple and play only 2 of them, then shuffle the one i did not play and/or the one I just cast after resolving into the library, then ripple again on the next one about to resolve.
Vaan on Black/Red Eternal Aggro Deck
7 years ago
If you want this deck to be aggro, you should not be running Bontu's Last Reckoning, Torment of Scarabs, Raise Dead and Beacon of Destruction. The first two are control oriented cards and there are better options for the other two.
I would cut the mentioned cards for a meta dependent combination of Grasp of Darkness, Fatal Push, Cut, Incendiary Flow and Abrade.
Apocalypse Demon and Ruin Rat don't fit the zombie theme and don't do enough on their on, i would cut them and both deserts for a full set of Cryptbreaker.
Carrion Screecher is not good enought for constructed, try swapping it for Earthshaker Khenra or Ahn-Crop Crasher.
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