Withering Boon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Withering Boon


As an additional cost to play Withering Boon, pay 3 life.

Counter target creature spell.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Mono B control

4 months ago

I do love non-blue control :) I think Dark Ritualfoil would be a good addition, helping you power into your high cmc spells quicker. If you want to attack your opponent's hand Hymn to Tourach and Duress are very strong. No one expects Withering Boon and it can get rid of black creatures. Depending on the kind of creatures you find yourself up against Nekrataal, Crypt Rats, and Pestilence can be very good. Corrupt and Kaervek's Spite are fun finishers late on. Kaervek's Spite may be the most satisfying, all-in way to win in . I'm sure there are better cards out there, but around the kitchen table those are some of my favourites for mono black!

capwner on No Pain no Gain

6 months ago

This is actually a pretty neat idea for a list. Judith has a really cool and unique effect, giving spells deathtouch is sick! I think if I were building the deck I would try to capitalize on this by running even MORE sweepers just so that you have a critical mass of them and are almost always able to keep the board locked down. So almost like a wrath-prison deck. If it were me. There are so many of these effects so you could really go deep on them, Blazing Volley from your board seems great, Scouring Sands, Yamabushi's Storm, Rolling Earthquake, Molten Disaster, Pyroclasm, Bonfire of the Damned, Starstorm, Devastating Dreams is a personal favorite but this may not be the right list for that one. I'd go up to like 15 of these even. Maybe also something like Mithril Coat to protect Judith/other creats if you decide to go into symmetrical sweepers. I know it's a core part of this build but I would cut stuff like Dragon Fodder and Witty Roastmaster, the Redcap combo is good by itself and it doesn't need these more fragile pieces that need to sit on the battlefield. I'd swap them for more grindy advantage cards that want to go to the yard like Unlucky Witness, Bloodghast, Nether Traitor, Filth, supplemented with things like Grim Harvest, Skullclamp, Contamination, Chthonian Nightmare, Deadly Dispute. Necrotic Ooze combo seems right at home here too, but that might be a little boring. If you want to be more lethal, just run more tutors/entomb/buried alive to assemble a redcap or ooze kill. Straight up Reanimate spells could be good to use on your opponents fatties who just died to your death rain. Rise of the Dark Realms Grimoire of the Dead and Sheoldred  Flip can all mass reanimate your opponents' creatures. Shadowspear to remove indestructible from those pesky Etalis. Meltdown and Brotherhood's End for artifacts. Spiteful Banditry, The Reaver Cleaver, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Big Score maybe for additional ramp. Ramp seems like a big deal since it's a 5 mana commander. You have some really sick cards in here already I love the Withering Boon, Delirium, Rakdos Charm, and Blood for the Blood God! is amazing in this. Great ideas, take my suggestions with a grain of salt because really the build I am suggesting is potentially very different from this one. +1

MilesHiles on Oh geez Rick...

2 years ago

I completely forgot Withering Boon existed and immediately ordered one for this deck lmao I also like the addition of Snuff Out but I'm not yet sure what I would take out for it. Definitely a great consideration though. Thank you!

Lhurgyof on Oh geez Rick...

2 years ago

Alright. Have you considered Snuff Out? It's alternate cost is perfect in a deck like this.

I also run Withering Boon in all my mono black Commander decks, as nobody expects a counter from black, and it can get around hexproof commanders. I know you're unlikely to play it on your own turn so it won't trigger Morty, but it's still great.

Chasmolinker on That's What Sheoldred Said

2 years ago

I like Withering Boon a lot actually. It would fit nicely with Imp's Mischief and Force of Despair as another "Gotcha" Card.

Davinoth on Prosper's Purgatory [Retired]

2 years ago

     elliotmward97: So I actually used to run Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, Tibalt's Trickery and Withering Boon but didn't feel I was getting enough mileage out of them. Imp's Mischief and Deflecting Swat are both great in any black and/or red deck, I just don't have a copy of either unfortunately lol.

     Hadn't considered Wishclaw Talisman but I'm definitely going to now! Especially with Goblin Engineer/Goblin Welder is a pretty nifty combo. =D

     Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos is a card I really liked thematically, but in practice just never felt good to draw. Even going infinite with Dockside and Technomancer requires your opponents to have at least seven Enchantments and Artifacts - which totally is gonna happen sometimes, but definitely not all the time.

     Chandra, Torch of Defiance is another card I used to run (and quite liked) but got cut for Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast as Daretti just synergized with the deck better. Chandra may yet make it back into the deck, though!

     As for cuts, I'm not totally sure but probably Hellkite Tyrant in favour of Ancient Copper Dragon. Tyrant is great but also extremely telegraphed. I'd probably look at Professional Face-Breaker or either Mayhem Devil or Nadier's Nightblade (depending on your playstyle) as a cut for Imperial Recruiter. And although Goblin Welder is a favourite of mine, it's likely on the chopping block if I do pick up a Ragavan.

Fullmetal2040 on

2 years ago

I would take out deadly rollick for a card like Force of Despair or Slaughter Pact. you dont get the hit counter from Mari when you exile an opponent's creature because it is not dying it is being exiled. i've killed 6 creatures at once with force of despair

If the reason you have Withering Boon is to trigger Mari it wont because the creature never hits the battlefield therefore it never dies, otherwise im not to sure why you have a creature counter spell, i guess for commanders eh. i think it would be better to have another kill spell imo.

she's not in the tribe but Marionette Master synergizes really well with Mari. so does Underhanded Designs & Deadly Dispute

I have built my own Mari deck and played a decent amount of games winning a few. Enjoy, she's really fun!!

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