Bonfire of the Damned

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bonfire of the Damned


Bonfire of the Damned deals X damage to target player and each creature he or she controls.

Miracle (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)

TheoryCrafter on "Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls" EDH …

5 minutes ago

Welcome Back to Magic. I broke my description down to the three deck types yer seeking.

Aristocrats: Take advantage of death triggers to hurt your opponent. Examples of cards are Blood Artist, Dreadhorde Butcher and Zulaport Cutthroat. Graveyard recursion cards like Disentomb, Gravedigger, Mortuary Mire and Valgavoth's Faithful should be considered.

Burn: Spells, instants and sorceries, and abilities of permanents that deal noncombat damage. Examples include, but are not limited to, Blightning, Bonfire of the Damned and Lightning Bolt. Cards you should add to any Rakdos burn deck include, but are not limited to, Pestilent Spirit, Soul-Scar Mage and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip.

Punisher: A Sophie's Choice in every spell. Examples include, but are not limited to, Book Burning, Dash Hopes, Killing Wave, Painful Quandary and Vexing Devil. I would also consider any creature with the Afflict ability, especially Wildfire Eternal to be punisher cards.

As for cards that will feed into your commander's static ability, I would recommend Burning Anger, Psychosis Crawler, Scrawling Crawler and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse.

Thank you for reading me out. I hope this helps give you a baseline of what you're looking for. Happy Hunting!

capwner on Mono Red Tron (2024)

3 weeks ago

lol. I only brought up pauper because that's the only place I've seen red tron, and it's a pretty sweet deck! That deck runs a LOT more X-cost burn, but I'm not sure how this would translate to modern. 4x Bonfire of the Damned may be worth trying. Maybe also Oliphaunt as a flexible manafixer. Electric Revelation is pretty decent card draw. Blood Moon seems like a bit of a nonbo, because you're Tron. But IDK maybe you need it vs. saga decks. If you decided to go heavier on burn spells, Bedlam Reveler could be a good top end. Chandra, Awakened Inferno could also fit, she's tough to answer unless your opponent specifically has Leyline Binding. Anyways love the idea man, good luck with it!

kamarupa on The Passive Aggressive Aproach

1 month ago

Overall, I like the deck. I have a few thoughts that could be helpful. Feel free to disregard.

Mill is something a lot of players hate. I think defenders are decent way to counter some of that hate, but I'd expect very aggressive removal of your two mana dorks, Axebane Guardian and Overgrown Battlement in second games. I see you have 2xTurn Aside, which I'm sure helps, but I suspect something like Tamiyo's Safekeeping or Vines of Vastwood (there's a ton a green protection spells, really) would be more useful, as they could help with surviving blocking huge creatures in addition to foiling removal.

Banefire seems better than Bonfire of the Damned, since it can't be countered or prevented at a pretty low threshold.

Freed from the Real seems like a good fit here - lower casting cost than Sword of the Paruns and lower activation cost and no equip cost

63 is 3 too many. There are non-essential defenders that could easily be cut, and spells like Opt and Divination don't strike me as perfect fits for the deck, either. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of draw card in Modern, but I also think it's always best if you can get that draw card to come with synergy. For example, you have Wall of Runes and Gatecreeper Vine already - these seem at least 'on-theme' in a helpful way that render Opt more like filler than utility. You might also consider Wall of Omens or Drift of Phantasms instead of Divination. I'd also even favor Harmonize over Divination, as 3 cards for 4MV is a better deal than 2 cards for 3MV and more card draw off a single spell is more effective and efficient.

capwner on No Pain no Gain

5 months ago

This is actually a pretty neat idea for a list. Judith has a really cool and unique effect, giving spells deathtouch is sick! I think if I were building the deck I would try to capitalize on this by running even MORE sweepers just so that you have a critical mass of them and are almost always able to keep the board locked down. So almost like a wrath-prison deck. If it were me. There are so many of these effects so you could really go deep on them, Blazing Volley from your board seems great, Scouring Sands, Yamabushi's Storm, Rolling Earthquake, Molten Disaster, Pyroclasm, Bonfire of the Damned, Starstorm, Devastating Dreams is a personal favorite but this may not be the right list for that one. I'd go up to like 15 of these even. Maybe also something like Mithril Coat to protect Judith/other creats if you decide to go into symmetrical sweepers. I know it's a core part of this build but I would cut stuff like Dragon Fodder and Witty Roastmaster, the Redcap combo is good by itself and it doesn't need these more fragile pieces that need to sit on the battlefield. I'd swap them for more grindy advantage cards that want to go to the yard like Unlucky Witness, Bloodghast, Nether Traitor, Filth, supplemented with things like Grim Harvest, Skullclamp, Contamination, Chthonian Nightmare, Deadly Dispute. Necrotic Ooze combo seems right at home here too, but that might be a little boring. If you want to be more lethal, just run more tutors/entomb/buried alive to assemble a redcap or ooze kill. Straight up Reanimate spells could be good to use on your opponents fatties who just died to your death rain. Rise of the Dark Realms Grimoire of the Dead and Sheoldred  Flip can all mass reanimate your opponents' creatures. Shadowspear to remove indestructible from those pesky Etalis. Meltdown and Brotherhood's End for artifacts. Spiteful Banditry, The Reaver Cleaver, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Big Score maybe for additional ramp. Ramp seems like a big deal since it's a 5 mana commander. You have some really sick cards in here already I love the Withering Boon, Delirium, Rakdos Charm, and Blood for the Blood God! is amazing in this. Great ideas, take my suggestions with a grain of salt because really the build I am suggesting is potentially very different from this one. +1

MusicGoat18 on

1 year ago

Thanks again TheoryCrafter! I made cuts and changes based on your suggestion. I did my best to keep a balance while adding more cards for Zaxara, the Exemplary and Unbound Flourishing.

Cuts made:

Forgotten Ancient, Jodah, Archmage Eternal, Fist of Suns, Bootleggers' Stash, and swapped a few lands.

Cards added:

Shivan Devastator, Steelbane Hydra, Unbound Flourishing, and Bonfire of the Damned.

I still want to implement Progenitus' commander damage strategy on top of the hydra tribal idea, so I kept many of the exalt cards and mana fix/ramp. Another reason is that the ramp cards assist with values too.

TheoryCrafter on

1 year ago

Here are some ideas for your deck:

-You won't be able to use it as your companion, but Jegantha, the Wellspring will be a helpful ramp card for the deck you're building.

-Bonfire of the Damned can help knock down an opponent's battlefield and feed into Zaxara, the Exemplary.

-Unless you're willing to find a spot for Ramos, Dragon Engine you may be better off replacing Door to Nothingness with Mayael's Aria. In part because of the activating cost, and in part because if the game stalls out Mayael's Aria is more likely to get you a win in a multi-player game.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting.

TheoryCrafter on Phyrexia: All Will Be One …

1 year ago

My thoughts on this set:

Melira, the Living Cure should've been able to remove poison counters even if the ability was similar to Leeches.

All Will Be One and Soul-Scar Mage together just turned a lot of cheap cards pinging all creatures on the battlefield into board wipes. And if you happen to have Bonfire of the Damned to cast you could end up winning the game.

I know the stories explained it, but I would love to had seen cards explaining how Lukka and Nissa were compleated. Though compleating Nissa kinda irks me because the story she was in in The Brothers War implied she survived the war with New Phyrexia.

Nahiri, the Unforgiving and Bladegraft Aspirant could end up vital in Boros reconfigure decks.

I like Corrupted. A good way to take advantage of poison without directly using it to win. Vishgraz, the Doomhive is the poison Commander we deserve.

Only sacrifice to draw a card?? 5 of the Sphere lands feel underwheling compared to the rest.

If you are building a oil counter deck for an eternal format, make sure to add Nesting Grounds to the deck.

In Superfriends decks, Ichormoon Gauntlet and Kasmina, Enigma Sage together could result in multiple -12 activations in a turn.

With Vraska a primarily black Planeswalker and Tyvar also a Planeswalker, it fits that she got the monoblack card. Anyone else notice the similarities between the ultimates of Vraska, Betrayal's Sting and Vraska, Relic Seeker?

As happy as I am Terramorphic Expanse got reprinted into Standard, I think Evolving Wilds would've made for a more flavorful choice.

Thrun was declared the last Troll BEFORE the Phyrexians rose. So what's with Oil-Gorger Troll?

Kaito, Dancing Shadow should be a staple in Etrata, the Silencer decks.

TheoryCrafter on Marchesa (ADVICE PLEASE)

2 years ago

Cards like Polluted Delta and Windswept Heath, where you can tutor one basic land type, seems to be in the deck chiefly to shuffle your deck. If that's not your intent may I suggest either replacing some of the other nonbasic lands with lands having two or more basic land types such as Savai Triome(if you can financially afford it)? Another option would be to replace those tutor lands with including, but not limited to, Fabled Passage and Naya Panorama. Another land you may want to consider is Bojuka Bog to throw off opponents who'd benefit from all the discard.

Since you have been putting in spells that prevent the player from doing something, other cards to consider include, but are not limited to, Aurelia's Fury and Silence.

Another card you may want to consider is Bonfire of the Damned. If at some point you find yourself adding more instants and sorceries that deal damage, you may want to consider adding any combination of Pestilent Spirit, Radiant Scrollwielder, Soul-Scar Mage(especially useful against creatures with Indestructible) and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

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