Grimoire of the Dead

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Grimoire of the Dead

Legendary Artifact

, , Discard a card: Put a study counter on Grimoire of the Dead.

, Remove three study counters from Grimoire of the Dead and sacrifice it: Put all creature cards from all graveyards onto the battlefield under your control. They're black Zombies in addition to their other colours and types.

capwner on No Pain no Gain

6 months ago

This is actually a pretty neat idea for a list. Judith has a really cool and unique effect, giving spells deathtouch is sick! I think if I were building the deck I would try to capitalize on this by running even MORE sweepers just so that you have a critical mass of them and are almost always able to keep the board locked down. So almost like a wrath-prison deck. If it were me. There are so many of these effects so you could really go deep on them, Blazing Volley from your board seems great, Scouring Sands, Yamabushi's Storm, Rolling Earthquake, Molten Disaster, Pyroclasm, Bonfire of the Damned, Starstorm, Devastating Dreams is a personal favorite but this may not be the right list for that one. I'd go up to like 15 of these even. Maybe also something like Mithril Coat to protect Judith/other creats if you decide to go into symmetrical sweepers. I know it's a core part of this build but I would cut stuff like Dragon Fodder and Witty Roastmaster, the Redcap combo is good by itself and it doesn't need these more fragile pieces that need to sit on the battlefield. I'd swap them for more grindy advantage cards that want to go to the yard like Unlucky Witness, Bloodghast, Nether Traitor, Filth, supplemented with things like Grim Harvest, Skullclamp, Contamination, Chthonian Nightmare, Deadly Dispute. Necrotic Ooze combo seems right at home here too, but that might be a little boring. If you want to be more lethal, just run more tutors/entomb/buried alive to assemble a redcap or ooze kill. Straight up Reanimate spells could be good to use on your opponents fatties who just died to your death rain. Rise of the Dark Realms Grimoire of the Dead and Sheoldred  Flip can all mass reanimate your opponents' creatures. Shadowspear to remove indestructible from those pesky Etalis. Meltdown and Brotherhood's End for artifacts. Spiteful Banditry, The Reaver Cleaver, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Big Score maybe for additional ramp. Ramp seems like a big deal since it's a 5 mana commander. You have some really sick cards in here already I love the Withering Boon, Delirium, Rakdos Charm, and Blood for the Blood God! is amazing in this. Great ideas, take my suggestions with a grain of salt because really the build I am suggesting is potentially very different from this one. +1

GeminiSpartanX on Volrath, Voltron Reanimator

1 year ago

Profet93- Thanks for the suggestions! I think I will absolutely swap out Grimoire of the Dead for Skirge Familiar. Grimoire realistically costs 5 mana anyway since you need to activate its ability, and I have both Greed and a Sheoldred, the Apocalypse to add some combo elements to the deck.

I do have a Blightsteel Colossus, but it's not as useful for anti-milling since it only shuffles itself back into my deck rather than my whole graveyard. Against an infinite mill combo, it means I would be left with 1 card in my library, so I'd better win the next turn or die via decking. It IS a great creature, although it's tough to reanimate. For that reason I'll likely leave Strands of Night in the deck, as it's one of the 4 cards that can reanimate at instant speed. I might swap Victimize in for Exhume, but I'm always worried I won't have a creature out that I want to sac. I'll need to test out that theory more though.

The Broodlord is by far the easiest cut to make from the Beef section, and I agree that Torgaar isn't that great either. I do worry about having enough lifegain in the deck, so I'm planning to replace those with a Scion of Draco to give my black creatures lifelink while still having a high-cost pitchable creature, and adding the Sheoldred would also help on that front.

Archon does so much for me in drawing cards, killing creatures/PWs, and gaining life that I find it hard to cut. If I do cut it, I'd also probably cut Unmarked Grave since they go somewhat hand-in-hand, but I'm hesitant to do so.

Dauthi Voidwalker is un-cuttable imo, just as a way to make my Living Death or Exhumes better if nothing else. If I add my Bringer of the Last Gift, then even moreso I need that sort of effect. As far as cutting something that doesn't fit the deck's strategy, Opposition Agent is in the discussion since it's just a generally good card, but it might be too good to cut. Thoughts?

BirdieGirlie on Fun Book/Library Theme Deck

1 year ago

HIIIII OMFG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! I've been thinking of trying to build an Animate Library meme deck for myself the past couple weeks, only to find this!!!! Everything looks pretty good to me! Just wondering why, if they're your main wincons, you don't have full playsets of Grimoire of the Dead or Animate Library in the deck. I would/will probably do that building my own version.

Oh also now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like the deck is quite costed, so the ideal cost of Compulsive Research, discarding a land, feels bad lolz! I might run Divination, as suggested by HalbrechtHalbrecht instead. Though I understand wanting to discard a lot, for the Grimoire. Idk. I'm still new to all this!

I love the tight deck theming going on, but I'm way too competitive a person to not abandon some of it if I could make the deck better! Perhaps instead of Walking Archive, a pretty new card: Auton Soldier? Myriad would be disgusting!

If you really go the copy route (which was my own first thought for an Animate Library deck), Mechanized Production could be a cool tertiary wincon for this deck. Actually, wouldn't you have to choose between Grimoire support and MP support for either to actually work? Too much going on otherwise. Anyway, The Mycosynth Gardens, I think would allow you to copy the library creature just by tapping it? It has a CMC condition, but the library itself doesn't cost any mana, only the enchantment that made it into a creature does! So it would be a free copy!

I could go on and on about all the spells I've researched that would allow you to copy the library creature, but I digress! Adding enough of them is gonna make this deck much, much less budget, too. So I will conclude with: thank you so much for this deck list!!!! Have you gotten the chance to play it since you made it?? I'd love to know your experience with the deck!!!!

Azoth2099 on The Iron Giant

1 year ago

Have you considered Emergence Zone, Crystal Vein, City of Traitors or Urza's Saga for your land base? A few Tutors and choice card draw pieces like Ring of Three Wishes, The One Ring, Planar Bridge, Planar Portal & Citanul Flute could help you quickly outvalue your opponents with your Commander's ability, as could Ramp pieces like Ashnod's Altar & Doubling Cube. Portal to Phyrexia & Grimoire of the Dead could potentially win some games here as well, depending on the pod!

Azoth2099 on 100 cards for Meren

1 year ago


Fleshbags, my friend. You need Fleshbags.

Fleshbag Marauder, Merciless Executioner, Demon's Disciple, Plaguecrafter, Gravelighter & Phyrexian Delver. Sac them to their own Ability to control the board and pumping Experience Counters at the same time. Lifeline & Grimoire of the Dead could also be great, if you decide to go that route.

Faux-Foe on Legend of the Dynamo

2 years ago

Taking the suggestions into account, I have removed Temporal Aperture, Conduit of Ruin, Grimoire of the Dead, and Lightning Greaves.

I have added Mind Stone, Worn Powerstone, Solemn Simulacrum, and Swiftfoot Boots.

Still pilots like a 4-wheeler going down a steep hill, with too many things to keep track of and holding on for dear life.

TypicalTimmy on Machine Learning

2 years ago

We have codeblocks you can use to make the theme even more on point. I'll show you what to copy and paste, in the codeblock itself.


[[Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice]]




%%notes: big mana

update_strategy:(tutor_for:([[Wand of Wonder]])); %%copy X times for huge value

-->if_FALSE, try:([[Gonti's Aether Heart]]) %%copy X times for huge value

-->if_FALSE, try:([[Lux Cannon]] or [[Grimoire of the Dead]])

-->if_FALSE, try:([[Prototype Portal]]) w/ ([[Rug of Smothering]]/[[Sharding Sphinx]]) %%copy X times for huge value


begin_lategame; %%notes: big mana control instants

update_strategy:((DRAW/GO), gameactions_all(instant_speed)); %%notes: intimidation/surprise factor, big mana w/ hasty commander

if(power_level=decrease): ([[Jhoira, Ageless Innovator]], zone(Command Zone));



Just copy the entire thing and pop it into your description. Then you can delete my comment so it isn't posted twice on your deck <3

Angry_Potatoes on Legend of the Dynamo

2 years ago

Looks like a solid start, but I'm worried you may not have enough lands and/or mana rocks for such a high mana curve. I'd consider Mind Stone, Wayfarer's Bauble and/or Worn Powerstone and possibly a couple more lands.

For possible cuts, I'm looking at Temporal Aperture, Conduit of Ruin and Grimoire of the Dead, none of which really seem to fit your strategy. (I know that Conduit is an Eldrazi tutor, but your creature count is so low it doesn't seem worth it imo)

I also noticed a non-bo with Lightning Greaves; You have many cards dedicated to untapping Peregrine, but Greaves prevents you from targeting it with Shroud. I'd swap out Greaves for Swiftfoot Boots or another Hexproof equipment.

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