Magewright's Stone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Magewright's Stone


, : Untap target creature that has an activated ability with in its cost.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 weeks ago

legendofa Back with another batch.



Veteran Armorer

Sword of the Paruns

Anthem of Rakdos

Brace for Impact

Magewright's Stone

Evolution Charm

Seal of Primordium

Intervention Pact

Mystic Speculation

Veilstone Amulet


Blinding Powder…if the guy holding it is trying to blind himself XD

Exile into Darkness is reminiscent of Cage of Hands. Right perspective, hands coming from off screen, but they’re disembodied.

Clinging Darkness see above.

Hex seems like it isn’t FPP, but if you’ve ever toiled away painting/organizing miniatures, sometimes you’ll stoop down to check things and get this very perspective.

Spectral Searchlight odd angle, but possible.

Haunting Hymn this one’s tough. If you take the whispy tendril thingies to be limbs, then this potentially qualifies. If it’s supposed to be smoke or vapors, then no. I don’t know anything about the lore/backstory of this card to know what’s going on here.

Almost certainly not:

Shuko check the thumbs. It’s not FPP

Umezawa's Jitte see above

Fury Charm almost certainly not FPP, unlike the other charm.

SufferFromEDHD on Tsabo Tavoc Havoc

7 months ago

Thanks for stopping in prophet of profits.

I too love Tsabo. I think the high CMC scares people away but there is no denying that this is a powerful card well before the power creep.

Extra activations = Patriar's Seal, Puppet Strings, Magewright's Stone + Staff of Domination

No you are right Spreading Plague is necessary.

Crystal Chimes Urza was the "enchantment block" after all haha! Good eye. Definitely useful.

I would statistically get better mileage out of both Jet and Ruby and I will be updating the deck to be more efficient based off your observation. That said... Heartless Summoning is a pet card of mine. I love that permaSol Ring. It turns 3 drops into 1 drop weenies and it turns 4 drops into hate bears! Tsabo 6/3 @ feels good.

The_Acid_Drip on The price is life

10 months ago

Sorry for the spam, but Magewright's Stone also seems better than the Mobile Garrison.

Crivaro on

1 year ago

Like the deck, just wondering if Magewright's Stone would be a good include.

PickleNutz on

2 years ago

I saw Roon and had to take a look. I have a room deck that isn’t thematic and focuses entirely on enter effects. I can’t make a ton of suggestions because you have a theme for soldiers and I think it’s unique. The only thing I would recommend checking into is 8-10 sources of targeted removal (white has a ton, green can take care of flying stuff or utilizes the fight mechanic, and blue has return to hand effects). Then 10 sources of mana ramp. A good deck composition is 45 sources of mana (lands and mana ramp/ rocks, I usually do 35-37 lands and 8-10 ramp/rocks), 10 removal spells (targeted and 2 board wipes), 30 direct desired effect cards (in this case enter the battlefield effects), and 15 or so supporting effects (tutors, effect doublers, win conditions). Path of Discovery is an amazing card with Roon, as it benefits from the effect of the commander without needing to be a target of his ability. It can strengthen your creatures or give you access to mana. It’s a great support style card. Panharmonicon doubles the enter triggers. Guardian Project gives you draw card every time something enters. Cavalier of Thorns turns into an extra land every turn under Roon’s ability, and it’s a beast with the ability to return a card to your library when it dies. Magewright's Stone allows you to untap Roon and get an extra bounce effect. Yorion, Sky Nomad can be a board wide bounce effect for some really interesting interactions. If you don’t want to look outside of the theme at all that’s understandable. Those are just some of my favorite Roon combos.

TheOfficialCreator on Heartless Pressure

2 years ago

What do you think about Umbral Mantle being used to untap your creature? Jandor's Saddlebags and Magewright's Stone are decent too.

Knotwood on Goblins Galore

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions, I've been considering Impact Tremors and Warstorm Surge for some time now and Thousand-Year Elixir for some reason passed by me. I've previously used and removed Magewright's Stone, but removed it when it didn't work out for me, while Devilish Valet breaks the theme of goblins for me.

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