Gruesome Scourger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gruesome Scourger

Creature — Orc Warrior

When Gruesome Scourger enters the battlefield, it deals damage to target opponent or planeswalker equal to the number of creatures you control.

MeneerDutchy on Henzie “The Toolman” Taylor ETB

2 years ago

Torgaar, Famine Incarnate Dusk Mangler Gruul Ragebeast Hornet Queen Meteor Golem Overseer of the Damned Regal Force Rune-Scarred Demon Terror of Mount Velus Titan of Industry Verdant Sun's Avatar Baleful Beholder Bane of Progress Blight-Breath Catoblepas Blitz Leech Brutalizer Exarch Cleanup Crew Dakmor Lancer Dark Hatchling Duplicant Earthshaker Giant Goremand Grave Titan Great Oak Guardian Greenwarden of Murasa Kodama of the East Tree Kogla, the Titan Ape Massacre Wurm Noxious Gearhulk Patron of the Vein Ravager Wurm Regal Behemoth Soul of the Harvest Sower of Discord Thief of Blood Ulvenwald Hydra Whiptongue Hydra Bloodtithe Collector Blossom Prancer Cavalier of Thorns Conclave Naturalists Custodi Lich Demanding Dragon Emrakul's Hatcher Fury Giant Ambush Beetle Gilt-Leaf Winnower Gray Merchant of Asphodel God-Eternal Rhonas Gruesome Scourger Ingot Chewer Indrik Stomphowler Invader Parasite Keldon Firebombers Massacre Girl Mindclaw Shaman Morkrut Banshee Nessian Game Warden Obsidian Charmaw Pharika's Mender Phyrexian Delver Predatory Nightstalker Priest of the Blood Rite Puppeteer Clique Qasali Slingers Regisaur Alpha Serpent Assassin Shadowborn Demon Shriekmaw Silverglade Elemental Stuffy Doll Stingerfling Spider Whiptail Moloch Wei Assassins Wild Celebrants Agent of Erebos Ancestral Statue Balustrade Spy Bloodboil Sorcerer Bramble Sovereign Cackling Fiend Carrion Imp Chain Devil Coal Stoker Dagger Caster Disciple of Bolas Dread Presence Flametongue Kavu Foundation Breaker Grief Intellect Devourer Kozilek's Predator Llanowar Empath Masked Admirers Mausoleum Turnkey Misfortune Teller Myconid Spore Tender Nekrataal Nantuko Cultivator Ondu Giant Oxidda Scrapmelter Quirion Trailblazer Rampant Rejuvenator Ravenous Chupacabra Sawblade Slinger Slippery Bogbonder Solemn Simulacrum Summoner's Egg Sylvan Messenger Traxos, Scourge of Kroog Umori, the Collector Voice of Many

Guerric on Help Building my First Competitive …

2 years ago

I'd replace Mobilize with Copperhorn Scout. The cmc is the same, and scout is an elf for when that matters, and the scout can be used repeatedly. The problem with Vitalize and Mobilize is that they are one-offs and thus often low impact, but at least the former is an instant allowing you to use it during your opponents' turns for a surprise move.

Cards like Torment of Hailfire are just better than things like Gruesome Scourger and Radiant Epicure which at 5cmc will often just not do enough to justify the cost. It's always good to think of the floor of the card and not just the ceiling. If you have one other creature out and play those cards it will feel bad. With Hailfire, even if you only cast it for five each opponent is going to have to choose between sacrificing up to three permanents or taking up to nine to the face, which will be a good return on investment.

Living Death is especially amazing with Syr Konrad, the Grim and can double as a board wipe and win con. If you cast it with Syr Konrad out, first all creatures in all graveyards will do damage to each opponent as they are exiled from the graveyard, then opponents will take damage for every creature killed and put into the graveyard. Its just crazy powerful. Also, if you have a sac outlet you can always sac all of your stuff first so you can get everything back. Its just unbeatable.

I feel like Throne of the God-Pharaoh could do some work but probably fits better in a different deck, but that's just me.

The Meathook Massacre is pricey in money for a reason- its sort of a catch all. It can be a boardwipe, or not, but either way its an extra aristocrat effect of a permanent type people remove the least, so its good!

I'll post some other thoughts on the deck page itself, but I wanted to answer your above questions here.

ionlyplayelves on Help Building my First Competitive …

2 years ago

Also, I just found Gruesome Scourger and Radiant Epicure that go with the theme of dealing direct damage. Would this be a good add or veer to far from elves now?

rotimislaw on Pattern Recognition #169 - Orcs

3 years ago

Good article berryjon! As always a pleasure to read!

For our Orcish Party, I'd surely recommend Orc General as the Warrior and leave Rogue hiring for someone else :)

Generally, I'd see Orcs as overlords of Goblin mob, using them as a resource for gaining power and overwhelming enemy. That would match their direction to explore their nature on top of power and savageness.

It would also make a distinguishment between them and Minotaurs which tend to work more around Blightning effects as I see them.

Also, it would comply with recently present Gruesome Scourger and Orcish Vandal like cards.

ChrisHansonBiomancin on Plant-People Pod (M20 Std)

5 years ago

Hey man I've been playing around more with this deck concept the last couple days & thought I'd share a few ideas I've come across:

If you want to go with a more combo-oriented route, Siren Stormtamer fits in really nicely, giving you more one-drops & protecting the combo pieces. Also, adding haste to the equation really helps make the combo faster & harder to stop since you can play Vannifar, pod into Timestream, and activate all in one turn, plus you can still go infinite even if Vannifar can't bring Timestream back on the turn it activates. Samut, Tyrant Smasher is the only real enabler in these colors, but it was actually pretty nutty when I was playtesting with it since it also makes the dorks pay for themselves.

For the less combo-oriented approach, I actually took your idea on Muldrotha in my deck but without Timestream, just because it's really good with the rest of the deck. One particular interaction that's pretty insane is with Gruesome Scourger . With Vannifar & Yarok out alongside just a couple dorks, you can play/tutor Scourger for a double-digit hit, then pod it into Muldrotha & play it again from the yard for a total of 20+ damage in 1-2 turns depending on your mana. I was already really liking Scourger as a finisher before adding in Muldrotha but the ability to quickly recur it makes it so much better. Also won a couple grindier playtest games thanks to Muldrotha + Plaguecrafter forcing a sac every turn.

ChrisHansonBiomancin on Plant-People Pod (M20 Std)

5 years ago

Awesome deck man, +1. I recently got back into Magic, and Vannifar also stood out to me as one of the main cards I wanted to brew around, so I've built 2 different BUG archetypes with her as a key cog. Since you've been brewing with Vannifar for a while I'd be interested to hear any ideas you might have.

The first (Neoristocrats) is quite a bit different from your deck, as it's mostly Black & uses a low curve with Aristocrats-style fodder creatures like Gutterbones & Orzhov Enforcer in order to generate value while pod-ing with Vannifar & Neoform or locking down the opponent's board with Priest of Forgotten Gods .

The second (Yarok's Toolbox) is much more similar to your deck, as it's mostly a Green ramp toolbox build. As the name suggests, it's more heavily focused on ETB triggers, but it's largely the same concept with a lot of the same cards, & also has some combo-style finishes. I really like what you're doing with the infinite turns combo tho, so I might have to think about working that in. Right now I'm using Gruesome Scourger +Yarok & End-Raze Forerunners as my big insta-win bombs.

Anyways, if I could give some tips for your deck, in general I have always found that "building around a card" works much more consistently if there are another 4-8 cards that can also synergize well with the cards that are designed to work with the featured card; there is only a ~40% chance that you will see a given 4-of in your opening hand, versus ~65% if you have 8 cards for a similar role. If you think about it in terms of a 3-game series, that's almost one extra game on average per series that you'll have what you need.

IMHO this is doubly true for Vannifar since she has to survive a turn on the battlefield to be used & is vulnerable to removal, so any strategy involving her needs some backup plans. For a Green ramp deck like this, I think the best pairing is Finale of Devastation , giving you much better odds of being able to utilize your toolbox when you need it, and making an immediate one-time impact in contrast to Vannifar's slower but repeatable ability. It also would give you the ability to get Vannifar or a non-CMC-friendly combo piece if you want to set up the infinite turns win.

Some other nice pod-ing options from my deck that you might consider are Plaguecrafter , Plague Mare , Exclusion Mage , Biogenic Ooze , Tishana, Voice of Thunder , and Dream Eater .

Best of luck with the deck!