Boggart Harbinger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Boggart Harbinger

Creature — Goblin Shaman

When Boggart Harbinger enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a Goblin card, reveal it, then shuffle your library and put that card on top of it.

MagicMarc on Share your hidden gems

4 months ago

During the time a printing of Enduring Renewal was in Standard or Extended around 2007 or so along with Deathrender I snuck them into a Goblin Aggro/Burn deck. So it had goblins like Wort, Boggart Auntie, Boggart Harbinger, Mogg Fanatic and Siege-Gang Commander along with Nantuko Husk and Boggart Shenanigans. It also had the tribal burn cards and some other stuff
The deck was crazy fun, you would curve out at the start like typical Mono Red Aggro with Burn and then suddenly plop an infinite combo on the table that did infinite damage and/or made infinite goblins. Wort, Boggart Auntie gets around Enduring Renewal making you pitch your creature cards amd also returned tribal burn cards. And Boggart Shenanigans let you win with whatever goblins you had in hand. The deck didn't need the combo to win at all but was fun when it happened and always surprised my opponents. I dont mean this as a plug for a deck but here is a rough list of what I briefly ran: Boggarted My Deck.

wallisface on Gerblins!

1 year ago

If you’re looking to update this, you should probably adapt to the current meta list. Specifically, goblins want to be an aggressive deck but also packing the instant-win combo of Conspicuous Snoop + Boggart Harbinger (to put Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker on-top to make infinite goblins, and then use the last copy trigger to target Harbinger and put Sling-Gang Lieutenant on-top and ping for lethal).

Icbrgr on FNM/Thursday Night Modern Report

2 years ago

I went to the LGS to play Modern last night... I was playing a bad Blue Moon decklist that seriously needs adjustments/updates.... but I had a blast... placed 6th out of 9 players (epic 3 way tie for last place technically...but Ill Take it!)

Living End

  • This deck is funny... Grief ETB effects are disgusting.


Jeskai Prowess

wallisface on Goblins

2 years ago

As a word of advise, Goblins as a tribe really need the ability to combo-off. Without some way to combo-off, they end up being too easy to disrupt and pull apart, and even outside of disruption, the deck is just slower than every other kind of aggro. Your quantity of 3-drops in particular is going to make it very hard for you to apply pressure quickly.

I’d suggest going in one of two directions:

  • traditional goblin builds utaluzing the Conspicuous Snoop combo (2-card combo with Boggart Harbinger to manipulate the topdeck letting you make infinite goblins with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and then re-manipulate to win with Sling-Gang Lieutenant). The deck still maintains a lot of aggro aggression, but primarily just achieves free-wins by combo-ing off. Example decklist here.

  • the cheaper option, and one that is closer to your current build, is 8-wack. The important thing here is to have a super-low curve to get wide quickly, and then play a “wack” card to win on the spot. Example decklist here

wallisface on Combolins

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Goblins is already a currently established top-tier deck in modern, so it'll be useful to see what cards that build is currently using, for fine-tuning your own brew. The current deck is here. Note that they splash black for some important key pieces.

  • Aether Vial is pretty important for a goblin deck to maintain a level of flexibility and speed. I've also seen some decks run Pyre of Heroes to great success.

  • If you're running Conspicuous Snoop, you really need to be running the rest of the combo, otherwise it doesn't have a lot of use. The combo is Conspicuous Snoop, Boggart Harbinger, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, and Sling-Gang Lieutenant (once Snoop is in play, you play Boggart to put Kiki on-top, and make infinite Snoops. Then, eventually copy the Boggart instead, and put Sling-Gang on top of your library for infinite ping-damage).

TCK_Green on List of EDH Tutor Cards

4 years ago

TIL that emojis aren't parsed properly by TappedOut even though they appear fine in the preview! Let's try again...

I've found this list really helpful whilst drafting decks over the last few years, thanks for putting it together! :) Judging by the 400,000 views that this has had I'm guessing I'm not the only person who feels that way :D

Since this list hasn't been updated since pre-WAR, I thought I'd put together a pretty comprehensive list of all tutors released since then (including all of the tutors mentioned in the comments above). Hopefully putting it in one place will make it easier to update! Note - as per the list you've curated, I've excluded any tutors that fetch specific cards (e.g. Yanling's Harbinger) or basic lands. I've also left off the card types and colours since there's already enough text in the comment and it can be seen from the preview. Right - on with the list!


It wasn't entirely clear to me what categories the below cards should go under since they search for specific card subtypes:

Seeing as the three creators of this list haven't been on TappedOut in at least 8 months I'm guessing that this comment won't go anywhere, but at least it's all in one place for people to search for later. I'm happy to help maintain and update this list if I'm given access. (If I haven't heard back in a couple of months then I might look at creating a copy of this list and linking it here for anyone looking for an up-to-date list of tutors.)

TCK_Green on List of EDH Tutor Cards

4 years ago

I've found this list really helpful whilst drafting decks over the last few years, thanks for putting it together!

wallisface on The New Most Competitive Modern Deck--Dryads

4 years ago

Omniscience_is_life, some examples of how the 5 modern-playable tribes operate, to give you an idea of what you’re up against:

The above decks can all win their games by turn 4 or 5, most of them giving the opponent constant grief while doing so.

As a further example, Slivers are not a modern-viable tribe, because just throwing creatures down on the board and hoping for the best doesn’t cut it in the modern environment.

I think you need to consider what you’re actually getting out of Dryads, and whether you want this to be a competitive deck, or a casual/meme deck.

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