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Sliver Avalanche Combo EDH

Commander / EDH




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mainly way to finish is an infinite mana/tokens combo:
[mana echoes + queen]
or [training grounds + basal + queen]
or [basal + gemhide + queen + heart/firewake]
or [training grouns + gemhide + queen + heart/firewake]
overlord can easily tutorate the pieces of combo that you need :D
at this point add a legion and you will have 999999... extremely big tokens or cautery, psionic to win without attakking or necrotic to just destroy about everything

there's some ways to steal opponents creatures:
[overlord + unnatural selection] (steal effect with 4 mana)
[overlord + amoeboid] ( steal effect 3+tap)
[overlord + unnatural selection + training grounds] (steal effect with 2 mana)

patriarch's bidding, twilight's call and living dead can turn tide of battles, especially sacrificing all slivers for others advantages and then casting living dead.

some counterspells and oblivion ring helps getting rid of opponent's spells that could broke irrimediably your game, and oblation can take off an opponent general.

there are many others slivers, such as quick and shadow that can be useful, but what can i remove for them??


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

35 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Sliver 1/1 C
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