An Auras deck that doesn’t play Blue and where Uril isn’t the commander!?!

Let me guess… you played in a game where someone was playing an enchantment-centric deck? You noticed how little enchantment removal people play in EDH? You already have decks based around creatures, artifacts, or landfall and you’re ready for the next type theme but not ready to commit to a Super Friends? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I think you are in the right place.

Let me frame the situation; I want an enchantment deck, I don’t want Blue, I don’t want Uril, the Miststalker, I already have a Jund deck, I already have a Mardu deck (finding it difficult not to make more); so what are my options in Abzan? I looked at EDHREC and noticed something interesting, there is a perfect combination that hasn’t been verbosely explored yet (at least not in a popular fashion). I am talking about the combination of Ardenn & Ikra (Only 3 decks according to EDHREC as of 5/27/2021). This combination is almost the absolute ideal, I get a commander that gives strong support for an Auras theme and I get a commander that has native evasion (making her perfect to suit up with enchantments).

Although this is an Auras deck, let me cover some of the non-aura enchantment cards in the deck. Enchantress's Presence is an obvious and necessary include (there’s a reason they are called “Enchantress Decks”). If we don’t have that draw, we can always use Greed; not bad when you have the extra mana from the enchantment ramp spells like Khalni Heart Expedition, Monologue Tax, Omen of the Hunt, Rites of Flourishing, and Dictate of Karametra; plus those other 3 auras that enchant your lands for extra value. Of course don’t forget Martyr's Bond (a target in itself) & Sigil of the Empty Throne (must have in any enchantment deck sporting white).

Yeah, okay we go enchantments; cool, cool, cool, no doubt, no doubt; no need to list out every F**** card. But let me just name a couple of those big player auras.

Here are the cards I like to call “The Finishers”: Ancestral Mask: If you don’t understand why this card is a must have in this deck, read it again.

Colossification: Enchant your natively evasive commander (Ikra) with this and you’re already lethal. Beware of the fact that it taps the creature you put it on, most people will try to blow it up before your creatures gets a chance to hit. But here's where it gets even better. Just cast it on a nobody creature you have when your other commander (Ardenn) is out and it's not an issue, just move it over to your main beat-stick the same turn and swing in.

Epic Proportions: Make your main homie +5/+5 bigger with trample, but do it on your opponents end step because it has flash.

Bear Umbra: I hope you have stuff in your hand, because with this guy you are going to play it out in your second main. Not only that, it makes our main enchanted creature a little harder to kill.

Let us review the creatures we are playing; I’m not going to go over the stuff that draws you cards or gets bonuses for Casting or ETB enchantments because I think we all know that those are a must have for this deck. Here are some cards that you may not know are super incredible (or maybe you do).

Eidolon of Countless Battles: This one is pretty obvious right… I don’t need to explain this… This guy is too good in here (and every other enchantment deck). Makes your main G big, and is big if your main G dies.

Fleecemane Lion: A two drop for a 3/3 already feels good. But wait, there’s more! If you can manage to make it monstrous, this guy will win you the game! Indestructible & Hexproof on a lad with all the powerups will do work.

Kitsune Mystic  : This is absolutely INSANE if you get to flip this creature. You can tap to move an enchantment to any creature. Not just your enchantments either, instantly moving an enchantment from an opponent’s creature to one of yours is mean, but not as mean as moving a Colossification onto an unblocked pleb. But wait, there’s more, instantly move it onto an opponents unblocked commander to be extra mean. This guy will surprise instagib a player.

Killian, Ink Duelist: If I’m being honest, this is one of my favorite cards in this deck. He seems relatively innocuous at first glance, but put him in the context of this deck. Natural evasion, sustain with lifelink, and strap up my boi with those enchantment buffs because each one you cast targeting him with coast less!!

If you’re still reading this description then I’m assuming you’re a very distinguishing Timmy player and you are as giddy as I am about playing a deck that doesn’t completely rely on creatures (but at the same time still kind of does). I want to play enchantments, but since I’m closet hipster (would be full hipster but that's a little too mainstream for me) I need it to be different; I feel like this deck fulfills both those desires for me. I hope this deck fulfills you as well.


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97% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Spider 1/2 G, Treasure
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