
This is my attempt at being more casual than usual (I have hardly any interaction outside of protecting my board and I'm excluding a few haymakers like Sneak Attack/Akroma's Will/Captain Sisay/Winota, Joiner of Forces on purpose.) I had a copy of Fallaji Wayfarer, Peri Brown, and We Ride at Dawn, wanted to find a home that made sense for all 3, and Rienne was the answer I came up with. Presenting: Rienne Multicolored Matters Legendary Tribal.

So far the deck has done pretty well. It's still capable of winning in most pods at my LGS (there's a LOT of variance) but I feel like I hit the sweet spot of building something I can play against precons without feeling like an asshole.

Feel free to check out my other decks.


Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Spanisshin Inquisisshin

Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

Bipedal Beastmode (Éowyn Human Tribal)

Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Rienne's Kaleidoscope - Multicolor/Legends Matter


Goldmane... The Other Brother

Muldrotha's Madhouse ⫷Primer⫸

Added Layers of Protection - Tymna & Sidar

Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Prossh's Dastardly Bastard Children - Group Slug

Animar, Gaea's Hemorrhoid ⫷PRIMER⫸

Sisay's Hombres -Hatebears

Edgar's Dega Vampires

Little Rey of Ishine (Reyhan/Ishai)


"Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

The Calm Before The Swarm -Mazirek/Vrestin Insects (Rule 0)


Boot Scootin' Booger - Felix Five Boots

"The Devil's Invoice" - Vihaan Treasuristocrats

Ghired's Parrots: "Stop Copying Me, Squawk"


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91% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

56 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Alien Insect 1/1 GW, Citizen 1/1 GW, Clue, Copy Clone, Egg 0/1 G, Food, Gnome 1/1 C, Golem 4/4 RW, Human Soldier 1/1 GW, Mercenary 1/1 R, Monarch Emblem
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