
This is a voltron deck, and with a few adjustments can easily be modified into a budget deck. The goal is to cast Light Paws, have a flash aura up to blank removal, and then win with Commander damage over the next (hopefully very few) turns.

Your flash auras are actually keys to your toolbox of deck, fetching either Voltron or Protection auras on Light-Paws as needed.

Notable Auras you want:

Ethereal Armor, All That Glitters, and Battle Mastery provide the heaviest hitting buffs to power and toughness.

Flickering Ward and Conviction can bounce themselves, allowing you to replay them and get another search trigger off of Light-Paws.

Shield of Duty and Reason and Mask of Law and Grace combined offer protection from 4 colors for just two 1-mana auras. This is very good, since we use Protection from X to blank removal and get in for combat damage (ex, Spirit Mantle).

Benevolent Blessing actually specifies that " This effect doesn't remove Auras and Equipment you control that are already attached to it." You can go protection from white here and not lose everything, but you also cannot add any other auras on Light-Paws while Benevolent Blessing is in play. Yes, even off of its triggered ability.

You also have a few hateful auras. These are useful since they provide keys, but you should not tutor them up off of Light-Paws.

Attack the most threatening player, stax out the rest enough that you won't die on a crack-back, and good luck!

Total Guide to Tutoring Enchantments at instant speed:

I need:


Flickerform for dodging Toxic Deluge and mass-enchantment removal

Teferi's Protection for the same reasons

Umbra Mystic for the latter reason

Robe of Stars for the former reason

Replenish in case it's too late already

Reprobation for more anti-commander tech

Sigarda's Aid Better toolboxing

Serra Ascendant Alternative Beater

Ethersworn Canonist and similar effects not wanted due to the liklihood of casting our commander and holding up a flash-aura on the same turn. Deafening Silence is an exception since we can still do that.


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99% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.73
Tokens Warrior 1/1 W w/ Vigilance
Folders Temp, EDH, Great Decks, Commander, Decks, Lightpaw, cool decks, Voltron, Commander Decks, Fun deck ideas
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