Omen Machine

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Omen Machine


Players can't draw cards.
At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player exiles the top card of his or her library. If it's a land card, the player puts it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, the player casts it without paying its mana cost if able.

DreadKhan on Lil' Shit

8 months ago

IMHO their are few bigger 'lil shit' type cards than Rite of the Raging Storm, if their is an opponent who can't handle 5/1 Tramplers they are dead meat very quickly, it's a very chaotic atmosphere with Rite out. It's also very good with many cards that would work well with your Commander, such as Mask of Griselbrand, and I can point out a bunch of other options. Relic of Sauron is a very good Grixis mana rock that can also draw a card now and then. I think copy effects are probably pretty good with your Commander, if you cast Rite of Replication on your Commander you still get 5 copies ETBing and dying, which should clear out hands and serve as a huge board wipe (you get 5 triggers each of the ETB and death trigger, if you have 3 opponents left 2 of them have 1/4 of their permanents and one has half left, similar for their hands. Irenicus's Vile Duplication is another fun copy effect, this one doesn't die right away and has flying. If you like annoying creatures you might like some of the specters out their, Hypnotic Specter is an old classic that will always take away a card from whomever you hit, and Stronghold Rats can take one from each player fwiw.

I can't decide if MImic Vat would be worth it with your Commander, if you can get him into the Vat you can make a copy each turn for very little mana, but it doesn't get sacrificed unfortunately, it gets exiled at end of turn, so you'd need sac outlets to get his Death Triggers (but on the upside nobody is going to block you).

Their are a few Chaos type cards that might help with your plans to annoy the table, I've always enjoyed Teferi's Puzzle Box, but any effect that cares about your opponent drawing cards really loves the effect, if you can get Box and a Notion Thief out your opponents each lose their hand and you draw cards equal to how many they had when they lost them. Grip of Chaos can help keep your Commander (or another key permanent) alive longer, and you don't run a ton of targeted interaction yourself. Omen Machine is pretty funny, it's especially useful if you use a high average MV, same with Timesifter. Some people will try to flip the table if you resolve a Possibility Storm, especially if your deck isn't trying to abuse the effect. If you leaned harder into your spell plan, or into permanents that work regardless of who controls them you could try Thieves' Auction, a card many that is so obnoxious that some people consider scooping rather than resolving the effect.

I hope some of these ideas aren't too disruptive, it's fun to have a deck that can troll your playgroup a bit!

Lapse on Worldfire

1 year ago

I also suggest Omen Machine. It help to create some locks, very useful against some decks.

hiddengibbons on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Kevin, Ruiner of Games

Legendary Creature - Human Gamer

Imprint — When ~ enters the battlefield, each player exiles the top three cards of their library.

Players can’t draw cards

At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player exiles the top card of their library. If it's a land card, the player puts it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, the player casts it without paying its mana cost if able.

Whenever a player casts a spell, that player exiles it. If the player does, they may cast a spell from among other cards exiled with ~ without paying its mana cost.

Just wait until I get my Rule of Law


It’s a mashup of Knowledge Pool and Omen Machine that synergies the two together. Make another game ruining card

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Jankest/Worst Artifacts

2 years ago

I always like the ever confusing Illusionary Mask and Ice Cauldron for giving your opponent (and yourself) a headache.

If you want it to be chaotic rather than just confusing there's Timesifter, Omen Machine, and Teferi's Puzzle Box, all of which are fun!

Polaris on Multiple Omen Machines and creature …

2 years ago

Sorry, some of my answer disappeared. The first bit is supposed to read

"An ability like Omen Machine that casts a card directly (as opposed to abilities like Chainer, Nightmare Adept that say "you may cast card this turn) bypasses normal timing restrictions and lets you cast the spell during the resolution of the ability. This puts it on top of the stack, so it will resolve before anything else already on the stack does."

Polaris on Multiple Omen Machines and creature …

2 years ago

The creature will be cast and its ETB trigger will happen first.

An ability like Omen Machine that casts a card directly (as opposed to abilities like Chainer, Nightmare Adept that say "you may cast

You cast the Sage of Epityr while the first Omen Machine trigger is resolving, and then after it finishes resolving the Sage will be the next thing to resolve. It will enter the battlefield and trigger, and you will resolve its trigger to rearrange the top four cards of your library, and then finally the second Omen Machine trigger will get a chance to resolve.

hiddengibbons on Multiple Omen Machines and creature …

2 years ago

If I have 2 Omen Machine and cast a Sage of Epityr or Sylvan Ranger from the first Oman Machine, do I rearrange the top four cards or search for a land before the next Omen Machine trigger’s or do I finish all Omen Machine triggers before using the creature ETB triggers?

Polaris on Ruric Thar, the Unbowed

2 years ago

1) You're fine. Purphoros, God of the Forge being or not being a "creature" is a property of the permanent, not the card. Regardless of your devotion count, Purphoros is a legendary red enchantment creature spell when you cast it and will not trigger Ruric Thar, the Unbowed.

2) It won't be cast. Part of the reason Omen Machine is such a great anti-blue tool when it gets online is that you can't cast a targeted spell without targets. Counterspell goes to exile, they try and fail to cast it, and then it just stays exiled.

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