Tectonic Giant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tectonic Giant

Creature — Elemental Giant

Whenever this attacks or becomes the target of a spell an opponent controls, choose one —

  • This deals 3 damage to each opponent.
  • Exile the top two cards of your library. Choose one of them. Until the end of your next turn, you may play that card.

RiotRunner789 on How Can I Put Sunhome …

3 months ago

Looking at Gisela,

Combustible Gearhulk and Tectonic Giant both give you card advantage and damage to an opponent. Gearhulk being more of a burst and Tectonic being consistent. Both are less mana intense in the long run.

AEther Flash: Older card that only kills one of your creature cards (and even that creature still gets its ETB) and keeps your opponents from only having creatures with at least 5 toughness with your commander out.

Descent into Avernus, Citadel of Pain, and Burning Earth play well and are on theme with mana barbs. They are also all similarly priced and the only expensive-ish cards I'll recommend.

Having at least one Sulfuric Vortex effect that stops life gain is good in a deck like this.

Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer could be put in and even work as a backup commander. Plus side, it costs the same.

My point is, there are a ton of better options and the plus side is there are cheap and nonoppressive options as well.

Edit: Typo correction

Taida on Big Fiery Bois

6 months ago

MusicGoat18 Love all the ideas. I will probably take some time to try all of them, but for sure I will include Glimpse the Cosmos and Tectonic Giant, I think they fit amazing. All the cards seem quite interesting. As you said, it is more of a casual dech, as something as this list would have no chance in the actual metagame, but just wanted to make a fun list full of giants. Thanks for the suggestions!

MusicGoat18 on Big Fiery Bois

6 months ago

I'll take a better look at it later, but here are some card suggestions for the meantime: Tectonic Giant, Prophetic Titan, Glimpse the Cosmos, Lightning Bolt, Phantasmal Image, Sunrise Sovereign, Stinkdrinker Daredevil, Cyclone Summoner, Thundercloud Shaman (pardon if there are repeats or if they are already on your list). I'm not saying everything here should be used or is super good, this is more me listing out a bunch of ideas and options. I'm sure you're more in it for the fun and the casual, but with everything said, this deck will have a hard time in the current meta with all the crazy turn 2 wins and shenanigans. However, you never know when Wizards will release some pretty cool giant stuff in upcoming sets.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

1 year ago

CommanderNeyo(cool name btw, I feel like I've said that before), KBK7101 doesn't utilize any Universes Beyond cards in their decks, TBD on Universes Within printings.

On topic though, but Brutal Hordechief and Tectonic Giant are both decent group slug additions that could round out that suite.

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

1 year ago

I see Anduril as similar because it costs 5 total mana to cast and equip, and Cathar's Crusade is also 5 cmc. Most of the common token producers that most Isshin strats tend to run like Myriad creatures, Hanweir Garrison  Meld, Hero of Bladehold, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, and Adeline, Resplendent Cathar each pump out 4+ tokens, depending if Isshin is out. Either way, creatures need to attack with Anduril equipped, or to make their tokens if Cathar's Crusade is on board. I think they have similarities in terms of their pacing, but aren't 1:1. If anything, to me, Anduril is like a pseudo-Cathar's Crusade for strats that don't have access to White.

I had Thundering Raiju on my Maybeboard for a bit. I think I ultimately ended up picking Tectonic Giant, as I liked the option to impulse draw, and have liked the consistency of 3-6 damage each time I've played it. Aside from Breena, the Demagogue, I haven't really felt the need to dedicate any other slots to +1/+1 counter antheming effects.

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

I started brewing Boros and Mardu versions of the War Doctor, and it made me realize I hope we get a Mardu "exile matters" commander at some point in the future haha. Here's some stuff in Red/White that I think could work with your deck:

  • I'd recommend Soul Partition as something that can pull double duty as either removal or single target protection. Either way, it'll help the War Doctor get some more counters.

  • Grenzo, Havoc Raiser could also be a fairly low-end option to reward any aggro swings, and also help War Doc.

  • Tectonic Giant is another aggro option with impulse draw as one of its modal options.

  • Since the War Doctor cares about cards being exiled from anywhere, Calamity's Wake could be a quick way to get a ton of counters on him via graveyard hate, and also put an end to any combos that turn.

  • Volcanic Torrent could be a removal option that's on theme with Cascade.

  • It's an older card, but Parallax Wave can exile multiple creatures.

  • Lastly, Hofri Ghostforge can be like a recursion piece for this deck and still be on theme for exile matters shenanigans.

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