Nature's Revolt

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nature's Revolt


All lands are 2/2 creatures that are still lands.

legendofa on Raggadragga the druid addict

3 months ago

One angle I like with Raggadragga is Living Lands + Yedora, Grave Gardener. Lands don't lose their mana abilities when they become creatures, and your land-creatures get pumped by RaggaD. When a creature (including a land-creature) dies, it's not a token, so Yedora brings it back as a land, so it goes right back to being a land-creature. Nature's Revolt and Natural Emergence are good, too, but they're less budget friendly or have build-around requirements.

Plus, you can burn out your opponents' Forests with a Pyroclasm or whatever, if you're into mass land destruction.

Profet93 on Titania, Perfection of Argoth

1 year ago

Ravaonna +1

Living Plane/Nature's Revolt - For shits, giggles and much more.

I agree with ThyNemesis regarding Splendid Reclamation. Even if you don't sac your lands until you want to win, it can recur your fetchlands to help you ramp. Or you think you might win and this is a good backup to get back lands incase shit hits the fan.

Conduit of Worlds - Recursion

Collector Ouphe - Artifact hate

Lands to consider....

Mirrorpool - Not necessary but fun!

Cryptic Caves - Draw. Goes well with oracle of mul daya

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp

Field of the Dead - With all your lands and fetches, this should be very easy to trigger. Token army of the dead!

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - Not necessary but works well with dark depths, ancient tomb and cradle.

Goldberserkerdragon on Jetmir's Myriad Debauchery

1 year ago

Kamerot Word man, that's awesome. The myriad stories of how we all become players, the bonds we make, the commanders we fall in love with--it's poetic almost. My first commander was Krenko, Mob Boss and I still operate and maintain him--turbo fun--makes all the bodies you want. I tried Kamahl once as an Animation deck. Turns out it's pretty difficult to justify turning all your lands into creatures that can die, even with mass land recursion spells such as Splendid Reclamation, Gaea's Will, etc. lol. I really like the Living Lands, Life and Limb, and Nature's Revolt cards but even Yedora just makes it oops combo.

Poly_raptor on [Retired] Sacrificial Symposium

1 year ago

Oh yeah if i were to get Living Plane id get a proxy haha. A much more budget option would be Nature's Revolt

If you want to take a look at my list for any inspo feel free :)

Zimone & Dina | Sultai

Commander / EDH* Poly_raptor


Guerric on [EDH][Primer] Sythis Enchantress Prison

2 years ago

Nice deck! The guide is also well thought through. +1 from me. Sythis is a great commander, and it's nice to have an alternative to Tuvasa the Sunlit. I play Tuvasa myself with Sythis in the 99 at its a combo-y good time. The Nature's Revolt combos would be another way of doing what I do with Enchanted Evening and Calming Verse in my deck, but it's nice to have more options! Opalescence + Parallax Wave is the one lock combo I use in my deck that you could run with here- it really helps to keep your opponents' boards clear of meddlesome creatures, and you could also take out their lands with Nature's Revolt, which actually improves it and makes me think about running Nature's Revolt myself! I explain the combo in my primer for Tuvasa, which is here if you're curious- [Primer] Enchantress's Pillowfort: A Tuvasa Guide. Nice job!

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Sythis Enchantress Prison

3 years ago

aisthetikos Yeah, I really wish I picked up a Living Plane a couple years ago; would much rather run it over Nature's Revolt as it's both cheaper mana-wise and makes our opponent's creatures 1/1's instead of 2/2's.

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Sythis Enchantress Prison

3 years ago

Hello aisthetikos! Thank you for your comment!

That's a pretty nifty combo, albeit very mana-inefficient. I would personally much rather only pay the five mana for Nature's Revolt and either the four mana for Linvala, Keeper of Silence or the seven mana for Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite than an eight additional mana for Ezuri's Predation. Plus, with Ezuri's Predation, our opponents could save their stuff through the likes of Heroic Intervention or other methods of giving indestructible; Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite kills through indestructible, which is part of the reason as to why she is so good.

The only reason I run Craterhoof Behemoth is to act as a closer if I need to kill someone immediately. I've thought about cutting it before and am not against the prospect in the future. The deck itself doesn't run much recursion if we need to get something back, and it's a lot easier to get 40 damage to kill someone in a single turn than it is 70+ damage to mill someone out in a single turn - especially with this deck in regard to the fact that most of our creatures are 2/2's. If I were to mill someone out, it'd be using a method like Aluren + Whitemane Lion + Altar of the Brood. However, keep in mind - this is a deck designed to prevent our opponents from playing Magic, not a combo-oriented deck.

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Sythis Enchantress Prison

3 years ago

3n3rgy2 thank you for the comment! I appreciate it!

I've thought about running Solitary Confinement, but in the end I've never actually gotten around to doing anything with it. As for Privileged Position, in my opinion the CMC is too high for this deck. As for Helm of Obedience, I'm not a particular fan of it due to it having an activated ability, and I'm trying to limit myself on artifacts and activated abilities. I'm even getting a Null Rod from a friend hopefully soon to add an additional source of hate against artifacts with activated abilities.

I appreciate the compliments about the deck! Honestly my favorite thing in Magic is fine-tuning decklists, and while I definitely think this deck needs some optimization (namely Living Plane in place of Nature's Revolt and Savannah in place of Scattered Groves just to name a few), I think it's pretty much as close to done as it's going to get without spending several thousand dollars on getting four to five cards.

Again, thank you!

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