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1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Living Lands
All Forests are 1/1 creatures that are still lands.

legendofa on Good uses for bad cards
1 month ago
Bookrook You can cut out some of the middle of that with Living Lands. Lands become Forests, Forests become creatures, swap and sac.
legendofa on
Raggadragga the druid addict
3 months ago
One angle I like with Raggadragga is Living Lands + Yedora, Grave Gardener. Lands don't lose their mana abilities when they become creatures, and your land-creatures get pumped by RaggaD. When a creature (including a land-creature) dies, it's not a token, so Yedora brings it back as a land, so it goes right back to being a land-creature. Nature's Revolt and Natural Emergence are good, too, but they're less budget friendly or have build-around requirements.
Plus, you can burn out your opponents' Forests with a Pyroclasm or whatever, if you're into mass land destruction.
FormOverFunction on Build a Deck with Me …
9 months ago
Looking at the commander, and the mechanics: Lands aren’t token creatures, right? How hilarious would a Living Lands-type effect be? Probably not worth trying to build around... but...
Goldberserkerdragon on
Jetmir's Myriad Debauchery
1 year ago
Kamerot Word man, that's awesome. The myriad stories of how we all become players, the bonds we make, the commanders we fall in love with--it's poetic almost. My first commander was Krenko, Mob Boss and I still operate and maintain him--turbo fun--makes all the bodies you want. I tried Kamahl once as an Animation deck. Turns out it's pretty difficult to justify turning all your lands into creatures that can die, even with mass land recursion spells such as Splendid Reclamation, Gaea's Will, etc. lol. I really like the Living Lands, Life and Limb, and Nature's Revolt cards but even Yedora just makes it oops combo.
Rhadamanthus on Yedora, Grave Gardener infinite combos …
1 year ago
They only affect objects on the battlefield as they resolve. If a resolving spell/ability changes the characteristics of objects (type, color, P/T, abilities, etc.), the set of objects it affects is locked in at the time it resolves. Other objects that show up later won't be affected.
However, a continuous effect from a static ability that changes characteristics of objects will always apply to any eligible object. An effect like Living Lands, for example, will apply to the cards that Yedora brings back as Forests.
Another interesting example for that last part: this is why Underworld Breach is implemented as an Enchantment. If it was a Sorcery then you'd have to keep track of what cards were in the graveyard at the time it resolved vs. what entered the graveyard after that point and it would just be kind of a hassle and open up opportunities for mistakes.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Interaction between Yedora, Grave Gardener …
1 year ago
Regarding the Zoetic Cavern question: I'm not sure, but afaik, death triggers trigger in the grave, but from the battlefield. Thus, that should work.
Primal Whisperer doesn't work that way, I think, as the face down cards Yedora creatures aren't creatures.
Except with Living Lands.
Holy hell, I hadn't thought that damn janitor would be that complex. Gottabuild him now, I guess.
CamraMaan on Interaction between Yedora, Grave Gardener …
1 year ago
Ha! I was just trying to post a question asking about Living Lands! It made me refresh this page first, and here I am. So then yes, it does what I thought it might, making the land creatures nearly impossible to get rid of. Man this commander is sneaky good! I just found it doing a card search for a Goreclaw deck, and thought it might be fun to scheme around and research a little as another commander. I didn't realize how much power was laying underneath the surface! Fun stuffs! :)
legendofa on Interaction between Yedora, Grave Gardener …
1 year ago
CamraMaan Sidestepping your last question because I think I know the answer but I'm not positive...
Have you looked at Living Lands and similar cards? A creature dies, it comes back as a Forest. Living Lands turns it into a creature (and it's not a token). You now have a pretty much unkillable 1/1 Forest creature. If you do that for all your creatures and lands, you have a pseudo-indestructible mana and creature base.