Power Sink

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Power Sink


Counter target spell unless its controller pays symnbol:X. If they don't, that player taps all lands with mana abilities they control and lose all unspent mana.

9-lives on

9 months ago

RiotRunner789 Holy crap haha. Power Sink is a crazy good card! The only problem is that we'll probably have equal amounts of mana comparing to each other, especially if we lay down 1 mana per turn from the beginning (which green does a good job of ramping and disrupting this equality, and many people have mana artifacts to ramp with). And thanks for tailoring your responses to my own preferences!

RiotRunner789 on

9 months ago

Since Mana Leak is your jam:

Wizard Replica, Spiketail Hatchling, and Cursecatcher work well-ish on offense with your commander.

Power Sink is fun when you don't want them casting anything else.

unstable_anomaly on All My X’s Live in the Hive Nexus

2 years ago

If you didn't wanna run any of the infinites Seedborn Muse would still be incredibly powerful with any of the instant speed draw spells (Blue Sun's Zenith / Commander's Insight / Diviner's Portent / Drown in Dreams / Even the Score / Pull from Tomorrow / Stroke of Genius). Could easily draw the whole deck for a Thassa's Oracle / Laboratory Maniac / Jace, Wielder of Mysteries win.

Also pairs really well with all the X cost counterspells Condescend / Syncopate / Power Sink / Logic Knot / Clash of Wills.

Just some more food for thought.

gavriel1136 on Help with my Mizzix deck

3 years ago

I have a Mizzix deck of my own, (though my tapped out version is likely outdated), so I can share my insights. I also avoided storm for mine as well.

First off, your mana production likely needs to be higher. 4 rocks and some rituals won't cut it, especially with so few lands. People looove removing Mizzix, and having more mana to recast her is vital. If you like spells that give mana, consider Brass's Bounty or Spell Swindle

Second, is there a reason you have so many things to give instant speed? Leyline of anticipation, quicken, vedalken orrery. Why are these necessary? Blue/red has plenty of instant speed interaction without needing to speed up sorceries.

Third, your wipes. You have three and Mizzix dies to all of them. Consider effects that will not force you to recast your commander. Curse of the swine is nice, and but there are other options.

Lastly, some random card choices I don't follow. Foil, Counterflux, and Guilded Drake all seem sort of suspect. The first two make Mizzix's ability irrelevant, and the third plays into your minor "theft" subtheme, but frankly is just a random card to include. Better counterspells are ones that take advantage of Mizzix's abilities, such as Syncopate and Power Sink. I know 1 mana spells are efficient, but after you get 1 experience counter, those ponder, Brainstorm, and preordains are gonna feel way worse.

P.S., for protection, I recommend things that give hexproof/ shroud, such as Lightning Greaves or Giant's Amulet. On the spell side, Dive Down, or Blink effects like Teferi's Time Twist usually serve me best

lDruid on Master Spellslinging | Mizzix EDH

4 years ago

Cool deck. You may want to give Reiterate some consideration. Plus I always thought the X counter spells would be very powerful in a controlling Mizzix list. Power Sink, Syncopate, and Condescend etc. Also I LOVE Spell Swindle in this list.

carpecanum on Zaxara got a phat X

4 years ago

There are many more blue counterspells with X in the cost. Power Sink is my favorite.

I'd ditch Gaze of Granite because it murders hydras automatically.

Cloudstone Curio allows you to return creatures to your hand and then recast then. You have a steady source of hydras then.

Snips500 on [PDH] Tatyova Combo

4 years ago

Hi, I just recently brewed up a Tatyova list that is aiming to be competitive and I wanted to ask about a few of your choices. I acknowledge that you have likely tested and played this deck more often but I am mostly curious about some of your card choices and the direction that you took this list. You can find my deck here: ~PDH~ When Lands Came to Value Town (Tatyova)

  1. Why do you include so much card draw? I actually run zero spells or otherwise that draw me cards other than lands through Tatyova. When I first was putting the list together I had a bunch in the form of Ponder, Gush, and so on but ended up cutting them for other cards.

  2. Some of your Land fetchings spells just seem bad. I don't mean to offend but cards like Nature's Lore, Search for Tomorrow, Shoreline Ranger, Spoils of Victory, Farseek, Kodama's Reach and Rampant Growth just don't seem worth it to me. Instead of some of these fetch spells, I run 40 lands. I was also surprised that you are not running Dreamscape Artist (Springbloom Druid just seems like a worse version). It's like a repeatable Harrow and gets you two Tatyova triggers. I would argue that that card is one of the most powerful cards in my deck behind Tatyova ofc and Mystic Sanctuary.

  3. I decided to include more utility lands such as Bojuka Bog, Khalni Garden, and Sejiri Steppe. This decision on my part to include these was in spite of some of them not being in Green Blue but I though their value outweighs that downside. Bojuka Bog for example is better than Relic of Progenitus in this deck because you can flash it in with a creature like Walking Atlas and exile a target players bin and draw a card like relic. The thing is though that Bog is repeatable through your creatures that bounce your lands. Sejiri Steppe is similar in the way that its repeatable protection for Tatyova or another important creature.

  4. I noticed you only ran 1 land bouncing creature. In my deck, these guys power much of the value. With them and Halimar Depths I can basically ponder each turn at least once, it allows me to repeat the ETB effects that I mentioned above, and It also allows me to get a land drop in if I missed one for some reason. Floodbringer, Oboro Breezecaller, Soratami Rainshaper are the ones I run in addition.

  5. Now a few suggestions I have: Whispersilk Cloak, Power Sink, Universal Solvent, Vines of Vastwood, Scaretiller, Explorer's Scope (This works well in conjunction with Adventuring Gear and Aqueous Form), Seat of the Synod and Tree of Tales can be tutored with Trinket Mage, Library of Leng, Stone-Seeder Hierophant/Krosan Restorer, Spidersilk Armor (So the majority of your board doesn't die to Shrivel, Electrickery or something like that and harder for Pestilence and Crypt Rats.) Also Snap can ramp you is you have a land that taps for two and same with Frantic Search if you do want to play cantrips. Another win-con that will win you the game as soon as you combo off is Sage's Row Denizen that is assuming that you are not using Mystic Sanctuary.

Thank you for hearing me out. I am sure that there is a good reason for many of the cards I just questioned and I am excited to hear them to understand your deck better. If you have questions about my choices and reasoning I would be more than happy to explain further. I am trying to make the best Tatyova deck that I can and just wanted to know why a list with a similar end goal is running certain cards that I cut out.

Lastly, I just wanted to say that after looking through your list I am considering running: Lull and Moment's Peace because sometimes this deck has a problem stabilizing early because my playgroup sees my deck as a very large threat. Merchant Scroll, I don't know why I was not running it. Mystic Remora and Rhystic Study are just too good to pass up and I probably should have been running them. I have just one problem and that would be cutting cards. I would apreciate it if you could take a look at my list and tell me what you think.

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