Gix's Command

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gix's Command


Choose two —

  • Put two +1/+1 counters on up to one creature. It gains lifelink until end of turn.
  • Destroy each creature with power 2 or less.
  • Return up to two creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.
  • Each opponent sacrifices a creature with the highest power among creatures they control.

jawz on GBr Rigging Alara

3 months ago

I'm having a lot more fun with this deck than I thought I would. Super janky though. Far too helpless in the first couple turns. But if it hits on turn 4 or 5 it's got real juice.

Tinkered with it a bit. Virtue of Persistence and Toxrill, the Corrosive feel a bit disappointing when I hit them from an Etali or a Rigging. They're weak as control cards too so I felt like swapping in Chaotic Transformation that is also a weak control card but is better at using the underwhelming Insect or Blood tokens from Old Rutstein (and hitting a Portal to Phyrexia from transforming a blood token is a much better control payoff than Toxrill). I almost want two Transformations in the deck but I have a nagging feeling that Gix's Command is important and I don't want to cut one of the other permanents for it.

Liliana of the Veil feels a bit better as a control card. Usually I don't want to discard a card unless I have a Portal in play, but if I have the option of transforming Lili into a Nissa later I can stomach passing without using her abilities for a while if I don't want the discard.

I'm also testing out one Anzrag, the Quake-Mole. It also enables the Rigging trigger on cheap mana, and it's a unique angle of threat that can get bonus Rigging tokens enabled. Olivia, Crimson Bride likes Anzrag too. Atraxa loves getting extra attacks. But even with all that if it's stuck on its own it doesn't have an ability that gets you unstuck like a Sheoldred or a Bramble Familiar or even a Shakedown Heavy can. Could easily be not good enough. The caves work really well. Playing the Invasion of Alara  Flip or hard casting the Atraxa is a bit hard but still consistent if you plan out your land plays carefully. Swapped out a couple Promising Vein for the Volatile Fault as the treasures are better for the deck than the basic land, and the extra ability to kill an opponent's man land is something that the deck might as well have as an option.

But overall this deck just wants to pull off a big Rigging play and then bully the opponent from there as hard as it can. If you need more than spot control to own the combats might as well concede.

dwbeckwith1 on Patchwork Self Mill

1 year ago

This deck is great! I added 2 Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld to the mana base to add more self mill and built a rudimentary sideboard for best of three:


2 Outland Liberator  Flip

2 Witness Protection

2 Disdainful Stroke

2 Unlicensed Hearse

2 Gix's Command

3 Shore Up

2 Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld

I am thinking of switching Disdainful Stroke out for Make Disappear but other than that this deck rocks. Great brew!

wallisface on Help for my version of …

1 year ago

exDeity Cool. I'm no expect in Standard (I generally just play Modern), but if it were me i'd be dropping the following cards:

  • Archpriest of Shadows (it's not doing much for 5 mana)

  • Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos (this card just seems bad)

  • Reckless Stormseeker  Flip (the card seems fine, but your build feels very mid-range, so your cards should be aiming to make value-based-plays, not aggro-based ones)

  • Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion (its a lot of work to get value from, but maybe this card is fine. idk)

  • Burn Down the House & Gix's Command (i'm just skeptical that they're maybe not very useful in your build)

  • Duress (the card is probably completely fine. I'm just used to much stronger options in Modern, so the limitations on what you can grab with it feel really off-putting to me. I would suggest figuring out how often its going to whiff, and seeing if those odds make it worth playing)

  • Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia (I love this card and actually run it in a modern deck. But I feel without someway to profit from the zombie death/sacrifice triggers, its just not remotely good enough?)

  • Maybe Atsushi, the Blazing Sky also (it seems decent, but being a death trigger you're kindof at the mercy of your opponent triggering it, and i'm not sure it's netting you much value for the variability its going to cause)

There's also the chance of being able to go down to 26ish lands if you drop most of those high-mana cards I mentioned, in place of lower-mana cards.

But, as said before, I don't know the standard metagame. All I'm assuming is it's the same as Pioneer where everyone always wants to be running 4x Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip. Hopefully my rambling has helped create some food-for-thought in any case.

amarthaler on EDH Skithiryx, the Blighted Dragon

1 year ago


In: Gix's Command

Out: Crux of Fate

Wasn't entirely sure what to take out to play test Gix's Command, so just swapped it for a board wipe for now.


1 year ago

insaneinmate I'm drooling over Gix's Command. Let us know how it plays out in your build!

Been playing Skittles a lot lately (bless my playgroup for allowing me to, lol), and I'll say the VIPs are typically Feign Death or Haunted One, Tainted Strike and Imp's Mischief for me.

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