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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Counter target spell if no mana was spent to cast it.

trippy_mcfly on Cumly Cube

2 years ago

Introducing Cumly Cube 1.1! 6 months ago, Cumly Cube was launched to resounding approval. However, in response to feedback from fans, several cards in the pool were deemed unplayable, uninteresting, or overpowered. For Cumly Cube's six month anniversary, I have chosen to update the card pool. Here are the changes, provided with brief justifications:


  • Abomination: too weak in power level
  • Anger of the Gods: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Birthing Pod: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Black Dragon: too weak in power level
  • Black Lotus: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Bloodcurdling Scream: too weak in power level
  • Cavalier of Night: too on-theme for a black card
  • Cinderclasm: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Dack Fayden: too powerful
  • District Guide: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Dockside Extortionist: too strong in multiplayer games considering the dominance of the "treasure matters" archetype in this card pool
  • Dread Reaper: too weak in power level
  • Edric, Spymaster of Trest: too powerful
  • Eviscerator: too weak in power level
  • Grim Strider: too weak in power level
  • Hypnox: too weak in power level
  • Jungle Creeper: too weak in power level
  • Mind Bomb: too weak in power level
  • Mox Emerald: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Jet: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Pearl: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Ruby: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Sapphire: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver: too weak in power level
  • Nix: too weak in power level
  • Obelisk of Alara: too weak in power level
  • Patagia Golem: too weak in power level
  • Phantasmagorian: too weak in power level
  • Prismite: too weak in power level
  • Rootcoil Creeper: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Shattering Blow: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Shatterskull Smashing  Flip: MDFCs are interesting cards, but it does not make sense to have only one in the card pool
  • Smelt: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Smog Elemental: too weak in power level
  • Spirit of the Night: too weak in power level
  • Storm Spirit: too weak in power level
  • Tibalt's Trickery: introduces too much variance for an enjoyable experience
  • Unholy Strength: too weak in power level
  • Vampiric Link: too on-theme for a black card
  • Wooded Bastion: this was included on error instead of its Golgari counterpart


DuTogira on Richard Garfield Ph.D

4 years ago

Don't be afraid to go a bit heavy on 1 mana cards in a garfield deck btw. There's a metric ton of conditionally insane blue counterspells that cost a single blue to cast.
Dispell, Swan Song, Flusterstorm, Annul, Ceremonious Rejection, Blue Elemental Blast, Hydroblast, Nix, Spell Snare, Stifle, and Spell Pierce, just to name the "best of the bunch"

BMHKain on Omnath, who Mana Breaks for us all.

4 years ago

@king-saproling: Took all, but the Generic G Mana Producing Dork. advice. Sadly I've still Ten to cut. As for Vorinclex, I do understand where you're coming from; having a target painted on thus as a result just by having such a powerhouse in play. Cutted him as a result. Though maybe having an Artifact like Akroma's Memorial is nt only too pricey in CMC, but the effects are not all that good either.

I barely can think of a cut to throw out of this deck. I'll be working on Atemsis, All-Seeing & Cromat "Counters mean Nix " deck.

I'll see if I can handle both those myself... Thank you very much for all you've done. I really dunno how to pay you back. :D

Senomar on Senomar

4 years ago

king-saproling unfortunatly it's not working... And I can reach to get back the original background :/

I learnt how to show you my code :D ! Here it is :

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<center>![](</center> <!-- Kumena Alteration Kevin Altered -->


<p>Not english native please be kind to me ; plus if you find any language mistake or nonsense feel free to write it in the comment section and I'll correct it :)</p>

Welcome in my Duel Commander Deck that I've been working on and testing in tournaments for almost one year !

If you got kicked out by a player named "Senomar" playing Kumena on XMage it's me :)


===panel:<center>WHY MY FINGERS SMELL LIKE FISH ?</center>



<p>I really like this deck for several reasons :</p>

<p>It's kind of out of the meta and the power of this deck often create a huge surprise effect when you combo off to create a board the opponent will never catch back or swing for a kill turn 4 or 5. Don't misunderstand ; the deck is not T1 and Kumena will never be. When you see that [[Anafenza, the Foremost]] is a 4/4 for [[symbol:3]] manas with nice abilities and offers 3 colors [[symbol:B]][[symbol:W]][[symbol:G]] without being T1, it's easy to understand that a 2/4 for [[symbol:3]] manas in the worst color combination of the format (simic : [[symbol:U]][[symbol:G]]) forcing us to play tribe will never be T1. I think Wizard poorly designed Kumena's body in order to protect the standard. Kumena should have been a 4/4 or at least a 3/4 to approach T1/2 (3/5 is too strong since it prevents a whole new range of removals such as [[Flame Slash]]). Seriously [[Feather, the Redeemed]] is a 3/4 flying for [[symbol:R]][[symbol:W]][[symbol:W]] (in boros colors !) ; why my green commander can't have a good body ? But the deck is strong. Damn strong.</p>

<p>The deck can win without [[Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca]]. Kumena is here for card advantage versus control, to stabilize aggro matchups due to his 2/4 body, to pump your folks to overcome huge boards sitting here and not daring to attack you or just to finish players with his evasive ability. Kumena does a ton of things ; he's kind of a small planeswalker. But the deck stay strong without him. Damn strong.</p>

<p>The deck has no really bad matchups where you can just auto give-up at start ! You have fair chance of winning against every commanders. I often end in the first tier of tournaments since the deck succeed well against most of the aggro meta such as mono red ([[Kari Zev, Skyship Raider]], [[Captain Lannery Storm]]...), winnie white ([[Kytheon, Hero of Akros]], [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]]...), boros ([[Tajic, Legion's Edge]]) or some partners. Of course some matchups are harder than others ; even on the aggro side. [[Arahbo, Roar of the World]] and [[Karlov of the Ghost Council]] are for example tougher matchups for me due to speed, removals and lifegain.
The deck has pretty fair matchups against "classic control" ([[Kess, Dissident Mage]] for example) and fast low interactions decks ([[Animar, Soul of Elements]]). To finish it struggles a bit versus combo/ramp decks or "Planeswalker control" because those decks abuse wrath effects ([[Aminatou, the Fateshifter]], [[Daretti, Scrap Savant]], [[Lord Windgrace]]...) other fish decks simply because they're T1 ([[Sai, Master Thopterist]] and [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]]) and Mono Green ([[Surrak, the Hunt Caller]], [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]], [[Azusa, Lost but Seeking]] or [[Ezuri, Renegade Leader]]) can sometimes be a problem because they got the same speed and most of the time the mana to pay my counterspells conditions. To conclude, there is no easy matchups but there is no impossible matchups too ; because the deck is strong. Damn strong.</p>

<p>The deck requires a lot of skill and decision making due to the control and poker aspect of blue, the fact that most of the merfolks played in the first main phase could have an impact on the combat step and because midrange requires a lot of adaptation in your playstyle. You constantly have to gauge the level of interaction you want to have with your opponent depending on what deck you are facing, the amount of cards we have in hand and the amount of opened mana on the table. You will probably think it is the same for every decks ; but the synergy existing between creatures amplifies mistake penalties ; plus the abilities of Kumena always force you to choose between attacking or tapping. Against control decks you're fighting as much on cards advantage as on your amount of life. When you know your opponent has the removal in hand, it is sometimes better to draw by tapping 3 merfolks than dealing 4 dammages with two 2/2 creatures because the third have summoning sickness. Decisions are hard and make wins with our lord and savior Kuku even more crunchy ! Decisions make the deck strong. damn strong.</p>

<p>The balance between tall with cards such as [[Cosi's Trickster]], [[Deeproot Champion]] and so on ; and wide with [[Deeproot Waters]] and in general our low CMC curve creatures flooding the board comes enhance the already vast diversity of game plans and makes the deck strong. Damn strong.</p>

<p>Merfolks arts are freaking damn greats and some cards are just gorgeous. Damn gorgeous.</p>



===panel:<center>LET'S WEIGH THE FISH (current winrate : 52,5% - 22/10/2019) + EVOLUTIONS OF THE DECK</center>



<p>Since the begining of march I'm trying to record the performances of the deck. Here you can find the list of the games I've done on XMage, with friends or around some local events. Gonna try to make this live but my playtime is very heterogeneous and depends on my work :)</p>
<p>The mention "deck in progress" shows a lack of some key cards in the format or the fact that the decklist is being playtested. "A" means the list is meta but the opponent lack dual lands. "B" means the list is strong but the opponent lack few expensives key cards ([[Force of Will]], [[Three Visits]], [[Demonic Tutor]] are good examples) ; BTW I accept playing against proxy cards. "C" means the deck is barrely structured for the format.</p>
<p>The updated winrate of the deck is 52,5% without considering B and C decks. Keep in mind that some of the people I play against on XMage are players copy-pasting decks from MTGtop8 (because all cards are available for free in the software). Thus they got very strong lists but sometimes lack knowledges about how to play the deck. In addition, I'm far from being a pro player and after most of my defeats I realize the missplays I've done and figure how I could have win the game.</p>


<table class="table table-bordered table-hover"> 
	<th class="hidden">Syntax</th> 
	<th class="hidden">Output</th> 
<tr><td>Adeliz, the Cinder Wind</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Aminatou, the Fateshifter</td><td>7</td><td>7</td><td>50%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Anafenza, the Foremost</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Animar, Soul of Elements</td><td>5</td><td>3</td><td>63%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Arahbo, Roar of the World</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Arcades, the Strategist</td><td>5</td><td>7</td><td>42%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Atarka, World Render</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Atraxa, Praetors' Voice</td><td>4</td><td>11</td><td>27%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Azusa, Lost but Seeking</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>33%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Brago, King Eternal</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>50%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Braids, Cabal Minion</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Captain Lannery Storm</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Captain Sisay</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Child of Alara</td><td>4</td><td>2</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Danitha Capashen, Paragon</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>0%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Daretti, Scrap Savant</td><td>0</td><td>6</td><td>0%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Dragonlord Dromoka</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Dragonlord Ojutai</td><td>4</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Ezuri, Claw of Progress</td><td>11</td><td>4</td><td>73%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Ezuri, Renegade Leader</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>50%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Feather, the Redeemed</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Gisa and Geralf</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Gishath, Sun's Avatar</td><td>4</td><td>1</td><td>80%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Glissa, the Traitor</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>God-Eternal Kefnet</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Golos, Tireless Pilgrim</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>50%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma</td><td>4</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Grand Warlord Radha</td><td>5</td><td>8</td><td>38%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Grenzo, Dungeon Warden</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Gyrus, Waker of Corpses</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>33%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Ishkanah, Grafwidow</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>33%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Jenara, Asura of War</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>0%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Judith, the Scourge Diva</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>57%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Kambal, Consul of Allocation</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Kami of the Crescent Moon</td><td>3</td><td>1</td><td>75%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Karador, Ghost Chieftain</td><td>3</td><td>2</td><td>60%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Kari Zev, Skyship Raider</td><td>4</td><td>2</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Kess, Dissident Mage</td><td>8</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Kytheon, Hero of Akros </td><td>2</td><td>6</td><td>25%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Leovold, Emissary of Trest</td><td>6</td><td>3</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Lord Windgrace</td><td>2</td><td>2</td><td>50%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Maelstrom Wanderer</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>0%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Meren of Clan Nel Toth</td><td>3</td><td>2</td><td>60%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Naban, Dean of Iteration</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>0%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Najeela, the Blade-Blossom</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>20%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Narset, Enlightened Master</td><td>6</td><td>8</td><td>43%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Olivia Voldaren</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Omnath, Locus of Rage</td><td>4</td><td>1</td><td>80%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Prossh, Skyraider of Kher</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Queen Marchesa</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Rafiq of the Many</td><td>7</td><td>4</td><td>64%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Rhonas the Indomitable</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Sai, Master Thopterist</td><td>4</td><td>11</td><td>27%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Saskia the Unyielding</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Selvala, Explorer Returned</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Sen Triplets</td><td>4</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest</td><td>3</td><td>2</td><td>60%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Silas Renn, Seeker Adept + Akiri, Line-Slinger</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>50%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Surrak, the Hunt Caller</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Tajic, Blade of the Legion</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Tatyova, Benthic Druid</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Teferi, Temporal Archmage</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Thalia, Guardian of Thraben</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>The First Sliver</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>The Gitrog Monster</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>0%</tr></td>
<tr><td>The Scarab God</td><td>2</td><td>1</td><td>67%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Titania, Protector of Argoth</td><td>8</td><td>13</td><td>38%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Tymna the Weaver + Akiri, Line-Slinger</td><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>33%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Tymna the Weaver + Kraum, Ludevic's Opus</td><td>4</td><td>3</td><td>57%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Tymna the Weaver + Ravos, Soultender</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Tymna the Weaver + Thrasios, Triton Hero</td><td>2</td><td>5</td><td>29%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Uril, the Miststalker</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Vendilion Clique</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Will Kenrith + Rowan Kenrith</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>33%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Xenagos, God of Revels</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>50%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Yasova Dragonclaw</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>33%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Yawgmoth, Thran Physician</td><td>2</td><td>4</td><td>33%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow</td><td>13</td><td>24</td><td>35%</tr></td>
<tr><td>Zedruu the Greathearted</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>100%</tr></td>



===spoiler:03/03/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PW]] 3/3 vs [[Narset, Enlightened Master]] (deck in progress - A) [[deck:narset-duel-commander-1v1]]</p>
===spoiler:06/03/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 5/0 vs [[Kess, Dissident Mage]] (deck in progress - B)</p>
===spoiler:09/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] toss</p>
===spoiler:11/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Omnath, Locus of Rage]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Omnath, Locus of Rage]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Anafenza, the Foremost]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Animar, Soul of Elements]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Kess, Dissident Mage]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Kraum, Ludevic's Opus]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:14/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Kari Zev, Skyship Raider]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Vendilion Clique]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Tajic, Blade of the Legion]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:15/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Olivia Voldaren]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Surrak, the Hunt Caller]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Daretti, Scrap Savant]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Daretti, Scrap Savant]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:17/03/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 5/3 vs [[Rafiq of the Many]] (deck in progress - A) [[deck:rafiq-duel-commander-1v1]]
Buddy's decklist on tournament :
===spoiler:20/03/2019 -> friend session</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 5/0 vs [[Kess, Dissident Mage]] (deck in progress - B)</p>
===spoiler:21/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Ezuri, Renegade Leader]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Rhonas the Indomitable]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[The Gitrog Monster]] toss</p>
===spoiler:23/03/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 3/1 vs [[Atarka, World Render]] (2/0) then [[Xenagos, God of Revels]] (1/1)</p>
===spoiler:24/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Najeela, the Blade-Blossom]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Judith, the Scourge Diva]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Kambal, Consul of Allocation]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:25/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Najeela, the Blade-Blossom]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Sen Triplets]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Sen Triplets]] toss</p>
===spoiler:26/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Child of Alara]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/1 vs [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:27/03/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PW]] 3/3 vs [[Narset, Enlightened Master]] (deck in progress - A) [[deck:narset-duel-commander-1v1]]</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Meren of Clan Nel Toth]] (deck in progress - C)</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Kess, Dissident Mage]] (deck in progress - B)</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]]</p>
===spoiler:28/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Lord Windgrace]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:31/03/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Grand Warlord Radha]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Grand Warlord Radha]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:01/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/1 vs [[Brago, King Eternal]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Arcades, the Strategist]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Queen Marchesa]] toss</p>
===spoiler:02/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Kami of the Crescent Moon]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] toss</p>
===spoiler:05/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Captain Sisay]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Grand Warlord Radha]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Grand Warlord Radha]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Grand Warlord Radha]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Uril, the Miststalker]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Grenzo, Dungeon Warden]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Kraum, Ludevic's Opus]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:06/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Ravos, Soultender]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Judith, the Scourge Diva]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Judith, the Scourge Diva]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/1 vs [[Brago, King Eternal]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]]</p>
===spoiler:07/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Karador, Ghost Chieftain]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:08/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Dragonlord Dromoka]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Child of Alara]] toss</p>
===spoiler:10/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Naban, Dean of Iteration]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Gisa and Geralf]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Aminatou, the Fateshifter]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Rafiq of the Many]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yasova Dragonclaw]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:14/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Selvala, Explorer Returned]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Kytheon, Hero of Akros]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Leovold, Emissary of Trest]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Kytheon, Hero of Akros]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:15/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Gishath, Sun's Avatar]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Zedruu the Greathearted]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Maelstrom Wanderer]] toss</p>
===spoiler:16/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Aminatou, the Fateshifter]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Ishkanah, Grafwidow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Teferi, Temporal Archmage]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Azusa, Lost but Seeking]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:17/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Dragonlord Ojutai]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Saskia the Unyielding]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Meren of Clan Nel Toth]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Meren of Clan Nel Toth]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Akiri, Line-Slinger]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Akiri, Line-Slinger]] toss</p>
===spoiler:18/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Captain Lannery Storm]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Jenara, Asura of War]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Braids, Cabal Minion]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:22/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Karador, Ghost Chieftain]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Leovold, Emissary of Trest]] toss</p>
===spoiler:23/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Najeela, the Blade-Blossom]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:25/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Gyrus, Waker of Corpses]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:29/04/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Kytheon, Hero of Akros]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Dragonlord Ojutai]] toss</p>
===spoiler:08/05/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Gishath, Sun's Avatar]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Narset, Enlightened Master]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:01/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Leovold, Emissary of Trest]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Feather, the Redeemed]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Ezuri, Claw of Progress]] toss</p>
===spoiler:02/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Kami of the Crescent Moon]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Brago, King Eternal]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Tatyova, Benthic Druid]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Ezuri, Claw of Progress]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Daretti, Scrap Savant]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[The Scarab God]] toss</p>
===spoiler:04/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Will Kenrith]] + [[Rowan Kenrith]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Leovold, Emissary of Trest]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:05/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[God-Eternal Kefnet]] toss</p>
===spoiler:06/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:06/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Prossh, Skyraider of Kher]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Glissa, the Traitor]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 1/0 vs [[Brago, King Eternal]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:09/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[The First Sliver]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Titania, Protector of Argoth]] toss</p>
===spoiler:10/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Silas Renn, Seeker Adept]] + [[Akiri, Line-Slinger]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PW]] 1/1 vs [[Animar, Soul of Elements]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Tymna the Weaver]] + [[Kraum, Ludevic's Opus]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:11/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Lord Windgrace]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:16/06/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Maelstrom Wanderer]] toss</p>
===spoiler:02/07/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Golos Tireless Pilgrim]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Golos Tireless Pilgrim]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:06/07/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Arahbo, Roar of the World]] toss</p>
===spoiler:07/07/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Silas Renn, Seeker Adept]] + [[Akiri, Line-Slinger]] toss</p>
===spoiler:11/07/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Animar, Soul of Elements]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Ezuri, Renegade Leader]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:31/07/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yawgmoth, Thran Physician]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Kari Zev, Skyship Raider]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/2 vs [[Yawgmoth, Thran Physician]] toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion]] no toss</p>
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 2/0 vs [[Danitha Capashen, Paragon]] toss</p>
===spoiler:12/08/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 3/2 vs [[Ezuri, Claw of Progress]] (deck in progress - A)</p>
===spoiler:21/08/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 3/2 vs [[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] (deck in progress - A)</p>
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 3/2 vs [[Aminatou, the Fateshifter]] (deck in progress - B)</p>
===spoiler:25/08/2019 -> XMage
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 0/2 vs [[Adeliz, the Cinder Wind]] no toss</p>
===spoiler:03/09/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 1/3 vs [[Arcades, the Strategist]] (deck in progress - B) [[deck:arcades-duel-commander-1v1]]</p>
===spoiler:22/09/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/1 vs [[Ezuri, Claw of Progress]] (deck in progress - B)</p>
===spoiler:06/10/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PR]] 2/4 vs [[Arcades, the Strategist]] (deck in progress - B) [[deck:arcades-duel-commander-1v1]]</p>
===spoiler:12/10/2019 -> friend session
<p>[[symbol:PG]] 2/0 vs [[Ezuri, Claw of Progress]] (deck in progress - B)</p>




<p>Please be careful about those charts. The amount of games is not high enough yet to have a proper winrate to study. It's mainly here to sum up the performance of the deck. In addition, matchups where we got enough datas are either popular and strong T1 commanders of the format ([[Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow]] and [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] are better fish strategies) or bad matchups ([[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]] is a nightmare to me since vigilance negate tempo such as [[Harbinger of the Tides]]/[[Selkie Hedge-Mage]], [[Moat]] breaks my deck and the amount of wraths effect on superfriends versions just instabreak me). Furthermore, I have to reapeat this one more time, keep in mind that some of the people I play against on XMage are players copy-pasting decks from MTGtop8 (because all cards are available for free in the software). Thus they got very strong lists but sometimes lack knowledges about how to play the deck. In addition, I'm far from being a pro player and after most of my defeats I realize the missplays I've done and figure how I could have win the game.</p>




===panel:<center>HOW TO BREW WATER (MAYBEBOARD) ?</center>



<p>Here you can find a list of cards that could fit well in the deck because they're merfolk centered or just because they're strong in the format. Of course most of those cards could fit in several categories at a time and I arbitrarily placed them in the category that seems to fit them the most.</p>




===spoiler:TOP 100 NOTABLE EXCLUSIONS : the cream of the foam
<p>This is the top 100 best cards I seriously hesitate to include in the deck or I already tried in the deck. Most of those cards could or had fit well in my list but when you have to choose among several good cards it's always a matter of taste. All of those cards are also present in their respective categories that fit them the most below this one.</p>
[[Adaptive Automaton]] - 
[[Archmage's Charm]] - 
[[Aether Vial]] - 
[[Burst of Strength]] - 
[[Brazen Borrower]] - 
[[Castle Vantress]] - 
[[Chord of Calling]] - 
[[Collected Company]] - 
[[Constant Mists]] - 
[[Counterspell]] - 
[[Crop Rotation]] - 
[[Cryptic Command]] - 
[[Curious Obsession]] - 
[[Dispel]] - 
[[Dive Down]] - 
[[Dryad Arbor]] - 
[[Echoing Truth]] - 
[[Empress Galina]] - 
[[Earthcraft]] - 
[[Essence Capture]] - 
[[Fallowsage]] - 
[[Fog]] - 
[[Force of Vigor]] - 
[[Forerunner of the Heralds]] - 
[[Gemstone Caverns]] - 
[[Gemstone Mine]] - 
[[Gilded Drake]] - 
[[Gitaxian Probe]] - 
[[Glimpse of Nature]] - 
[[Green Sun's Zenith]] - 
[[Growth Spiral]] - 
[[Gush]] - 
[[Hadana's Climb]] - 
[[Herald of Secret Streams]] - 
[[Heroic Intervention]] - 
[[Hidden Strings]] - 
[[Icon of Ancestry]] - 
[[Incubation / Incongruity]] - 
[[Jungleborn Pioneer]] - 
[[Jungle Delver]] - 
[[Kindred Discovery]] - 
[[Kira, Great Glass-Spinner]] - 
[[Llanowar Reborn]] - 
[[Lullmage Mentor]] - 
[[Manta Riders]] - 
[[Memory Lapse]] - 
[[Merfolk Traders]] - 
[[Mirri's Guile]] - 
[[Mutagenic Growth]] - 
[[Natural State]] - 
[[Negate]] - 
[[Noxious Revival]] - 
[[Phantasmal Image]] - 
[[Plow Under]] - 
[[Polymorphist's Jest]] - 
[[Ponder]] - 
[[Pongify]] - 
[[Preordain]] - 
[[Psionic Blast]] - 
[[Rapid Hybridization]] - 
[[Relic of Progenitus]] - 
[[Remand]] - 
[[Rishadan Port]] - 
[[Sandbar Merfolk]] - 
[[Selkie Hedge-Mage]] - 
[[Simic Charm]] - 
[[Skullclamp]] - 
[[Sleep]] - 
[[Snapcaster Mage]] - 
[[Song of Freyalise]] - 
[[Song of the Dryads]] - 
[[Spellskite]] - 
[[Spreading Seas]] - 
[[Steely Resolve]] - 
[[Stony Strength]] - 
[[String of Disappearances]] - 
[[Surgespanner]] - 
[[Swift Warden]] - 
[[Sword of Feast and Famine]] - 
[[Talrand, Sky Summoner]] - 
[[Tangle Wire]] - 
[[Tatyova, Benthic Druid]] - 
[[Tempest Caller]] - 
[[Thassa, God of the Sea]] - 
[[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] - 
[[Triton Shorethief]] - 
[[Triton Tactics]] - 
[[Umara Entangler]] - 
[[Unified Will]] - 
[[Utopia Sprawl]] - 
[[Vanquisher's Banner]] - 
[[Vitalize]] - 
[[Vodalian Merchant]] - 
[[Vorel of the Hull Clade]] - 
[[Wake Thrasher]] - 
[[Waterfront Bouncer]] - 
[[Wild Growth]] - 
[[Winter Orb]] - 
[[Wistful Selkie]] - 
[[Worldly Tutor]]



===spoiler:+1/+1 COUNTERS (and other counters)
[[Arctic Merfolk]] - 
[[Avatar of the Resolute]] - 
[[Biomancer's Familiar]] - 
[[Bioshift]] - 
[[Bred for the Hunt]] - 
[[Champion of Lambholt]] - 
[[Chasm Skulker]] - 
[[Clockspinning]] - 
[[Combine Guildmage]] - 
[[Curse of Predation]] - 
[[Elusive Krasis]] - 
[[Evolution Sage]] - 
[[Experiment One]] - 
[[Ezuri, Claw of Progress]] - 
[[Fathom Mage]] - 
[[Fertilid]] - 
[[Flux Channeler]] - 
[[Forced Adaptation]] - 
[[Gilder Bairn]] - 
[[Guildmages Forum]] - 
[[Guildpact Informant]] - 
[[Hadana's Climb]] - 
[[Hangarback Walker]] - 
[[Herald of Secret Streams]] - 
[[Hooded Hydra]] - 
[[Incubation Druid]] - 
[[Jade Guardian]] - 
[[Jungle Delver]] - 
[[Karn's Bastion]] - 
[[Leech Bonder]] - 
[[Llanowar Reborn]] - 
[[Lorescale Coatl]] - 
[[Managorger Hydra]] - 
[[Master Biomancer]] - 
[[Mistcutter Hydra]] - 
[[Novijen, Heart of Progress]] - 
[[Opal Palace]] - 
[[Oran-Rief, the Vastwood]] - 
[[Ordeal of Nylea]] - 
[[Ordeal of Thassa]] - 
[[Paperfin Rascal]] - 
[[Pelt Collector]] - 
[[Pir, Imaginative Rascal]] - 
[[Plaxcaster Frogling]] - 
[[Pollenbright Druid]] - 
[[Prime Speaker Zegana]] - 
[[Primordial Hydra]] - 
[[Razorfin Abolisher]] - 
[[Renegade Krasis]] - 
[[Rishkar, Peema Renegade]] - 
[[River Heralds' Boon]] - 
[[Roalesk, Apex Hybrid]] - 
[[Sage of Fables]] - 
[[Scavenging Ooze]] - 
[[Scute Mob]] - 
[[Shapers of Nature]] - 
[[Simic Ascendancy]] - 
[[Simic Fluxmage]] - 
[[Simic Manipulator]] - 
[[Solidarity of Heroes]] - 
[[Stonecoil Serpent]] - 
[[Strangleroot Geist]] - 
[[Thrive]] - 
[[Tishana's Wayfinder]] - 
[[Training Grounds]] - 
[[Undergrowth Champion]] - 
[[Vastwood Hydra]] - 
[[Verdurous Gearhulk]] - 
[[Vorel of the Hull Clade]] - 
[[Waker of the Wilds]] - 
[[Walking Ballista]] - 
[[Wildborn Preserver]] - 
[[Zameck Guildmage]]

===spoiler:GOOD STUFF (extra turns, steal, recursion, stapples...)
[[Academy Ruins]] - 
[[Aether Vial]] - 
[[Alchemist's Refuge]] - 
[[Alter Reality]] - 
[[Arcane Adaptation]] - 
[[Bribery]] - 
[[Call to the Kindred]] - 
[[Capture of Jingzhou]] - 
[[Collected Company]] - 
[[Command Beacon]] - 
[[Control Magic]] - 
[[Crystal Spray]] - 
[[Den Protector]] - 
[[Descendants' Path]] - 
[[Emergence Zone]] - 
[[Emry, Lurker of the loch]] - 
[[Eternal Witness]] - 
[[Faerie Conclave]] - 
[[Flash]] - 
[[Frostwalk Bastion]] - 
[[Gargoyle Castle]] - 
[[Garruk, Primal Hunter]] - 
[[Garruk Wildspeaker]] - 
[[Gilded Drake]] - 
[[Gingerbread Cabin]] - 
[[Glamerdye]] - 
[[Groundbreaker]] - 
[[Haunted Fengraf]] - 
[[Hexdrinker]] - 
[[Isochron Scepter]] - 
[[Khalni Garden]] - 
[[Kindred Summons]] - 
[[Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner]] - 
[[Kiora, Master of the Depths]] - 
[[Kiora, the Crashing Wave]] - 
[[Leyline of Anticipation]] - 
[[Lifelace]] - 
[[Lure]] - 
[[Mind Bend]] - 
[[Mind Bomb]] - 
[[Mirrodin Besieged]] - 
[[Mirrorpool]] - 
[[Mishra's Factory]] - 
[[Mobilized District]] - 
[[Moonring Island]] - 
[[Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer]] - 
[[Naban, Dean of Iteration]] - 
[[Narset, Parter of Veils]] - 
[[Narset's Reversal]] - 
[[Nissa, Steward of Elements]] - 
[[Nissa, Vital Force]] - 
[[Nissa, Voice of Zendikar]] - 
[[Nissa, Who Shakes the World]] - 
[[Nostalgic Dreams]] - 
[[Noxious Revival]] - 
[[Obstinate Baloth]] - 
[[Part the Waterveil]] - 
[[Petrified Field]] - 
[[Plow Under]] - 
[[Primeval Titan]] - 
[[Pulse of Murasa]] - 
[[Questing Beast]] - 
[[Quicken]] - 
[[Rashmi, Eternities Crafter]] - 
[[Reap]] - 
[[Retreat to Coralhelm]] - 
[[Retreat to Kazandu]] - 
[[Regrowth]] - 
[[Reliquary Tower]] - 
[[Restore]] - 
[[Sapseep Forest]] - 
[[Seedtime]] - 
[[Shardless Agent]] - 
[[Siren's Call]] - 
[[Sleight of Mind]]
[[Snapcaster Mage]] - 
[[Spark Double]] - 
[[Spectral Shift]] - 
[[Springjack Pasture]] - 
[[Spy Network]] - 
[[Stream of life]] - 
[[Sword of Body and Mind]] - 
[[Sword of Feast and Famine]] - 
[[Sword of Fire and Ice]] - 
[[Sword of Light and Shadow]] - 
[[Sword of Sinew and Steel]] - 
[[Sword of Truth and Justice]] - 
[[Sword of War and Peace]] - 
[[Sylvan Awakening]] - 
[[Tamiyo, Collector of Tales]] - 
[[Tamiyo, the Moon Sage]] - 
[[Tarmogoyf]] - 
[[Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir]] - 
[[Temporal Manipulation]] - 
[[Temporal Mastery]] - 
[[Temporal Trespass]] - 
[[Thespian's Stage]] - 
[[Thing in the Ice]] - 
[[Thousand-Year Elixir]] - 
[[Thragtusk]] - 
[[Throne of the God-Pharaoh]] - 
[[Time Warp]] - 
[[Trait Doctoring]] - 
[[Treefolk Umbra]] - 
[[Treetop Village]] - 
[[Twisted Image]] - 
[[Vedalken Shackles]] - 
[[Venarian Glimmer]] - 
[[Vesuva]] - 
[[Vivien, Arkbow Ranger]] - 
[[Vivien, Champion of the Wilds]] - 
[[Vivien Reid]] - 
[[Walk the Aeons]] - 
[[Whim of Volrath]] - 
[[Wilderness Reclamation]] - 
[[Winding Canyons]] - 
[[Xantid Swarm]]

[[Ancient Tomb]] - 
[[Arbor Elf]] - 
[[Azusa, Lost but Seeking]] - 
[[Birds of Paradise]] - 
[[Blighted Woodland]] - 
[[Bloom Tender]] - 
[[Boreal Druid]] - 
[[Carpet of Flowers]] - 
[[Coiling Oracle]] - 
[[Courser of Kruphix]] - 
[[Cryptolith Rite]] - 
[[Cultivate]] - 
[[Deserted Temple]] - 
[[Dryad Arbor]] - 
[[Earthcraft]] - 
[[Edge of Autumn]] - 
[[Elvish Mystic]] - 
[[Elvish Spirit Guide]] - 
[[Exploration]] - 
[[Explore]] - 
[[Farseek]] - 
[[Fyndhorn Elves]] - 
[[Gemstone Caverns]] - 
[[Gilded Goose]] - 
[[Growing Rites of Itlimoc]] - 
[[Growth Spiral]] - 
[[Gyre Sage]] - 
[[Harvest Season]] - 
[[Havenwood Battleground]] - 
[[High Tide]] - 
[[Into the North]] - 
[[Isolated Watchtower]] - 
[[Joraga Treespeaker]] - 
[[Kodama's Reach]] - 
[[Land Grant]] - 
[[Life from the Loam]] - 
[[Llanowar Elves]] - 
[[Lotus Cobra]] - 
[[Lotus Field]] - 
[[Lotus Petal]] - 
[[Maraleaf Pixie]] - 
[[Midnight Clock]] - 
[[Myriad Landscape]] - 
[[Nature's Lore]] - 
[[Nissa's Pilgrimage]] - 
[[Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx]] - 
[[One with Nature]] - 
[[Rampant Growth]] - 
[[Sakura-Tribe Elder]] - 
[[Sakura-Tribe Scout]] - 
[[Sea Scryer]] - 
[[Search for Tomorrow]] - 
[[Shaman of Forgotten Ways]] - 
[[Simic Signet]] - 
[[Skyshroud Ranger]] - 
[[Song of Freyalise]] - 
[[Stonybrook Banneret]] - 
[[Summer Bloom]] - 
[[Svyelunite Temple]] - 
[[Talisman of Curiosity]] - 
[[Thrasios, Triton Hero]] - 
[[Three Visits]] - 
[[Utopia Sprawl]] - 
[[Wild Growth]] - 
[[World Shaper]]

===spoiler:CONSISTANCY (tutors, deck manipulation, loot, plurisituation...)
[[Anticipate]] - 
[[Archmage's Charm]] - 
[[Augur of Bolas]] - 
[[Birthing Pod]] - 
[[Bond of Flourishing]] - 
[[Castle Vantress]] - 
[[Cephalid Coliseum]] - 
[[Chord of Calling]] - 
[[Crop Rotation]] - 
[[Cryptic Command]] - 
[[Cunning Wish]] - 
[[Dakra Mystic]] - 
[[Dizzy Spell]] - 
[[Drift of Phantasms]] - 
[[Eldritch Evolution]] - 
[[Elvish Reclaimer]] - 
[[Evolutionary Leap]] - 
[[Expedition Map]] - 
[[Fauna Shaman]] - 
[[Finale of Devastation]] - 
[[Forerunner of the Heralds]] - 
[[Green Sun's Zenith]] - 
[[Halimar Depths]] - 
[[Impulse]] - 
[[Intuition]] - 
[[Incubation / Incongruity]] - 
[[Jace, Cunning Castaway]] - 
[[Jace, the Mind Sculptor]] - 
[[Jace, Vryn's Prodigy]] - 
[[Living Wish]] - 
[[Memorial to Unity]] - 
[[Merchant Scroll]] - 
[[Merfolk Looter]] - 
[[Merfolk Traders]] - 
[[Merrow Harbinger]] - 
[[Mirri's Guile]] - 
[[Mirror Image]] - 
[[Mirror Mockery]] - 
[[Mission Briefing]] - 
[[Momir Vig, Simic Visionary]] - 
[[Muddle the Mixture]] - 
[[Natural Selection]] - 
[[Neoform]] - 
[[Once Upon a Time]] - 
[[Phantasmal Image]] - 
[[Phyrexian Metamorph]] - 
[[Piracy Charm]] - 
[[Ponder]] - 
[[Preordain]] - 
[[Prime Speaker Vannifar]] - 
[[Primal Command]] - 
[[Quasiduplicate]] - 
[[Repudiate / Replicate]] - 
[[Riverwise Augur]] - 
[[Sage of the Falls]] - 
[[Sages of the Anima]] - 
[[Sapphire Charm]] - 
[[Scour All Possibilities]] - 
[[Scrying Sheets]] - 
[[Search for Azcanta]] - 
[[Serum Visions]] - 
[[Shared Summons]] - 
[[Simic Charm]] - 
[[Sleight of Hand]] - 
[[Smuggler's Copter]] - 
[[Soldevi Excavations]] - 
[[Spellseeker]] - 
[[Summoner's Pact]] - 
[[Supreme Will]] - 
[[Survival of the Fittest]] - 
[[Sylvan Library]] - 
[[Sylvan Scrying]] - 
[[Telling Time]] - 
[[Thassa, God of the Sea]] - 
[[Tolaria West]] - 
[[Transmute Artifact]] - 
[[Traverse the Ulvenwald]] - 
[[Trophy Mage]] - 
[[Vodalian Merchant]] - 
[[Vision Charm]] - 
[[Vivien's Arkbow]] - 
[[Windrider Patrol]] - 
[[Woodland Bellower]] - 
[[Worldly Tutor]]

===spoiler:COVER (creature, spell or self protection/tempo)
[[Autumn's Veil]] - 
[[Banishing Knack]] - 
[[Blink of an Eye]] - 
[[Brazen Borrower]] - 
[[Boomerang]] - 
[[Cerulean Drake]] - 
[[Chain of Vapor]] - 
[[Clairvoyance]] - 
[[Constant Mists]] - 
[[Cunning Evasion]] - 
[[Curfew]] - 
[[Cyclonic Rift]] - 
[[Display of Dominance]] - 
[[Dive Down]] - 
[[Echoing Truth]] - 
[[Fog]] - 
[[Gitaxian Probe]] - 
[[Heroic Intervention]] - 
[[Homeward Path]] - 
[[Hurkyl's Recall]] - 
[[Into the Roil]] - 
[[Ice-Fang Coatl]] - 
[[Kira, Great Glass-Spinner]] - 
[[Lightning Greaves]] - 
[[Lull]] - 
[[Mage's Guile]] - 
[[Maze of Ith]] - 
[[Mizzium Skin]] - 
[[Moment's Peace]] - 
[[Nourishing Shoal]] - 
[[Oboro, Palace in the Clouds]] - 
[[Permafrost Trap]] - 
[[Ranger's Guile]] - 
[[Rebuild]] - 
[[Repeal]] - 
[[Resuscitate]] - 
[[Riptide Laboratory]] - 
[[Run Away Together]] - 
[[Run Wild]] - 
[[Select for Inspection]] - 
[[Sentinel of the Pearl Trident]] - 
[[Selkie Hedge-Mage]] - 
[[Siren Stormtamer]] - 
[[Skyshroud Blessing]] - 
[[Snap]] - 
[[Snapback]] - 
[[Spellskite]] - 
[[Spore Frog]] - 
[[Steely Resolve]] - 
[[String of Disappearances]] - 
[[Summoning Trap]] - 
[[Surgespanner]] - 
[[Swift Warden]] - 
[[Svyelunite Priest]] - 
[[Sylvan Safekeeper]] - 
[[Tangle]] - 
[[Teferi's Time Twist]] - 
[[Telepathy]] - 
[[Tower of the Magistrate]] - 
[[Unsummon]] - 
[[Veil of Summer]] - 
[[Veilstone Amulet]] - 
[[Vendilion Clique]] - 
[[Verdant Rebirth]] - 
[[Vodalian Illusionist]] - 
[[Vodalian Mystic]] - 
[[Void Grafter]] - 
[[Waterfront Bouncer]] - 
[[Wavecrash Triton]] - 
[[Whiplash Trap]] - 
[[Wild Defiance]] - 
[[Winds of Qal Sisma]] - 
[[Withdraw]] - 
[[Word of Undoing]]

[[Admiral's Order]] - 
[[Annul]] - 
[[Avoid Fate]] - 
[[Bind]] - 
[[Censor]] - 
[[Ceremonious Rejection]] - 
[[Commandeer]] - 
[[Complicate]] - 
[[Condescend]] - 
[[Counterspell]] - 
[[Delay]] - 
[[Deprive]] - 
[[Disallow]] - 
[[Dismiss]] - 
[[Dispel]] - 
[[Dispersal Shield]] - 
[[Disrupt]] - 
[[Disrupting Shoal]] - 
[[Divert]] - 
[[Essence Capture]] - 
[[Envelop]] - 
[[Exclude]] - 
[[Flashfreeze]] - 
[[Flusterstorm]] - 
[[Foil]] - 
[[Frilled Mystic]] - 
[[Glen Elendra Archmage]] - 
[[Chalice of the Void]] - 
[[Insidious Will]] - 
[[Intervene]] - 
[[Lifeforce]] - 
[[Lullmage Mentor]] - 
[[Memory Lapse]] - 
[[Miscalculation]] - 
[[Mystical Dispute]] - 
[[Mystic Confluence]] - 
[[Mystic Snake]] - 
[[Negate]] - 
[[Nix]] - 
[[Plasm Capture]] - 
[[Remand]] - 
[[Rewind]] - 
[[Spell Rupture]] - 
[[Stubborn Denial]] - 
[[Syncopate]] - 
[[Tale's End]] - 
[[Thwart]] - 
[[Turn Aside]] - 
[[Unified Will]] - 
[[Unsubstantiate]] - 
[[Unwind]] - 
[[Venser, Shaper Savant]] - 
[[Vodalian Mage]] - 
[[Voidslime]] - 
[[Wizard's Retort]]

===spoiler:REMOVALS (and wrath effects)
[[Aether Gust]] - 
[[AEtherize]] - 
[[AEtherspouts]] - 
[[Ancient Animus]] - 
[[Beast Within]] - 
[[Blast Zone]] - 
[[Blue Elemental Blast]] - 
[[Broken Bond]] - 
[[Coral Net]] - 
[[Curse of the Swine]] - 
[[Diminish]] - 
[[Dust Bowl]] - 
[[Encroaching Wastes]] - 
[[Epic Confrontation]] - 
[[Evacuation]] - 
[[Field of Ruin]] - 
[[Flash Flood]] - 
[[Force of Vigor]] - 
[[Frogify]] - 
[[Ghost Quarter]] - 
[[Hydroblast]] - 
[[Imprisoned in the Moon]] - 
[[Kasmina's Transmutation]] - 
[[kenrith's Transformation]] - 
[[Krosan Grip]] - 
[[Lignify]] - 
[[Lingering Mirage]] - 
[[Manglehorn]] - 
[[Mind Harness]] - 
[[Mouth of Ronom]] - 
[[Mutant's Prey]] - 
[[Natural State]] - 
[[Naturalize]] - 
[[Nature's Claim]] - 
[[Nature's Way]] - 
[[Polymorphist's Jest]] - 
[[Pongify]] - 
[[Pounce]] - 
[[Psionic Blast]] - 
[[Prey Upon]] - 
[[Rapid Hybridization]] - 
[[Reality Shift]] - 
[[Reclamation Sage]] - 
[[Relic of Progenitus]] - 
[[Return to Nature]] - 
[[Savage Punch]] - 
[[Savage Swipe]] - 
[[Scavenger Grounds]] - 
[[Sea's Claim]] - 
[[Setessan Tactics]] - 
[[Silent Gravestone]] - 
[[Snakeform]] - 
[[Song of the Dryads]] - 
[[Spreading Seas]] - 
[[Storm the Citadel]] - 
[[Tectonic Edge]] - 
[[Titanic Brawl]] - 
[[Tormod's Crypt]] - 
[[Treachery]] - 
[[Trygon Predator]] - 
[[Ulvenwald Tracker]] - 
[[Unravel the Aether]] - 
[[Wash Out]] - 
[[Winter's Chill]]

===spoiler:DRAW (strictly card advantage)
[[Bag of Holding]] - 
[[Benefactor's Draught]] - 
[[Bident of Thassa]] - 
[[Blighted Cataract]] - 
[[Blue Sun's Zenith]] - 
[[Braingeyser]] - 
[[Chart a Course]] - 
[[Chemister's Insight]] - 
[[Coastal Piracy]] - 
[[Cold-Eyed Selkie]] - 
[[Compulsive Research]] - 
[[Curiosity]] - 
[[Curious Obsession]] - 
[[Day's Undoing]] - 
[[Deep Analysis]] - 
[[Desert of the Indomitable]] - 
[[Desert of the Mindful]] - 
[[Distant Melody]] - 
[[Drawn from Dreams]] - 
[[Enclave Cryptologist]] - 
[[Fact or Fiction]] - 
[[Fallowsage]] - 
[[Glimmer of Genius]] - 
[[Glimpse of Nature]] - 
[[Gush]] - 
[[Herald's Horn]] - 
[[Icon of Ancestry]] - 
[[Jace Beleren]] - 
[[Keen Sense]] - 
[[Kindred Discovery]] - 
[[Lonely Sandbar]] - 
[[Memorial to Genius]] - 
[[Mikokoro, Center of the Sea]] - 
[[Mystic Remora]] - 
[[Oath of Scholars]] - 
[[Ophidian Eye]] - 
[[Pulse of the grid]] - 
[[Radical Idea]] - 
[[Read the Runes]] - 
[[Remote Isle]] - 
[[Rhystic Study]] - 
[[Saltwater Stalwart]] - 
[[Saprazzan Heir]] - 
[[Sea Gate Wreckage]] - 
[[Scroll Thief]] - 
[[Sixth Sense]] - 
[[Skullclamp]] - 
[[Slippery Karst]] - 
[[Snake Umbra]] - 
[[Standstill]] - 
[[Tatyova, Benthic Druid]] - 
[[Throne of the High City]] - 
[[Tidal Courier]] - 
[[Tireless Tracker]] - 
[[Time Reversal]] - 
[[Time Spiral]] - 
[[Timetwister]] - 
[[Tranquil Thicket]] - 
[[Vanquisher's Banner]] - 
[[Visions of Beyond]] - 
[[Warriors' Lesson]] - 
[[Wistful Selkie]] - 
[[Whispers of the Muse]] - 

===spoiler:TAPTAP (tapers and untapers)
[[Awakening]] - 
[[Bear Umbra]] - 
[[Blinkmoth Well]] - 
[[Blustersquall]] - 
[[Breaking Wave]] - 
[[Burst of Strength]] - 
[[Curse of Bounty]] - 
[[Dramatic Reversal]] - 
[[Ensnare]] - 
[[Exhaustion]] - 
[[Gigadrowse]] - 
[[Hidden Strings]] - 
[[Instill Energy]] - 
[[Intruder Alarm]] - 
[[Jolting Merfolk]] - 
[[Mana Short]] - 
[[Mana Vapors]] - 
[[Merfolk Skyscout]] - 
[[Minamo, School at Water's Edge]] - 
[[Mobilize]] - 
[[Nature's Will]] - 
[[Paradox Engine]] - 
[[Paradox Haze]] - 
[[Quest for Renewal]] - 
[[Quirion Ranger]] - 
[[Scryb Ranger]] - 
[[Seedborn Muse]] - 
[[Skyline Cascade]] - 
[[Sleep]] - 
[[Stony Strength]] - 
[[Take into Custody]] - 
[[Triton Tactics]] - 
[[Turnabout]] - 
[[Vitalize]] - 
[[Watertrap Weaver]]

===spoiler:GOOD FISH (tribal spells)
[[Aquitect's Will]] - 
[[Benthicore]] - 
[[Birthing Boughs]] - 
[[Cache Raiders]] - 
[[Caller of Gales]] - 
[[Chameleon Colossus]] - 
[[Coral Fighters]] - 
[[Deepchannel Mentor]] - 
[[Deeproot Warrior]] - 
[[Empress Galina]] - 
[[Heirloom Blade]] - 
[[Jungleborn Pioneer]] - 
[[Manta Riders]] - 
[[Merfolk Raiders]] - 
[[Merfolk Spy]] - 
[[Mistcaller]] - 
[[Mothdust Changeling]] - 
[[Prismwake Merrow]] - 
[[Riptide Pilferer]] - 
[[Rootwater Diver]] - 
[[Rootwater Hunter]] - 
[[Rootwater Matriarch]] - 
[[Rootwater Mystic]] - 
[[Rootwater Shaman]] - 
[[Rootwater Thief]] - 
[[Sandbar Merfolk]] - 
[[Saprazzan Bailiff]] - 
[[Saprazzan Legate]] - 
[[Seasinger]] - 
[[Shaper Apprentice]] - 
[[Sigil Tracer]] - 
[[Skywatcher Adept]] - 
[[Storm Sculptor]] - 
[[Talrand, Sky Summoner]] - 
[[Triton Cavalry]] - 
[[Triton Fortune Hunter]] - 
[[Triton Shorethief]] - 
[[Umara Entangler]] - 
[[Vodalian Knights]] - 
[[Wake Thrasher]] - 
[[Wanderwine Prophets]] - 
[[Webweaver Changeling]]

[[Adaptive Automaton]] - 
[[Become Immense]] - 
[[Berserk]] - 
[[Bounty of the Hunt]] - 
[[Centaur Garden]] - 
[[Coat of Arms]] - 
[[Concordant Crossroads]] - 
[[Craterhoof Behemoth]] - 
[[Crown of Ascension]] - 
[[Door of Destinies]] - 
[[Elvish Fury]] - 
[[Gather Courage]] - 
[[Giant Growth]] - 
[[Grand Architect]] - 
[[Hashep Oasis]] - 
[[Heart of Yavimaya]] - 
[[Heraldic Banner]] - 
[[Invigorate]] - 
[[Maximize Altitude]] - 
[[Might of Old Krosa]] - 
[[Might of the Masses]] - 
[[Mutagenic Growth]] - 
[[Obelisk of Urd]] - 
[[Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers]] - 
[[Pendelhaven]] - 
[[Prey's Vengeance]] - 
[[Rancor]] - 
[[Scale Up]] - 
[[Shadow Rift]] - 
[[Soaring Seacliff]] - 
[[Stoneforge Masterwork]] - 
[[Titanic Growth]] - 
[[Turntimber Grove]] - 
[[Waterspout Weavers]]

[[Damping Sphere]] - 
[[Drop of Honey]] - 
[[Elephant Grass]] - 
[[Grafdigger's Cage]] - 
[[Phyrexian Revoker]] - 
[[Pithing Needle]] - 
[[Psychic Surgery]] - 
[[Quicksilver Fountain]] - 
[[Rishadan Port]] - 
[[Sorcerous Spyglass]] - 
[[Stormtide Leviathan]] - 
[[Tangle Wire]] - 
[[Winter Orb]]

===spoiler:COLOR FIXING
[[Aether Hub]] - 
[[City of Brass]] - 
[[Bant Panorama]] - 
[[Evolving Wilds]] - 
[[Forbidden Orchard]] - 
[[Gemstone Mine]] - 
[[Lumbering Falls]] - 
[[Meteor Crater]] - 
[[Reef Shaman]] - 
[[Rhystic Cave]] - 
[[Simic Growth Chamber]] - 
[[Teferi's Isle]] - 
[[Terramorphic Expanse]] - 
[[Thornwood Falls]] - 
[[Tidal Warrior]] - 
[[Tideshaper Mystic]] - 
[[Unstable Frontier]] - 
[[Vivid Creek]] - 
[[Vivid Grove]]




===panel:<center>FISHY MUTATIONS</center>



===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 31/03/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Forest]] - [[Utopia Sprawl]] - [[Wild Growth]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx]] - [[Maze of Ith]] - [[Crop Rotation]]</p>
<p>Mana/color deaths feel responsible for a part too big of my defeats. Even if [[Maze of Ith]] could be a blast versus some matchups ([[Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest]], [[Arahbo, Roar of the World]], [[Karlov of the Ghost Council]], [[Rafiq of the Many]]...) I feel like more than half of the time I'd prefer to have a mana land and I find myself scrying, cycling it with loot effects or killing it on [[crop rotation]] in order to grab something else. [[Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx]] feels like it becomes useful to late in the game and even if it can do stupid things with my list I feel like I always prefer to have color mana rather than this land before turn 4 or 5. [[Crop Rotation]] was useful to catch the [[Maze of Ith]], [[Cavern of Souls]], [[Yavimaya Hollow]] or [[Path of Ancestry]]. Now [[Maze of Ith]] is not in the deck anymore and [[Baral, Chief of Compliance]] is banned, the loss of card advantage induced by [[Crop Rotation]] doesn't seem that strong if it's only to grab [[Yavimaya Hollow]] or [[Path of Ancestry]]. In addition of helping me on color, the [[Forest]], [[Utopia Sprawl]] and [[Wild Growth]] added to the deck will allow me to play [[Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca]] or the high amount of [[symbol:3]] CMC in the deck on turn 2. Furthermore it does some nasty things with [[Earthcraft]], [[Kiora's Follower]] or [[Merrow Reejerey]].
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 07/04/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Merfolk Skydiver]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Opposition]]</p>
<p>The new [[Merfolk Skydiver]] from War of the Spark seems really sweet. It is a better [[Gaea's Skyfolk]] since it has the flexibility of giving a counter to another creature if needed or being a 2/2 flyer, it matches with my +1/+1 subtheme and it has a good mana sink. In addition, this comes fill in my lack of strong turn 2. However the real question was what should I cut ? 99% of the duel commander playerbase will probably throw me a stone for cutting [[Opposition]]in a low curve creature deck with some untappers shenanigans (same than when I cut the [[Umezawa's Jitte]] long time ago). My feeling is that [[Opposition]] is a really strong card (basically a free win with [[Master of Waves]], [[Murkfiend Liege]] or [[Prophet of Kruphix]] or simply in some cases) but most of the time I'd prefer tapping my merfolks on Kumena's abilities or in order to attack. In addition I now reach a pretty high amount of evasive abilities thus I don't feel like I need to tap opponent creatures to hit him in the face. The 2 obvious parts of the card I'll be missing is first staxing them to death which I rarelly do since in control matchups my board is thin and versus aggro matchups I'm around the second part which is tapping opponent creatures in a defensive way while preparing for a big smash. Maybe this paragraph is just here because I need to convince myself I'm right to cut another T1 card for a poor uncommon :D ! Whatever, I'm gonna do some tries. To finish, now that the +1/+1 counter package seems consequent enough I'm seriously considering adding [[Vorel of the Hull Clade]] (seems a bit slow and the body is clunky) with some [[Umezawa's Jitte]] back and a [[Llanowar Reborn]].
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 15/04/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Merrow Commerce]] - [[Opposition]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Tempest Caller]] - [[Savage Summoning]]</p>
<p>I already had some tries with [[Merrow Commerce]]. I thought that playing this kind of enchantment turn 2 wasn't that great for a true aggro strategy. However I have to embrace midrange strategy and I miss the stupid things I can do with this card. Indeed, [[Merrow Commerce]] is a merfolk tribal sorcery. Thus it activates [[Deeproot Elite]], [[Forerunner of the Heralds]], [[Merrow Reejerey]], [[River Sneak]] or even [[Deeproot Waters]] and it can be used on [[Silvergill Adept]]. Furthermore the enchantment can be tap with [[Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca]] allowing us to make him unblockable, to draw with 2 merfolk creatures on the board or to start pumping our folks with 4 which often creates a huge surprise effect. To finish, it triggers at our end step when [[Murkfiend Liege]] and [[Prophet of Kruphix]] triggers on opponent's upkeep allowing us additional activations on [[Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca]], [[Earthcraft]] or [[Opposition]]. I feel guilty for having cut this last one and [[Merrow Commerce]] is the perfect excuse to put it back in the deck. Furthermore even if [[Moat]] and many land deaths are the principle reason for those loss during my last series versus [[Atraxa, Praetors' Voice]], the matchup told me to keep [[Opposition]] warm in my decklist. Back in the days where I was looking for non targeting +1/+1 counters cards because of [[Kira, Great Glass-Spinner]], [[Steely Resolve]] and [[Phantasmal Image]] I found [[Savage Summoning]]. This card is fun, strong and won me some games. However in many situations if you can't kill an opponent creature on combat tricks or if the ennemy plays removals in addition of counterspells it's pure card disadvantage. Furthermore in many cases I couldn't reach to curve it properly. With the entry of [[Merfolk Skydiver]] I feel like I already have enough +1/+1 counters in the deck to benefit from [[Zegana, Utopian Speaker]] (it was a nonbo with [[Savage Summoning]]), [[Benthic Biomancer]] or [[Hardened Scales]]. That's the reason why I chose to cut it. [[Tempest Caller]] is a blast and won me a lot of games but it's the second cut of the day ; mainly because [[Opposition]] can fill the spot on the long run, in order to keep my curve or because it was especially great with [[Savage Summoning]].
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 22/04/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Ash Barrens]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Forest]]</p>
<p>After 2 consecutives games stuck on green and a general feeling of overgreen manas I decided to cut another forest in order to put [[Ash Barrens]] in. With [[Earthcraft]], [[Utopia Sprawl]] (even [[Daze]] or [[Selkie Hedge-Mage]]) and the amount of [[Blood Moon]]/[[Magus of the Moon]] in the meta I need a high amount of basic lands. However I can't risk to get stuck on green especially with the number of [[symbol:U]] and [[symbol:U]][[symbol:U]] in the deck. Simic lack some key lands and [[Ash Barrens]] seems to be the perfect tool in this color combination to avoid color deaths, to get basic lands fast and to avoid loosing life with lands such as [[Mana Confluence]] or [[City of Brass]].</p>
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 08/05/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Waterlogged Grove]] - [[Prismatic Vista]] - [[Force of Negation]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Snow-Covered Forest]] - [[Snow-Covered Island]] - [[Jungleborn Pioneer]]</p>
<p>It's been a long time that I was hoping for lands as cool as [[Waterlogged Grove]] and [[Prismatic Vista]]. Color struggling is something that I often experience in the deck since it combines cards that require a lot of basic lands and/or forests/islands ([[Utopia sprawl]], [[Selkie Hedge-mage]], [[Earthcraft]], [[Daze]] and so on) and half the deck is made of heavy coloured cards ([[Coralhelm Commander]], [[Lord of Atlantis]], [[Wistful Selkie]]...). Having 2 new dual colors untap lands is a dream. Furthermore, especially since the first one have the same draw effect than [[Horizon Canopy]] which is well known as an insanely good card and the second can fecth exactly what I need in the deck : a basic land. I am wondering if the additional fetch effect plus the land sacrifice trick should makes me run a 38th land but for the moment I'm going to try it this way. There is no need to explain why [[Force of Negation]] is an auto inclusion in the deck (I love the hard cast cost by the way) but I'd like to talk about why [[Jungleborn Pioneer]] was in the deck. People tend to think [[Jungleborn Pioneer]] is a bad card. In a Kumena list it is the exact opposite. Throwing 2 merfolks on the board with a single card is insanely good with merfolk lords, [[Kumena Tyrant of Orazca]] or [[Earthcraft]], the hexproof on the token can turn a game with the +1/+1 counters subtheme and the fact that people underestimate [[Jungleborn Pioneer]] allow safe play on turn 3 when the opponent is sitting on a counterspell/removal ; allowing us to cast [[Kumena Tyrant of Orazca]] on turn 4 with a [[symbol:1]] CMC counterspell backup or something like [[Blossoming Defense]]. I have hesitated a lot with cutting [[Misdirection]] or [[Spell Pierce]] mainly in order to keep the same amount of counterspells in the deck which seems to be the right number in order to deal with both control and stabilize aggro matchups. I'm going to do some tests once I purchase those cards and see.</p>
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 27/06/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Brineborn Cutthroat]] - [[Swift Warden]] - [[Savage Summoning]] - [[Stifle]] - [[Opt]] - [[Peek]] - [[Snow-Covered Island]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Forerunner of the Heralds]] - [[Ponder]] - [[Preordain]] - [[Utopia Sprawl]] - [[Wild Growth]] - [[Earthcraft]] - [[Mirri's Guile]]</p>
<p>Since the spoil of [[Brineborn Cutthroat]] I have done quiet a lot of changes in the deck. There is no need to justify why I put this new merfolk in the deck but let’s talk about the other changes. I’m not changing the list especially for this merfolk but its release made me think about instant speed tricks and I wanted to boost them a bit. Why ? Because it's fun ! To begin with, I have no real answers in the deck (I’m talking about removals) thus [[Ponder]] and [[Preordain]] were mostly here to find a kill, a backup counterspell or 90% of the time to be sure I hit my land and I curve well. There is no doubt those cards are extremely powerful but I feel like passed turn 1 I’d rather have a less powerful effect like [[Opt]] but to be abble to keep an opened mana for the large amount of [[symbol:1]] mana instant tricks I run in the list ([[Blossoming Defense]], [[Force Spike]], [[Spell Pierce]], [[Spell Snare]]…). [[Utopia Sprawl]], [[Wild Growth]] and [[Earthcraft]] are extremelly powerful cards too and as I already stated in the previous « LIST CHANGES » it allows me to play [[Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca]] on turn 2 or just vomit my whole hand with untappers shenanigans. On other hand, I find it extremelly frustrating to draw those tools past your opening hand and it happens a lot even with the amount of scry/loot/explore I got ; plus if I haven’t a mana sinker like [[Merfolk Skydiver]] on the board, the speed given is generally catch by the card disadvantage and the fact that the cards I use to break the game are creature centric or require more than just a large amount of mana to work ([[Deeproot Waters]], [[Opposition]], [[Murkfiend Liege]], [[Master of Waves]], [[Prophet of Kruphix]]…). To finish, [[Forerunner of the Heralds]] is strong but as I stated before it feels slow, it’s expensive and it does nothing the turn it arrives ; with the reduction of ramp I wanted to tone a bit my curve. To finish with inclusions, it’s been a while I haven’t played the several cards I listed and I missed the fun I had with them. Most of them are what I call unexpected shenanigans. Just like [[Misdirection]] they’re strong cards especially because they see few play in the format and create huge surprise effects. [[Savage Summoning]] (which allows me to keep the same amount of +1/+1 counter cards with the withdrawal of [[Forerunner of the Heralds]]) and [[Stifle]] are tricky to play because they require a trade to be valuable in term of card advantage. But it’s so cool to flash the fifth merfolk to pump them all with Kumena before your turn, to flash a [[Wake Thrasher]] with an islandwalk lord on your next main phase versus control or to stifle the first fetch versus 3+ colors decks ! [[Peek]] is here for the cantrip effect at instant speed and to help me decide my strategy ; [[Swift Warden]] because a 3/3 body at instant speed is good and if it can save one of my merfolk in some situations it’s even better and I replaced [[Mirri's Guile]] with another [[Snow-Covered Island]] to help me curve out and because the consistancy brings by this enchantment doesn't always worth the card disadvantage induced. With those changes I expect the deck to be a bit better versus control, generally maybe a little worst versus every other matchups but fore sure funnier :)</p>
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 12/08/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Mana Leak]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Swift Warden]]</p>
<p>I don't really want to keep increasing the amount of counterspells in the deck but in a lot of situations having a [[Mana Leak]] in hand feels way more fine and way less situational than having a [[Swift Warden]]. Easier to curve and better than an instant speed 3/3 against low interaction decks where there is few removals. Furthermore I got some deceptions in the past days that the hexproof effect couldn't target my [[Edric, Spymaster of Trest]] or my [[Prophet of Kruphix]].</p>
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 19/09/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Fabled Passage]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Wake Thrasher]]</p>
<p>During my last games I had quiet a lot of mana deaths and I feel like having another land in the pack could be useful. [[Fabled Passage]] is nice since the fetch effect prevents me from flooding in late game. Seeing the amount of fetch effects I have now ; I hope one day they'll make some landfall merfolk ! Maybe I'll have a try on [[Retreat to Kazandu]] or [[Retreat to Coralhelm]] but it feels slow without ramp in the format and with my game plan. I had quiet some nice combos with [[Wake Thrasher]] and [[Savage Summoning]] or unblockable stuff like [[Lord of Atlantis]]/[[Master of the Pearl Trident]]/[[Merfolk Sovereign]]. But it's time to say goodbye to the turn 3 drop that does nothing the turn it arrives in addition of being a 1/1 and being easily chumpblockable once it's big.</p>
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 31/10/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Oko, Thief of Crowns]] - [[Minamo, School at Water's Edge]] - [[Umezawa's Jitte]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Psionic Blast]] - [[Snow-Covered Island]] - [[Forest]]</p>
<p>[[Oko, Thief of Crowns]] is just busted... he can negate an entire deck by transforming a commander into an elk 3/3. And who is really good to block a 3/3 without killing it ? [[Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca]] my dear (my deer ?) ! I hope He won't get banned since the card cost me a kidney and it's the first time ever we have a good planeswalker in simic. [[Psionic Blast]] won me quiet some games and it is really strong. But the 2 life it costs is often too much to bear and it can't kill a planeswalker. Furthermore, I assume blue is not the color to blast and I think that stubbornly trying to blast 4 life for 3 manas with 2 life downside is bad when you compare it to a [[Lightning Bolt]]. [[Minamo, School at Water's Edge]] is here now just because it's been a long time I haven't get rekt by a [[Blood Moon]] or a [[Magus of the Moon]]. The synergy with Kumena is pretty sweet. It's been a long time I'm looking for a spot to try again [[Umezawa's Jitte]]. I'm going to try this on a land spot.</p>
===spoiler:----- LIST CHANGES 02/11/2019 -----
<p>IN -> [[Ancestral Vision]] - [[Cursecatcher]] - [[Mana Confluence]]</p>
<p>OUT -> [[Snow-Covered Forest]] - [[Wistful Selkie]] - [[Selkie Hedge-Mage]]</p>
<p>With my several research on meta decks curves I want to try to lower a bit more mine. The question was which turn 3 should I cut and it was really tough. Those 2 selkies seem to be the weakest/slowest. Both of them can have huge impact on the game : [[Wistful Selkie]] is a good card against opened mana to counterspell my Kumena and is a blast when you curve on a [[Master of Waves]] turn 4. [[Selkie Hedge-Mage]] with both conditions is as huge as a [[Thragtusk]] to tempo aggro decks. Now that I cut [[Selkie Hedge-Mage]], [[Earthcraft]] and [[Utopia Sprawl]] there is no real need to keep an amount of [[Forest]] that high. Welcome [[Mana Confluence]] !</p>





<p>What is your experience and your thoughts with those cards in this format ?</p>

<p>Have you ever tried a Kumena or a simic list ?</p>

<p>What were your subthemes ?</p>

<p>How do you gauge aggro and control in your list ?</p>

<p>What kind of deck are you struggling against ?</p>



<center><a class="vote-link btn btn-success btn-sm" href="/mtg-decks/primer-is-kumena-competitive-duel-cmdr-20-hp-1/vote-up/?rc=True">Upvote if you like the deck :)</a></center>

heckproof on An Inconspicuous Deck With No Memes *Primer*

5 years ago

As much as I really like Nix and want it to be good, I think it’s just a bit too cute, even considering that this is the one time in Modern it’d actually be defensible to play.

CrapdosNoob on Blue White Delver

7 years ago

Nix? I'm assuming it's for Force of Will, but Dispel would be strictly better than that, plus Nix is so narrow.

rguilbault on Leovold Ridin' Spinners

7 years ago

ok Bolsheviktory, this is what I have for the current build. if CMC is a concern for Ad Nauseam I would suggest the following mods:


Jace._destroyer_of_worlds on Modern NBL Is affinity beatable?

7 years ago

I have been play testing with Storm for a bit now and I have come up with a list. I like Pyromancer's Ascension in the deck it just makes it go off more easily. I also hate Treasure Cruise because of the anti-synergy with Past in Flames and Pyromancer's Ascension. Should I have two Shattering Spree main deck and then I can swap this two slots for the matchup ( Pyroclasm for elves and Nix for hypergenisis

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