Mind Sculpt

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mind Sculpt


Target opponent puts the top seven cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.

DarkKiridon on A Little Off The Top

9 months ago

Drowned Catacomb or better. No guildgates. Merfolk Windrobber, Hedron Crab Could use fetch lands with this. Mind Sculpt, Shadowmage Infiltrator ? Curse of the Bloody Tome or Drowned Secrets, Psychic Drain ? Psychic Strike for countering possibly.

Honestly think you have too many 5 drops. So many better and cheaper options.

wallisface on Grinding like a pepper mill

10 months ago

Cool, for a pure mill $50 list I'd be doing something like this (all prices from Card Kingdom):

Comes to $49.95 total.

wallisface on Grinding like a pepper mill

10 months ago

Things i would suggest focusing on:

  • figure out what your deck wants to do, and refine down your cards to achieve that goal. If your goal is to mill the opponent out, you only ever want Hedron Crab and Ruin Crab as creatures - everything else is pointless as you’re not trying to win through damage. Conversely, if you’re trying to mill cards to give your creatures some kind of combative edge, you only want cards that mill the opponent incidentally… there’s no point including spells that only mill, as you end up losing the game to self-inflicted card disadvantage.

  • work towards lowering your mana curve. Modern decks typically struggle to run more than 4 cards costing 4-or-more mana, you’ve got a whopping 10, which will make your turns a bit clumsy.

  • there’s never a good reason for running more than 60 cards, so while 64 might not seem much over, its still weakening your hands and draws - make some cuts!

  • you have a lot of cards being run as 1-ofs and 2-ofs at the moment, which will lead to the deck being less consistent and overall harder to present a coherent plan. It’s not too bad here, but i’d suggest trying to run more of the cards you care about as playsets (4-ofs).

  • a lot of cards here are just worse versions of other cards. For example, i’d suggest Fatal Push or Infernal Grasp instead of Murder, and Glimpse the Unthinkable over Mind Sculpt

Caerwyn on Fun opponent mill deck

1 year ago

Mill is a fairly established archetype, with a long history in Modern. It struggles in a number of regards due to effectively being a slower version of burn (it plays a lot like burn, albeit they have 60 "health" instead of 20).

The bread and butter of Mill is fairly expensive--you run 4x Ruin Crab, 4x Hedron Crab, then toss some fetch lands (like Polluted Delta) to double up on your crab triggers. Given how fast Modern is, it can be really hard for Mill to excel if you do not fully commit to the 8-Crab strategy.

Even if you are not running Fetch lands, you should still run the full 8 crabs.

You'll also likely want to change to Black and Blue instead of Mono-Black, which gives you access to the excellent Drown in the Loch and removal in the form of Fatal Push. Your deck as it stands is really light on removal, which is not going to get you far in Modern.

For some smaller changes:

  • Replace Serum Visions with the vastly better for this deck Visions of Beyond.
  • Traumatize is too much mana for what it does. Instead run Archive Trap and Field of Ruin to force opponents to search their library (they'll probably be doing it with fetch lands anyway, but will be wary once they see you are running mill, so the forced search is a great way to get some big, free mill spells fired off).
  • Glimpse the Unthinkable is a very efficient if you switch over to to Black/Blue--and those extra three cards make a huge difference over the inferior Mind Sculpt.

You'll also need to think about a sideboard if you want to be competitive in Modern, with answers tailored to your particular meta (or at least the most common decks you are most likely to see at any given meta).

wallisface on Venture Deeper

1 year ago

Blue has pretty much no good options for removal unfortunately, so you’d probably need to splash into black or white.

I suspect you “haven't had a problem with three costs” only because your playgroup are also playing mostly slow/clumsy spells… anything 3-mana or above is generally slow to play regardless of the decks land count (because playing such a card usually means that’s your only spell for the turn).

If i were making a mill deck on an ultra-budget, as you are, it’ll probably look something like this:

Jupiter_Ascendancy on

1 year ago

I like the deck so far.

Some takeaways I'm getting from a few playtests-

  • I don't think you need Remote Isle here, if anything it should at least be replaced with Lonely Sandbar, which costs less mana to cycle and was originally a common, even if it's now printed at uncommon. However, I would probably just play regular islands.
  • Play more islands as well, I tend to get stuck at 2-3 lands which isn't very much.
  • Run some more single-use mill cards- for example, Tome Scour and Mind Sculpt can hit pretty heavily in just one turn.

This looks like a good start, but I think this might give it the kick it needs to work against more efficient opponents.

TawfulEvil on Venture Deeper

1 year ago

Thanks for commenting on my deck! This is my first time posting one.

The spells may be a little inefficient, but I chose them mostly for how they work together. I use the Oculus, Unsummon, and Thought Collapse to hold back whatever I can, while I use the Kraken's Eye to try to keep my life total high enough that I don't promptly die if something has trample. (My little brother favors green creatures)

The Sage's Row Denizen and the Murmuring Mystic both have abilities to help the Merfolk Secretkeeper, netting me chump tokens and a bit more mill when it enters.

Fractured Sanity is an excellent idea! I don't believe I've seen that card. Maybe I'd replace it for the Startled Awake  Flip cards?

The creatures conundrum is interesting to me though. I don't play super competetively, but I use the creatures for the mill, both when they enter and when they die. I actually do have Ruin Crab, but the Merfolk Secretkeeper is critical to the deck in my opinion, with it's adventures and re-entering the field.

Profane Memento... I Love It!!! Why have I never seen this beautiful evil creation!!! I may need 20 of them. Well not twenty, but definitely replacing the Kraken's Eye.

It does not have much removal, which I have encountered as a problem before. I would like to keep it mono-blue though if possible. I've mostly just handled threats through Unsummon-ing massive attacking threats, and through Thought Collapse-ing any main combo starters I see. I would love suggestions though, especially blue ones.

You're probably correct with the mana curve though... I'm just unlucky about having lands when I need them, so in frustration, I probably put in to many... Cutting back some lands is a wise suggestion, thanks.

The three costs I actually haven't had a problem with. (Probably because of the extra lands) I could maybe pack a couple of Mind Sculpts if I had to, but for my two cost department I simply wait for a Murmuring Mystic before I cast Winged Words. Unless I feel I have to of course!

wallisface on Mill,mill and mill....

1 year ago

It feels like this list should be far more optimised than it is, considering the $$$ investment. Some thoughts:

I have my own competitive mill deck here which may help inspire you.

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