Gallows at Willow Hill

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gallows at Willow Hill


3, {T}, Tap three untapped Humans you control: Destroy target creature. Its controller puts a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying onto the battlefield.

DrukenReaps on Cards that put creature token …

2 years ago

Interesting choice going without , just a preference for Teysa?

The Hunted above are great options.

Plague of Vermin won't force opponents to take tokens but if they don't and you grab say 20, that'll be brutal. Since you gain life it should be a good card for you no matter the outcome.

Acorn Catapult, Warren Weirding, Tombstone Stairwell exist, I guess.

Gallows at Willow Hill seems neat. You'll need to make sure you have a decent number of humans to make it work consistently. With 19 creatures I'd say if ~10 are human strongly consider it.

Genesis Chamber and Infernal Genesis should do good work.

Metroid_Hybrid on Mardu Humans and their Cat

3 years ago

Your deck seems a little unfocused. For example, you're running Stoneforge Mystic (a non-Human btw), but not enough bomb Equipment to take advantage of her value.. Also, it's hard to tell exactly how you plan on winning in face of a stalled boardstate (outside of Odric).

I suggest dropping the Aristocrat stuff from the 98 (but keep the Xathrid Necromancer ), as well as a boardwipe or two, and replacing them with some fun (Voltron) toys for Kitty.. One equipment in particular is Vorrac Battlehorns , as it renders creatures with Menace effectively unblockable..

On the Tribal side of things, Champion of the Parish & Gallows at Willow Hill are worth considering. Brave the Sands is a thing. And finally, since you're a Mardu deck that likes to go wide, you may really appreciate Fervent Charge . Pair that with repeat combat effects (ex. Aggravated Assault ) for maximum value

MagicMarc on Halloween Deck Ideas

4 years ago

Just a few more; Season of the Witch, Black Cat, Bubbling Cauldron, Disturbed Burial, Desecrated Tomb, Reassembling Skeleton, Ghosts of the Damned, Haunted Crossroads,Gallows at Willow Hill, Bad Moon.

Can go to the gatherer and look for creature types like werewolf, zombie, scarecrow.

Or keywords like haunted, dead, grim, blood, etc.

griffstick on [PRIMER] Trynn & Silvar, Dangerous Bonds

4 years ago

Outlaws' Merriment seems perfect. Also Krav, the Unredeemed and Regna, the Redeemer seem like it fits. Vigilante Justice might be fun. Maybe Commander's Authority. Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis should deserve a look. Another cool card would be Gallows at Willow Hill. If you think you can make enough human tokens take a good look at Devout Chaplain. Keep the tokens coming with Hanweir Garrison. Homura, Human Ascendant  Flip needs a sac outlet. Good thing your Cmdr has a sac outlet. Requiem Angel and Xathrid Necromancer both benefit from creatures dying. And since we are talking about creatures dying why not add Dictate of Erebos and Grave Pact and Butcher of Malakir.

JANKYARD_DOG on Humans with a side of Sigarda

5 years ago

Gallows at Willow Hill is a nice hidden gem for Human Tribal. Thraben Doomsayer can generate more tokens so it's easier to pull off, and adds to the go wide strategy.

My deck goes on a semi different route than yours but if you'd like more ideas, have a look. Any other suggestions I would have would probably come from it anyway. Sigarda, Human's Grace - Hatebears Edition

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