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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Destroy target attacking creature. You gain life equal to its power.

Idoneity on
Scarecrow Legion
4 years ago
Well met, fair complice of the fields. I as well wield a Reaper King strategy, whereupon I deign to proffer aid unto thee.
Cordialities aside, the King was my third commander deck of sixteen, created quite the meiny of years agone. Hereon, I offer my insight.
I am surprised to an artifact list bereft of Scrap Mastery. It retrieves all from the graveyard and piles up a multitude of triggers.
I see a fair amount of noncreature cards within this list. May I rcommend Whirlwind of Thought? It draws, it draws, it draws, and it draws: everything a player could ever desire.
Favor of the Mighty is one I have quite enjoyed, for there are not many creatures that cost ten to cast. Given that your list seems dependent upon the commander, this does a lot of work.
Many artifacts begets a splendid deck for Jhoira. Each planeswalker and each artifact now cycles.
Shimmyr grants an instant-speed Reaper, a terrifying fright. Subsequential plays of scarecrows now are instants, as well.
Let us speak of a seigneur. He ramps and draws, bestowing an endless engine. This card is explosive and interminably so.
Coming away from deck-specific suggestions, there are a fair few cards I put in all of my lists capable of doing so.
Allow me to introduce you to Unfulfilled Desires. Flooding? Great! Mana-screwed? Still great! Just have a spare two mana laying about indolently? Loot twice! This card is absolutely great. I find it being helpful in literally every deck, thus I cannot recommend it more.
Impulse is fantastic. Put it in and do not look back.
Once Upon a Time is still an unbalanced card, even in Commander. I love to see it at all moments.
There are a few cards I would ablate from this list, if you do not mind my saying.
Geth's Verdict is a potent card, but is best in 1v1 settings. A hard kill spell is more reliable. Given the option, they shall just sacrifice a token. If you are desperate for an edict effect, try Soul Shatter. It hits each opponent instead of just one. For your other edicts, I would just replace them with Anguished Unmaking and Despark, maybe a Heartless Act.
Now, I enjoy spicy inclusions, but I find them difficult to justify when there are just better options. Dispatch is one such card. It requires a board-state to be active. It may be a small feat to achieve that, but Path to Exile is not dependent on anything.
Calculated Dismissal and Clash of Wills... Just run Counterspell and Negate. Each is highly efficient. You also have Rakshasa's Disdain and Spell Shrivel. Why not Sinister Sabotage and Dissolve? The ones in the list are needlessly inefficient.
I have many negative opinions about Fane of the Mendacious Deity, so I shall leave them out of the comment.
Training Grounds seems to only help around six or seven creatures in the deck, which doesn't seem very potent enough by itself. Even if it goes infinite in a shenanigan, you do not have many tutors to find it under that circumstance.
That shall be all from be. Fare thee well.
Here is my list if you care to peer upon it: The Season of Mechanical Harvest
multimedia on
4 years ago
Hey, nice start, mono white can be tricky to build and play in Commander. You have Avacyn, Angel of Hope, make her the Commander? This is Angel tribal, but using Elesh Norn as Commander is strange...
No matter the Commander with Angel tribal Angels take up most, if not all, the high CMC spots in the deck because the best Angels have high CMCs. My advice is cut the majority of the other nonAngel high CMC (5 CMC or higher) cards. Ramp and Angels should be priority.
Cards to consider cutting right away because they're not as good as other cards or are redundancy you don't need:
- Beacon of Immortality
- Parhelion II
- Akroma, Angel of Wrath
- Bruna, the Fading Light
- Mass Calcify
- Serra's Guardian
- Seraph of the Sword
- Segovian Angel
- Chastise
- Curse of Exhaustion
- Condemn
- Moonsilver Spear
- Answered Prayers
- Serra Avenger
- Angelic Chorus
- Ajani, Wise Counselor
- Guardian of the Gateless
- Angelic Skirmisher
- Rhox Faithmender
- Vanquisher's Banner
This is 20 cards that doing a quick look over are subpar compared to the rest. The next 10 cards are cut to streamline by choosing the most important cards at different CMCs and cutting the others. Cards to consider cutting:
- Resolute Archangel
- Angel of Vitality
- Gisela, the Broken Blade
- Blinding Angel
- Linvala, the Preserver
- Platinum Angel
- Serra the Benevolent
- Cleansing Nova
- Angelic Accord
- Treasure Map Flip
The last four cards is where it gets difficult to make cuts, but continue to streamline:
Hopefully this info helps and I offer more advice especially if you change to Avacyn, Angel of Hope as Commander since there's several good interactions to take advantage of.
Good luck with your deck.
LuciferHex on
6 years ago
Also some suggestions. Unquestioned Authority is better than Angelic Gift.
Return to Dust and Crush Contraband are worth testing out.
You should cut Chastise and add Swords to Plowshares as it's super cheap and a lot better. Path to Exile is also a pretty great option.
Knight of Grace and Malice, Blinding Angel and AErathi Berserker are just balls of stats that are really not strong enough for EDH.
Liliana's Shade and Celestial Crusader aren't very good in three color decks.
And Agent of Masks and Bounty Hunter are too slow.
Then again if you are running any of these because their pet cards or you like the art or enjoy peoples reaction to them then, by all means, run them. But assuming you're looking for power level i'd cut these.
swimtothemoon on
The Brothers Of Destruction *RETIRED*
6 years ago
MoGoose831 Yup I've played the deck quite a few times. My favorite combo so far is Repercussion and Blasphemous Act. I agree though.....the second ability of FSSS isn't great, it'll just come in handy for cards such as Chastise or Cursebreak. Aside from that, I would just build the deck around the burn ability.
MoGoose831 on
The Brothers Of Destruction *RETIRED*
6 years ago
Just got my hands on F&S and am starting to build my deck. Have you had any chances to test the deck out yet?
Im planning on running Felidar Sovereign and Storm Herd as alternate win cons in addition to Aetherflux Reservoir.
The problem with most gain life cards is that they are pretty terrible in comparison to burn. Chastise seems to be a pretty decent addition tho.
newtontke on Need Help Taking Out 13 …
6 years ago
I would remove the following cards: 1. Soldier of the Pantheon- It has too small of an effect. 2.Blinding Light- It is Sorcery speed so it can only be used offensively and the effect is too small. 3. Defy Death- This effect is alright but is really situational. It is a victim of having only 100 cards.4. Staff of the Sun Magus- Too small of an effect.5. Scroll of Avacyn- Too small of an effect.6. Marble Diamond- Mediocre card that is just "alright".7. Coldsteel Heart- same as Marble Diamond.8. Reverse Damage- 100% reactive cards are often dead draws.9. Chastise- Same as Reverse Damage.10. Moonlit Wake- To small of an effect.11. Sun Droplet- +1 life a turn is awful. Use this card as a coaster.---The above cards are all bad and are easy cuts.-The last two cuts are hard, but id suggest one card for sure:12. Sensei's Divining Top- with only 1 card draw engine Well of Lost Dreams and no other shuffle effects, the top is not very good at all. Great card in a bad situation. I would cut it.---As for the 13th cut; you will have to playtest and see what feels underwhelming, too often.
RazortoothMtg on Need Help Taking Out 13 …
6 years ago
I would cut 13 Plains.
Nah Jk
As for actual cuts, Belbe's Portal just never impressed me as opposed to actual ramp cards. However, it does allow for flash and a small mana reduction, so I might be wrong.
Staff of the Sun Magus just doesn't do enough. You'll be gaining excessive amounts of life anyway, so a 3-mana artifact that lets you gain 1-2 life a turn is pretty much pointless.
Chastise and Reverse Damage seem to expensive mana wise for what they do, unless your meta is heavy on people who attack with a single massive creature that doesn't have hexproof for some reason.
Moonlit Wake also seems like too little effect. If you really want that effect, Ashes of the Abhorrent is strictly better in Angels outside of Reya Dawnbringer, which you aren't even playing
Soldier of the Pantheon seems low effect. Even if your opponents are playing heavy multicolor cards, I doubt it gains more life than just a Soul Warden effect (which I also don't suggest playing)
Oketra's Monument, Scroll of Avacyn, and Sun Droplet also seem too low effect to be worth a card slot. Sun Droplet is only good if you want a lot of whenever you gain life triggers, like in Karlov of the Ghost Council. Oketra's Monument is a bad Pearl Medallion, and I don't think the warrior tokens are too important in your deck. And Scroll of Avacyn is just pretty bad.
That's what I saw to cut. I, too, am building Lyra Dawnbringer (I pulled a foil at prerelease!), do you think you could help me with cuts?
Lyra Angel Tribal Prototype
Commander / EDH*