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Faithbearer Paladin
Creature — Human Knight

RiotRunner789 on
Chunky Soup with Wings
4 years ago
I'd swap out Faithbearer Paladin for Lyra Dawnbringer in your maybe board if you already own it. They are the same CMC, Lyra adds flying and first strike, is a bigger body, and is an angel lord as well (which pairs well with your 11 other angels).
JeranF on
Casual GW Sunmare Experiment
7 years ago
First of all, thanks for the many tips! It's good to find cheap cards to help out the manacurve. I already heared of Knight Exemplar, but I also really like Silverblade Paladin, especially for the Soulbond effect, so I guess, I will definitely switch out Faithbearer Paladin and Abzan Kin-Guard. What I'm not sure about yet, is for once Sungrace Pegasus. I was thinking about taking him out too, since he's no horsetype, but the cheap flying would be useful aswell. Also have to see if I replace Healing Salve/Healing Leaves with Spirit Link or the proposed Leyline of Vitality, since I wanna keep atleast one of the instants.
I will take a look at all the possible changes tomorrow and then try to upload it for a first time.
wonderboyrox on
Casual GW Sunmare Experiment
7 years ago
+1 for your theme. I love seeing people try something a little outside of the box. A few changes I would make, but only mostly to help your mana curve. You are currently running 13 creatures at a 4 CMC or higher. That is honestly far too much, especially when you are only running 20 land. I know you are making this just for casual games, but in order to ensure you have a reliable early game, you need to increase your lower end curve and decrease your higher end. (Yes I realize you are also running a playset of Rampant Growth, I still stick by what I am saying.)
Also, I would increase Lone Rider Flip to 4 copies up from the 3 you have now. It's an amazing card early game as well as late game, this is honestly your alternate win condition if your Sunmare fails you.
At the end of the day, here is what I would do:
-3 Faithbearer Paladin (Too heavy on your mana curve, and only has 3 attack power)
-3 Dawnglow Infusion (Mana better spent elsewhere, imo)
-4 Healing Salve (Mana better spent elsewhere, imo)
-2 Abzan Kin-Guard (To help reduce the overall mana curve)
+1 Lone Rider Flip (Reasons listed above)
+2 Sungrace Pegasus (Fits the curve, and the lifelink theme)
+2 Knight Exemplar (Rounds out your curve with a 3 CMC creature, and offers the deck more utility)
+4 Spirit Link (Fits the theme, helps lower overall mana curve. Also, can be placed on a creature with Lifelink and will essentially double life gained due to how the enchantment works. And as a bonus, can also enchant an opponents creature and nullify whatever dmg it deals by gaining the life back.)
+3 Silverblade Paladin (Fits horse & knight theme, reduces overall mana curve, and offers the deck more utility)
Overall this would help lower your mana curve, helping the decks tempo and early game out a lot. It would give you access to more utility, including: Double strike, Indestructibility, and even MORE life gain. Let me know what you think and if you decide to implement any of the suggestions!
blastingdynamic on
Naya Humans
7 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion, I decided to take out Veteran Cathar for Metallic Mimic, Samut, Voice of Dissent for Oketra the True, 2 Haze of Pollen for 2 Blessed Alliance, 1 Immolating Glare for another Cast Out, Faithbearer Paladin for Heron's Grace Champion . I also added 2 Appetite for the Unnatural, 2 Clip Wings to my side board.
Nightange1 on
Sigarda's Angelic Assistance
8 years ago
Depending on how you want to approach the deck and how much you want to polish a lot can be done to improve your deck. The biggest thing regardless of how competitive you want to take it is taking out cards that don't do anything but look good because they are efficient in standard or something. For instanceFaithbearer Paladin being played on turn 5 when everyone else is setting up a combo or cheating much bigger creatures into play looks pretty meek compared to them. Find cards that immediately seem to create an effect or such a strong effect it's worth it.
Cards I would take out...
Veteran Armorer, Timberland Guide, Primal Druid, Obsessive Skinner, Nightguard Patrol, Kessig Recluse, Intrepid Provisioner, Inspiring Captain, Hanweir Militia Captain Flip, Elder Cathar, Byway Courier, Ironwright's Cleansing, Equestrian Skill, Conclave's Blessing, Pollenbright Wings, Fists of Ironwood, True-Faith Censer, Crown of Convergence, Briarbridge Patrol, Grapple with the Past, Leave No Trace, Long Road Home, Wildsize. A lot of cards I know but here come some budget or more expensive replacements...
Expensive options(see if your playgroup is cool with proxies if money is an issue)
Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Containment Priest, Recruiter of the Guard, Akroma, Angel of Wrath, Gisela, the Broken Blade, Mirari's Wake, Sylvan Library, Earthcraft, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Knight of the Reliquary, Aura Shards, Hero of Bladehold.
Cheap alternatives(though some may be annoying to find from others or stores)
Bruna, the Fading Light, , Mentor of the Meek, Silverblade Paladin, Somberwald Sage, Thalia's Lancers, Swords to Plowshares, Day of Judgment, Werebear, Mikaeus, the Lunarch, Mother of Runes, Riders of Gavony, Honor of the Pure, Intangible VirtueFiend Hunter, Goldnight Commander, , Knight of the White Orchid, Aegis of the Gods, Archetype of Courage, Deranged Outcast, Return to Dust, Angel of Jubilation, Tireless Tracker, Bastion Protector, Sun Titan.
Anyways my gawd what a long message hopefully this helps later!
Lordeh on
W/G Humans
8 years ago
Thraben Inspector is a must have as far as humans go as the best 1 drop in standard atm allowing later card draw if the game draws out. Fiend Binder and Faithbearer Paladin feel a little slow and weak for their CMC. You might consider swapping them out for some control elements such as Declaration in Stone, Clip Wings or Stasis Snare
Kravian on Tips for EMN Prerelease?
8 years ago
If you play Accorder's Shield, hold it until you absolutely need it. I faced a nut GR werewolf deck in the finals at my store and not running the shield out on turn 1 allowed me to go Faith Unbroken (exile Duskwatch Recruiter Flip) and then shield to flip back his Breakneck Rider Flip (he'd passed, activated dusky before transform). He was left playing off his expected curve (4 mana available and he would have played two 3-drops--he revealed Brazen Wolves) and unable to attack into my 5/4. Faithbearer Paladin + equip won it from there.
There's fewer werewolves, but the SOI ones are still bomb-strong on curve.
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