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Commander / EDH RW (Boros)



Artifact (2)

Mommy is angry at her cedh children and has locked them in a room, they can't play the game, and she got the belt.

This deck absolutely belts cheek. You have rule of law effects to pump the breaks on your adhd combo children, graveyard effects for your messy frog children, anti - control cards for your degenerate children, and a swords package to give them all the spankings they deserve for being naughty.

I mostly built this deck as a challenge to see how successfully boros can perform at a cedh level. This deck is surprisingly nuanced and offers several branches of play depending on how hard you want to belt your opponents cheeks. Overall this deck puts up very good results, being able to power out early hate pieces can slow down and sometimes outright stop cedh deck from winning the game. Hushbringer and containment priest stop fish decks from going off while stranglehold and leonin arbiter make frog players pick up and walk away. The mulligan is very important to this deck, knowing your matchups is critical to setting up an early board. While most silver bullets can be tutored out, however, the resource demand for tutors in red and white is a bit too high. This deck demands that you kill each of your targets one by one so threat assessment is your key piloting skill; typically you kill the combo player first, followed by control, then value.

The deck has an infinite, with aurelia and sigardas aid, or hammer of nazahn, you can play helm of the host equipping it to Aurelia for free, giving you infinite combats and infinite aurelias, unless your opponent has an indestructible flyer, you should be able to kill the table. The helm combo is searchable, however, I have never had to use it to win a game, generally some hate bear pieces and thicc mommy angel can close out a game.

Lastly, this deck struggles with battle cruiser strategies, which may sound absurd, however this deck will slow down the gamestate enough for timmy to build a board of fatties.


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With considerable power creep in green and black it is time to reconsider some of the cards in this deck, dealing 63 damage across 3 opponents is simply too slow with all the low cmc value introduced in the latest sets, and helm of the host is too easily telegraphed.

Considerings: Isochron + chance for glory, warriors oath, or last chance. With gideon emblem, or sundial. thinking about adding djeru or gatewatch to find giddeon, angels grace is in the deck as well. This enables extra/infinite turns

Also condisering: Combo Guilty Conscience +Brash Taunter, both are searchable. will kill all opponents

Dualcaster Mage Second Sunrise Goblin Bombardment: Another inf dmg combo


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99% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Gideon of the Trials
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