Razia's Purification

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Razia's Purification


Each player chooses three permanents they control, then sacrifices the rest.

Last_Laugh on CEDH Narset

1 year ago

Eldrazi Conscription and Spelltwine feel out of place in a competitive build. Spelltwine fizzled for me fairly often thanks to needing a valid target from my opponents and Conscription feels like a winmore card. Bonus Round and Spirit Mantle would serve you better imo. MLD is another option, I was fond of Razia's Purification here since you can bounce back so quickly compared to everyone else.

carpecanum on Hatching Dragons

2 years ago

Martyr's Bond, Razia's Purification and Thelonite Monk are three cards I love with Atla.

When you play this do you have enough ways to kill your own eggs?

Last_Laugh on Narset Combo

2 years ago

Razia's Purification is an excellent boardwipe/MLD here. It leaves Narset and a few key pieces untouched so you can bounce back while leaving your opponents with nada.

Last_Laugh on The most boring deck you'll ever play

3 years ago

Ok, better late than never...

Spirit Mantle is a great for evasion. Crystal Vein is a nice piece of ramp depending on how glass-canon this deck is. Pentad Prism is the only 2 drop mana rock that'll net you +2 colored mana (albeit once). Sword of Feast and Famine + Aggravated Assault equals infinite combat steps. Divine Reckoning and Razia's Purification are a pair of boardwipes that'll leave Narset untouched.

Last_Laugh on What’s your “dick move” moment?

3 years ago

Razia's Purification into Blatant Thievery in Narset, Enlightened Master. Make everyone sac down to 3 permanents then steal the best thing they kept.

Last_Laugh on Narset Says "My Turn" *Primer*

3 years ago

Got a big list of possible inclusions and cards to cut for ya. I'll try to keep things budget(ish) friendly, but there's a few I'm not suggesting that're worth trading up for.

Inclusions: Fury of the Horde, Mizzix's Mastery, Relentless Assault, Seize the Day, World at War, Razia's Purification, Mystical Tutor, Mind's Desire, Bonus Round, and/or Storm Herd.

Cuts: Approach of the Second Sun, Reconstruct History, Solve the Equation, Conjurer's Closet, and a few counterspells.

cmsrDPM on Boros Stax | Primer

4 years ago

DadHumanPraetor I definitely agree with Blind Obedience. Thalia, Heretic Cathar felt a bit slow (in a deck that can't ramp like green) but was good. The others are a bit too costly.

I have another deck that is like your second idea. Tajic, Blade of the Legion, and board wipes.

And I do agree with your last sentiment. That is why if Boros is going to get anywhere we need to flex what Red White is good at: Destroying anything and everything. I am constantly trying to find a place for Razia's Purification as a game ender.

Ziu on Narset, Budget Commander

4 years ago

Thank you! I have adjusted the list a little by choosing cheaper (in terms of mana costs) mana ramp and adding some extra turns/phases. Out: Clone Legion, Dovin's Veto, Possibility Storm, Razia's Purification, and Urza's Ruinous Blast. I will have the more expensive options in mind but do not add them for now since I would like to keep this a budget version. Grateful for more advice!

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