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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
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Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Pre-release | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
The Meathook Massacre
Legendary Enchantment

Craeter on
Templar knights
2 months ago
Sweet deck, I like it a lot! I'm interested in building a Knight's Templar one too. If I do I'll reference your list here and credit you.
Just a few suggestions:
Skullclamp - Heavy draw card advantage works great for decks like this with lots of 1 toughness creatures. You've even got recursion so saccing stuff is nbd. Highly recommended
Knights' Charge - Tribal and fits the commander theme
Maybe The Meathook Massacre - you've already got mass removal, but this one is an Enchantment that can still benefit you later if opponents survive. The -X/-X also removes indestructible creatures. Toxic Deluge is also a staple option.
Eloniel on
Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer
4 months ago
I continued to dig for cards both old and news, that are not listed here but could fit:
Gift of Immortality : This card has lot of potential, i think this card has been glanced over because if you're not careful you don't realize it's every end step and not only yours. Even if used on a one mana afterlife 1 fodder, in a turn rotation of a 4 players game it would already have payed for itself (4 recursion of 1 mana creatures for 3 mana). In this deck it's like a better version of Ophiomancer. Others awesome targets would be Market Gnome, Ranger-Captain of Eos, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Hallowed Spiritkeeper, Kokusho, the Evening Star (for those that play it like me). Or can be used as a protection for sacrifice engine, a draw engine, a blood artist effect or Teysa. With flash or an ability to chose of make it comeback to your hand instead of attached to the creature i think it would be a no brainer.
Crowded Crypt : both a ramp and a payoff cards, with Teysa and a one mana afterlife 1 fodder it's already 6 corpse counter on the Crowded Crypt, a few other sacrifice and it's a winning condition. I know it's a 3 mana ramps but it's very fitting in this deck and a ramp.
Bartolome del Presidio: another free sacrifice engine for 2 manas, but personnally i would prefer using Warren Soultrader and Viscera Seer.
Reliquary Monk: An interesting removal, i almost find it better than Cathar Commando since with Teysa it's a double removal. Of course the downside are the 3 mana cost that can't be splitted over time like Cathar and flash missing.
Funeral Room / Awakening Hall: another blood artist effect, with a recursion ability later, but you already haven't included The Meathook Massacre. Personnally i'm almost at a point where i'm ready to remove Blood Artist since it's the last effect that target a single player instead of dealing damage to each opponents, it's only upside is that it also work with opponent creatures dying.
Kambal, Profiteering Mayor: It's a mix of Corpse Knight and token making. I'm not a fan of "this ability triggers only once each turn" and "one or more token" instead of "a token". Although a lot of people include it in their lists, i have mixed feeling about this card.
High-Society Hunter : a better Grim Haruspex since it also work for other players but still 5 manas, i would not include it.
_Kane_ on
Karlov of the Ghost Council
4 months ago
BirdieGirlie on
Spiteful Avatar
6 months ago
This is such an interesting deck omfg I love it!!!! I have many thoughts!!!
First of all, you need more lands. You need colored mana, you shouldn't be running Field of Ruin. And, Cavern of Souls is so so powerful, but what creature type are you naming? The only type you have more than one of is Vampire, and that's not the type you really want to be defending with the uncounterable ability. So do you play the land and name, like, Avatar or Spirit, the two cards you really want to defend when they come in, even if you don't have one in hand, telegraphing to your opponent what you want to do? It's not worth it. I would take all those out and replace them with dual Islands and Plains. Or Islands and Swamps, since you have disproportionate amounts of black. I think you should add in more white, as you will see.
Three creatures all do the same things and in this case I think that's detrimental to the deck. I think Suture Priest is the best of the bunch and we can work on replacing the other two. Some options: Hunted Troll, Grismold, the Dreadsower, Slaughter Specialist, and Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor. They all give you more tokens. Speaking of which, a fourth Hunted Phantasm will probably also help you a lot. I'd also reduce your number of Avatar of Might by one or two, I think. It's a wincon, but doesn't give you tokens.
I also think you might want to find a place for Authority of the Consuls. Maybe instead of two Amulet of Safekeeping? Idk. A card more like Ghostly Prison forces the opponent to pay a steeper price. And it's an enchantment, I feel like enchantment removal is much more rare than artifact.
Mercy Killing and Sylvan Offering both get you more tokens without being a creature. To me Spiteful Banditry feels really bad in this deck. You have so many things that rely on having all of those tokens on your opponent's field, and you wipe them all out for...a single Treasure token? Feels bad, man. The Meathook Massacre is a wincon, and Golgari Charm can be your token removal and it's cheaper. If I had all three of those cards in hand, I would never choose Banditry. Rakdos Charm is also a wincon imo so maybe add more of those.
Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't suggest you add some ramp and card draw. Sylvan Scrying, Opt, something similar. There are many.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Optimization. If you really want to optimize colors and stuff, it would be possible to take out blue altogether. Hunted Phantasm is an amazing card, but Hunted Troll is almost as good, and your mana situation will be a lot less complicated. You can switch that one island to something else. Take out Banditry and you have only a little bit of red left in the deck, so you can really focus on black, white, and green. But that's not as fun! Just figured I'd mention it.
...I've been having so much fun writing all this out and I just looked at your format again and I'd totally forgotten it! I think most of these cards should be ok for Modern! This deck concept is just so much fun I think I went a little overboard here. Sorry!
ProgramIncomplete on
The Mycotyrant
7 months ago
Sure thing!
When I decided to build this deck I really wanted to lean into the descend theme so I challenged myself to run as few non-permanent spells as possible. I think my initial list had like 1 or 2. Overtime, I ended up adding more since I realized I needed efficient self mill payoff cards like Reanimate and Overwhelming Remorse or else the deck was a little too clunky. Currently I'm running 9 but I'm looking for oppurtunites to cut some without losing power or efficiency.
But still, even though it isn't "pure permanents" I still tried my best to cover all of the deck's bases with permanent spells. We have permanents that can remove threats like Chupacabra Echo and Reclamation Sage; permanents that can draw cards like Skullclamp and Izoni, Thousand-Eyed; permanents that can ramp us like Sakura-Tribe Elder and Aftermath Analyst; permanents that mill like Mesmeric Orb and Ripples of Undeath; permanents that can bring stuff back from the grave like Journey to Eternity Flip and Animate Dead; we even have The Meathook Massacre and Invasion of Fiora Flip as our boardwipes.
One really nice upside to having everything our deck wants to do on permanent spells is that it makes cards like Malevolent Rumble and Cache Grab really consistent at grabbing something useful. And I recently added Revival Experiment which seems like a really nice payoff for going all in on permanents.
Anyway, the basic idea of this deck is self-milling and using my commander's ability to swarm the board with tokens. Usually we want to spend the first couple turns setting up, hopefully getting a repeatable mill effect on the battlefield like Mesmeric Orb or by pairing one of our dredge cards with a discard outlet like Matzalantli, the Great Door Flip or Geier Reach Sanitarium. Once we've got our mill engine set up, then we can cast our commander. We want to make sure he triggers his end step ability the turn he enters so we can start getting our tokens online.
The tokens really are the core pillar of the deck. They can be sacrificed for value with cards like Skullclamp and Wight of the Reliquary; we can turn them into mana dorks with Insidious Roots; they can gain us a ton of life off of Essence Warden and Ayara, First of Locthwain; and they can present lethal by giving our Craterhoof Behemoth an army to buff. We also have the ability to drain the table to death with the aforementioned Ayara or Mirkwood Bats if we manage to mill enough cards. And of course, since they pump our commander, we can also win with commander damage.
Since we're milling so much the deck also has a reanimator subtheme. Reanimate and Animate Dead can bring back wincon creatures like Craterhoof and Ayara. Squirming Emergence can reanimate any permanent so it's an awesome way to put planeswalkers into play or snag an engine piece or even wipe the board with Invasion of Fiora Flip. Similarly, Rise of the Witch-king let's us bring back any permanent while also forcing our opponents to sack a creature which is nice.
A new card that I'm actually testing right now is Chthonian Nightmare. The fact that it's a repeatable reanimate effect for only 2 mana seems really strong. And even if you don't "charge it up" by repeatedly reanimating creatures that cost less than 3, roughly 75% of the creatures in my deck are 3 or less anyway and among those are some really impactful targets like Eternal Witness, Reclamation Sage, Six, and Accursed Marauder just to name a few. Very excited to see how it performs!
Alongside the reanimator subtheme we have an aristocrats subtheme. As mentioned earlier the tokens make great fodder for stuff like Skullcamp and Wight. And we have creatures that either sack themselves, like Sakura-Tribe Elder and Aftermath Analyst, or want to be sacrificed, like World Shaper. All that sacrificing can net us additional value off of Liliana, Dreadhorde General or Mirkwood Bats since he triggers on token sacrifice as well. We also have Disciple of Freyalise Flip, a great reanimation target that can draw us a ton of cards by sacrificing our creatures that grow in size as our graveyard does like Splinterfright and Souls of the Lost.
So yeah, that's the deck. It can be a bit slow and the lack of instant speed interaction is definitely a drawback but overall I like it a lot and it can have some explosive turns. You just have to be careful not to mill yourself out which is why I added in Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. He's a bit random so I might replace him with Elixir of Immortality. We'll see.
P.S. Apologies for the long winded reply, hopefully it was insightful.
fluffyeel on
You draw you lose
10 months ago
Some small recommendations I can think of:
- You have a lot of drawing for all parties, but your opponents will also be discarding (quite likely, especially given the Memory Jar). I therefore recommend Megrim, which actually is the reason Memory Jar became the first emergency ban in MTG history. You could also run things like Animate Dead, Reanimate, and Necromancy to take advantage of loading up your opponents' graveyards. Of course, Rise of the Dark Realms is a nice showstopper, though it's quite pricey...
- Archfiend of Despair is a delightful combination of Wound Reflection (already recommended) as well as stopping lifegain. I love using it wherever I can. (It's also a demon, so it synergizes with one of your alternate win cons.)
- You could also consider going more of a snow-covered route, so replacing your basic swamps with the snow-covered kind and going with Extraplanar Lens to amplify your black mana. Crypt Ghast also is another mana accelerator.
- The Meathook Massacre and Massacre Wurm are also "board wipe with benefits" that I highly recommend. I also almost always play Kokusho, the Evening Star in every black deck I run. Archfiend of Despair could also be another fun option for removing things and punishing your opponents.
- Some of your artifacts and tutors could be better. Rather than Wayfarer's Bauble, I could suggest Expedition Map instead. Grim Tutor, Planar Bridge, and Beseech the Queen could also make for fun tutoring.
- I'm not sure if Gemstone Caverns and Mox Diamond
are worth it here: sure, they're fast and get you more mana quickly (always a good thing), but the multicolored mana isn't so necessary. There are options I might prefer like Mox Amber, Mana Vault, Volrath's Stronghold...
- For a mono-black deck, Contamination might be a great way to lose all friends. I highly recommend it.
Basshunter on
Death by Tokens
10 months ago
Go on with your work here and youll habe a nice deck. Please think about Tombstone Stairwell, this card is super strong here. If there are like 5-10 creatures in all graveyards, you will make 5-10 creatures every round, not just yours. And you can keep your token while everybody else sacrifice them. This card is an absolute wincon in here.
I even think you cutted too many payoff/aristocrats cards like Zulaport Cutthroat, Blood Artist or Blood Seeker. The Meathook Massacre will do good work aswell, you can even swap for a boardwipe.
There are too many token creators in here without a strong impact
Lex_Ender on
Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer
11 months ago
Hello Masterful fantastic work on this deck so far. I noticed skimming through old updates that you were once very interesting in adding The Meathook Massacre to this deck. Curious to know why it did not make the cut. I could not find anymore mention of it after that point.
Have (1) | Azdranax |
Want (4) | Arkhaschan , Yahtzee55 , jw560211_magic , beesaurs |