Tempting Wurm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tempting Wurm

Creature — Wurm

When Tempting Wurm enters the battlefield, each opponent may put any number of artifact, creature, enchantment, and/or land cards from his or her hand into play.

Mave on endles whispers edh

1 year ago

I read the thread when I tried to look up the rules for the cards which is kinda important for EDH Endless Whispers. (I plan on including it in Obeka)

In a 1v1 match it mostly tries to get the best creature of an opponent while donating negative effects. But in commander it becomes a game of "hot potato" where you can never be sure who gets the creatures of another player but you can decide what "garbage" you donate. That is the gist of what the deck will do in a multiplayer game.

Depending on what you give away you may want cards that can counter triggered abilities in case ove Leveler, Sky Swallower, Boldwyr Heavyweights, Eater of Days, Hunted Wumpus, Inverter of Truth, Dust Elemental, Avatar of Discord, Indentured Djinn Ebon Drake Plague Reaver Master of the Feast Tempting Wurm, the haunted one like Hunted Troll, Hunted Dragon,Hunted Dragon, Hunted Lammasu or Hunted Phantasm. Personally I would use Obeka, Brute Chronologist to counter the ETB of the creatures you play by ending the turn and then giving them to an opponent. But that only works for when the creature with negative effect enters the battlefield during your turn. But it is a great plan B in case you don't have Endless Whispers to give your opponents creatures from the list above by simply playing an 8/8 trample for then ending the turn before the trigger resolves.

Other options are Jon Irenicus, Shattered One or Blim, Comedic Genius both want your opponents to control your creatures. If you just want the effect of giving your opponents negative ETBs you can also build a deck on The Beamtown Bullies. But including Endless Whispers in this deck can backfire by giving you one of the negative effects if the creature dies. And it also is hard to let e.g. Leveler enter the battlefield to donate it through endless whispers. What helps with that may be to manifest a creature with a negative effect with e.g. Scroll of Fate. You can also manifest creatures with negative effect from your library but that is a bit more random.

To prevent getting creatures with negative effects from your opponents you to gain hexproof. There are plenty of effects giving yourself hexproof in white but I couldn't find a good commander for that. To gain hexproof yourself in a non white deck you most likely need Orbs of Warding which may be the way to go to prevent opponents to return the hot potato to you. Which is what I do in Obeka (sadly I don't have any list online of that deck).

If you like Endless Whispers to take your opponent cards however you might rather want to play Grave Betrayal or Lim-Dul the Necromancer. Overall it can still be used as a politicle tool. Especially if you donate one of the Haunted once you can build a pact with another player that you always trade them with each other to get more and more tokens.

Talking tokens it is also possible to put Endless Whispers in Grismold, the Dreadsower which gets into the direction of Dagger Burn known through Rampaging Ferocidon, Trespasser's Curse, Massacre Wurm, Slaughter Specialist and e.g. Illness in the Ranks/Virulent Plague. Whenever you donate Hunted Troll to an opponent or it enters the battlefield you let the 1/1 faeris directly die causing Grismold to trigger and also cards like Poison-Tip Archer.

It is also possible to play with effects like Plaguecrafter, Abyssal Gorestalker, Gravelighter. The player who gets the creature has to sacrifice one creature less and choses who sacrifice one creature less the next turn. But as long as you profit from death triggers via e.g. enchantments or artifacts you will profit most from your favourite card.

I also like Rakdos the Defiler to use Endless Whisper. After all one can donate some negative effects and if the opponent sacrifices creatures they have to donate them to someone else. Altough that also works better in 1v1.

I hope the explanation helps to find the right deck to play Endless Whispers in Commander.

lcarl3035 on give me your lunch money

2 years ago

Any thoughts on Tempting Wurm

LandoLRodriguez on [PRIMER] No One Ever Suspects the Hippo...

2 years ago

Aceh This is true! Through gift hippos, one could make sure everyone gets to dig for a free creature every turn. However, as I was designing this deck, one thing I consciously decided I didn't want to do was help anyone cheat creatures onto the battlefield. With Oath of Druids, it could theoretically get someone something terrifying like Blightsteel Colossus on their second turn. My hippo is more than happy to get everyone lots of cards and lots of lands, but the rest you gotta get out there yourself. I chose not to run some other cards like Braids and Tempting Wurm for the same reason. Thanks for the suggestion and for checking out my deck though!

tiffanyann on Unique Commanders

3 years ago

Awesome suggestions everyone! I've been messing around with a wonky Kynaios and Tiro build that tries to let my opponents play all their big spells Show and Tell style. Things like Braids and Tempting Wurm in the deck, keeping me alive to enable them.

Omniscience_is_life Akim, the Soaring Wind Zombies sounds HILARIOUS.

Peoyogon Chandler with some Illusionist's Bracers effects is EXACTLY the type of thing I'm looking for.

seshiro_of_the_orochi I'd love to do something in simic using Panglacial Wurm and Fblthp, the Lost type stuff.

TotesMcGoats on Wizzardrix (Kwain, Itinerant Meddler)

3 years ago

VayraTheGatherer Hey, feel free! I posted the deck and primer for a reason! :D For Arcane Artisan, in my own personal experience playing Group Hug Decks, I'm not a huge fan of effects that let my opponents cheat things into play such as Braids, Conjurer Adept, Hypergenesis, or Tempting Wurm. When I used to play these sorts of cards in my Phelddagrif Group Hug deck, what happens is you usually just end up randomly Kingmaking whichever opponent happened to be playing the biggest scariest thing in the hand like an Eldrazi or something. Its never as symmetrical as it seems it should be, you know? That's why I like focusing on card draw for my Group Hugging, you still speed up the game by making sure people hit their land drops and ramp and have action to play, but they still have to put in the work to cast those cards, they don't just get to cheat them for free.

Dimensional Breach feels like an absolutely miserable card to play against, because this will hit every single permanent including lands. Tokens are just gone forever, and players are now forced to slowly get back 1 land or creature or whatever at a time to rebuild their boards. Its like starting the entire game over, and nobody is going to want to sit through that. A much better option I think would be Out of Time, which phases out only creatures as a sort of pseudo-board wipe for a number of turns but then safely returns them all back into play without removing tokens or retriggering any ETB, and most importantly, its ONLY creatures, so no need to replay absolutely everything. Its also why I prefer cards like AEtherize as opposed to Wrath of God because you can be a bit more precise with what to remove, and you're only temporarily bouncing it back to hand to be replayed later, rather than just removing it forever.

Having Hexproof for yourself is nice, but kind of unnecessary I think. Ideally no one should really be targeting you with very many spells since you're far from being the biggest threat at the table. Anything they DO target you with you should most likely have a counterspell for if its a big enough deal, or otherwise if its not actively about to kill you, let it slide. The great thing about Kwain is that we're playing him on Turn 2 every single game, and he should hopefully stick around the whole game, so when we're gaining a life every single turn our life total should be pretty stacked. If there's some sort of infinite damage combo or repeatable trigger that keeps threatening your life total, than that's what we have counterspells and removal for. I like to take a more reactive approach to things, rather than trying to construct an untouchable pillowfort. Its why I don't play Solitary Confinement or Island Sanctuary or Blazing Archon. And if you're worried about burn, cards like Aegis of the Gods or Teyo, the Shieldmage won't actually do much besides eat the first burn spell.

Spiritual Focus is... a weird card. I guess if you want to run it as a metagame decision if someone in your playgroup plays Nath of the Gilt-Leaf, Tinybones, Trinket Thief or some other discard focused deck or a lot of wheels like Nekusar, the Mindrazer. But honestly, with the sheer amount of card draw that this deck will provide the entire table, discard decks are going to have a much harder time keeping up, and they're just going to have a bad time. You'll have enough cards in hand that you won't really care to ditch one or two.

As for Nekusar, the Mindrazer and other similar strategies looking to punish card draw... well that's sort of a sticky situation for us since all of our extra card draw is actively hurting everyone except the Nekusar player and helping them a LOT. This is the sort of matchup you really just want to discuss and avoid in Rule 0 conversations, because someone is going to have a miserable time, and its probably the Nekusar player as every single card they play in their deck is a threat that you simply can't allow to resolve to stick around on the board for more than a turn.

I hope this helps :)

Melodystuck on Phelddagrif, the Group Hugger

4 years ago

ElGatix123 Hello! Well, this deck is a very casual deck for me personally. I usually bring this deck out when people just want mass chaos to happen or to see a deck of theirs pop off early. But there are some win cons; I have two: Approach of the Second Sun and Folio of Fancies. Approach of the Second Sun is very self-explanatory and with how much card draw this deck can get and also add crazy amounts of mana for ourselves, it shouldn't be too hard unless somebody counters it, of course. Folio of Fancies gives everybody no maximum hand size, which is nice. It can draw everybody a good amount of card draw or we are feeling not nice, when everybody draws a lot of cards, we can use its second ability and mill out our opponents equal to the number of cards in hand. (Which, as I said before, this deck has a lot of card draw in it.)

But that's it if you're wanting to win with the deck. It can do it, but very rarely because most of the time, people won't suspect us doing anything too bad because we're helping everybody out and they don't want to get rid of their support. (Unless they hate group hug decks, then welp.) I know you can do crazy things with a group hug deck, especially you can be very political with it if you wanted to as well. If you want to know a favorite chaotic combination, I like to save a lot of mana available (or have my mana doublers out) and use Weird Harvest, but save two green mana for Tempting Wurm. Play Tempting Wurm afterward and see the board EXPLODE! If you want to be mean, you could probably do all of what I said and then play a board wipe (you just gotta add one in the deck, shouldn't be too hard) to blow up all of their creatures or whatever type of wipe you put in there, especially would be good if you have out Tidal Barracuda during that. Anyways, if this deck doesn't do it for you well enough, I can also recommend Kenrith, the Returned King as a Group Hug/Political deck as you get all of the colors to play with instead of just the Bant Colors.

Forestxavier20 on Kynaios and Tiro Group Hug

5 years ago

Tempting Wurm would be a really good addition to this deck and would help speed up the game in many cases.

Koalatoucher on King Kenny of Friendship

5 years ago

Hello Peoyogon! Thank you for taking a look at the deck!

At this point we have playtested it, maybe 10-15 times over the last 3 weeks. The games do get out of hand quickly, often times not ending well for me, especially when playing asymmetrical effects where opponents get to free cast but I don't ( Tempting Wurm ), so everyone jumps 5+ turns ahead and I get left behind for the remainder of the game.

The most unfortunate thing that can happen is that someone will play to win, which they usually do quite quickly after they decide that because they have tons more mana and cards than they probably should. But as long as the win doesn't take too long to execute, everyone usually has no problem scooping and shuffling up again.

Excellent suggestions! I very much like the idea of Howling Mine and Ghirapur Orrery . I have also been considering Storm Cauldron to try to discourage people getting too greedy with their mana via tap-untap shenanigans.

I have noticed that one of the things I need to work on are self-protection. I need more effects like Privileged Position and Blazing Archon . Considering cards like Greater Auramancy and Sterling Grove

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