Manaform Hellkite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Manaform Hellkite

Creature — Dragon


Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, create an X/X red Dragon Illusion creature token with flying and haste, where X is the amount of mana spent to cast that spell. Exile that token at the beginning of the next end step.

Lhunthane on Birgi

1 year ago

Hey here is some thoughts I have on the deck. The comments are through the lens of trying to be very competitive.

With Birgi, the strongest win condition is storming out and clapping all of your opponent's cheeks in one fell swoop. The best way to achieve this is comboing out as opposed to going for a lot of chip damage. Chip damage by its very nature takes time and is hard to make work in a competitive meta (maybe in some form of stax it could work). Your deck list appears to have its foot in both doors which is fun and cool, but ultimately reduces the overall lethality of the deck.

The problem with mono-red as a top-tier EDH colour is that it is very limited in tutors, which makes it difficult to find your win conditions consistently. To overcome this, a player needs to put in a few win conditions and the ability to dig for them in the deck. You really are on the right track I think with all the cantrip and impulse draw spells. Dragon's Rage Channeler filters like a champ in this deck, and synergizes very well with Past in Flames and Underworld Breach

You have Grapeshot which is great, but if you were to also throw in an Aetherflux Reservoir and Manaform Hellkite you would be set up. Grinning Ignus with Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip gives you infinite storm. Add a Ruby Medallion to turn this into infinite mana, and a Impact Tremors or Altar of the Brood for an additional win con. Also quite funny with Sunbird's Invocation. You can tutor for the Ingus pretty reliably with Imperial Recruiter and Flamekin Harbinger.

So I realize this is turning into a small essay so I'll try to keep it a little briefer.

If you take the path of trying to combo, some cuts I'd make because they either are clunky, work towards a different win con, or just don't generate a ton of value are: Insurrection Captain Lannery Storm Quakebringer Toralf, God of Fury  Flip Blindblast Traitorous Blood Experimental Frenzy

If you are going to all-in commit to just combing off with ingus (which I think you should) also consider cutting: Sulfuric Vortex Stigma Lasher Solphim, Mayhem Dominus Torbran, Thane of Red Fell Mechanized Warfare

I can talk on and on and on about theory for this deck so just hit me up if you want more insight. You know what you're doing, so obviously ignore me if this "deck primer" doesn't suit you at all!

to_regatha_and_beyond on Manaform Reflections

1 year ago

Nice deck!

My main suggestion would be to look into some higher-mana value spells, the only one you're running is Memory Deluge which means you're good in the early game but you don't get as much value out of the Manaform Hellkites as you potentially could. My suggestions would be Invoke Despair, Sorin the Mirthless and The Cruelty of Gix.

I like the interaction between the Manaform Hellkite and the Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip you've set up, but maybe this would make it more effective? Especially given all the treasures you'll be making between Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip and Sticky Fingers, you'll want something to do with them.

thefiresoflurve on Ghired, Conclave Exile

1 year ago

Manaform Hellkite would also be a really interesting token generator. Not as strong as Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, but cool.

faustodemambo on The Ur-Dragon, quest for 100%

2 years ago


Jeah I ment Atarka, World Render. Alle these dragon names are tough. Im currently trying to find cuts for him, Ancient Brass Dragon and Ancient Bronze Dragon. I’m looking to cut Manaform Hellkite for sure but the other 2 are hard as moet cards are pretty unique.

Mutavault is interesting but I want my lands to tap for colours personally as playing 5c can be hard

Mystic Remora has been underperforming for me and I’ll probably change it for Elemental Bond as this is more on theme with being a steam train. And it will draw me more cards consistently

Temple of the Dragon Queen has been pretty good for me this far. But I can see it getting changed for the red green 2 sided land as those are the colours I choose most of the times. But it has been good to me so for now it stays

faustodemambo on The Ur-Dragon, quest for 100%

2 years ago


I have played around with Sneak Attack it’s a very cool card and can help but I ended up removing it for Monster Manual. I’m trying to let my dragons stick around so this is more on theme with the list. It might make it back in sometime but I’m not sure when.

Im currently not running cards like Dragonborn Looter and Scaled Nurturer as I’d rather be able to play big dragons. And they have anti synergy with cards like The Prismatic Bridge  Flip, Monster Manual and most of my etb draw triggers. In a different build I would play these cards but not in this one, they are definitely good cards tho. Im also not running any mana dorks for this reason.

I have also toyed around with Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy but her ability is sadly a cast trigger and I’m trying to cheat cards in play without casting them. Instead I ended up playing Purphoros, God of the Forge as he triggers on etb’s which has great synergy with all my token makers especially Ancient Gold Dragon as rolling a nat 20 can kill the entire table. It does less damage in some cases but it’s more consistent and it helps that its a god that can be found with The World Tree

For now I’m still playing Manaform Hellkite as the tokens she creates have haste and if my commander is out they generate extra card draw. Or she creates extra etb effects to Ping people to death with my ping bois. She is probably the next one to go tho.

As for the dragon count, I’m trying to keep it at a minimum of 30 dragons which is where I’m at right now. Which might sound a bit low but there are plenty of dragons that create dragon tokens. Right now I have Ancient Gold Dragon which creates on average 11 dragons per combat or over 20 if she has double strike. Dragon Broodmother, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Manaform Hellkite, Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm and Utvara Hellkite. And ofcourse my reanimation stuff. I’m currently testing a few more dragons that might bumb me up to 31/32 but they have to be better than cards that are already in here which can be quite hard. But Dragonlord Atarka might be coming back soon as he has great synergy with the D20 dragons

The biggest problem is the 100 card limit as I also need to play some more protection spells. Heroic Intervention and Teferi's Protection as my playgroup is playing more board wipes. Counterspells can also be the way to go but I rather not play those as a personal preference

MEINEID on The Ur-Dragon, quest for 100%

2 years ago

Hello, I think Sneak Attack would be a great addition to this deck.

I am not so sure about Manaform Hellkite because this is a creature based deck. And I think a slightly higher Dragon-co would help with some of the Dragon Synergy pieces. Have you considered Scaled Nurturer and Dragonborn Looter? Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy is great as well.

Paxreseda on By dragonfire's light...

2 years ago

What if you ditched Lightning Shrieker and Verix Bladewing and replaced them with Manaform Hellkite ? Spit Flame would provide its own trigger to put it back in your hand. Dragon Tempest generates its own trigger as well.

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