Daxos of Meletis
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Daxos of Meletis

Legendary Creature — Human Soldier

This can't be blocked by creatures with power 3 or greater.

Whenever this deals combat damage to a player, exile the top card of that player's library. You gain life equal to that card's converted mana cost/mana value. Until end of turn, you may cast that card and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any colour to cast it.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Stern Marshal
Scrounged Scythe
Catlike Curiosity
Cruel Fate
Banishment Decree
Dauntless River Marshal

Epidilius on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?

1 year ago

A lot has been said already, but my two cents:

Will she absolutely destroy my casual Inalla, Archmage Ritualist Wizard ETB tribal deck? Yeah. I have ways to deal with it, but if the table wants to scoop I'd probably say "Let me see if my draw step can deal with it, if it can't I'll scoop with you".

Will she destroy my Yarok, the Desecrated ETB combo deck? Maybe. It has three main ETB combos that it turns off, but the deck is also full of removal for things like this.

Will she hurt my two other fav decks; a hardcore combo focused Teferi, Temporal Archmage and a super casual Daxos of Meletis? Not really. I have some ETBs that can win me the game or make big swings, but otherwise this kind of effect doesn't do anything.

I brought up scooping in response earlier, and would like to go further into detail about it. This kind of conversation would probably be brought up two or three turns after no one can do anything, and honestly none of us would get salty about it. It happens all the time. The Grixis discard gets their "No one has hands unless they deal with X on their upkeep" combo, we scoop. The Simic value engine start going, and the pilot casts Genesis Wave for 20, we scoop. The stax player starts pulling ahead too much, we scoop. The Gitrog player gets a T2 combo going, we congratulate them and scoop.

Conceding the game is part of the game, who cares. If someone is oppressing the table for more than a few turns, we'll just move on the next game. Yeah, we could spend the next hour trying to draw one specific card (or in the case my Inalla deck, hoping that another player deals with Norn), but honestly why would we? We can recognize the incredible board state that was achieved, and just start a fresh game.

WarpedZerghead on Sen Triplets

1 year ago

What I found worked best for a Sen Triplets deck is using blue and white for control so you can have your artifacts do all the work getting combos into play.


Stop players from stopping your fun: the match is yours and they simply haven't realized it yet. Dispatch quickly sets you up for a nasty rebuttal in between whichever counter-spell you choose to deploy. Vindicate, Mortify and Fracture (to name a few..) will help them learn that you mean business.

Land Fetch

Utilizing Esper colors, Black is the tutor-for-all, Blue is great artifact tutoring and White for some artifact but also enchantments. Good enchantments to have on hand are Paradox Haze (which you have) and Artificer's Intuition. Intuition is good because you can use it to get a Sol Ring in hand, another cost artifact you might have, or, any of the following "artifacts that cost :

This cards makes for great and tutoring in a non-green deck as it can be used again and again and there are quite a few you can fetch. Another option is Tezzeret the Seeker that can get you your lands by using the -X ability for 0 to put them into play, unless you want to get a different combo/ramp artifact instead.

Artifact Tutor

Besides the obvious Vampiric Tutor an Demonic Tutor for your get-anything option, there are many options still available for finding the cards you need that are artifact type.

If you are ok with losing a few artifacts, Kuldotha Forgemaster is the ticket as I will sometimes even sac my artifact lands to get better beef on the ground. Otherwise, Sphinx Summoner will get you something in hand and provide you with a flier and a card. Some new cards that play well alongside the Trinket Mage are the Tribute Mage and Trophy Mage cards. Trinket gets you your Sol Ring or another artifact where Tribute and Trophy get you and , respectively.
Artifact-related lands you want to look into are Inventors' Fair for artifact tutoring and Buried Ruin to get something back into your hand from the graveyard.

Ramp Boost

With such a vast array of artifact-type cards - especially mana ramp - you'll want an Unwinding Clock to be sure to keep everyone on edge.


Combos? We've got combos!
This is my new favorite infinite trigger set using Dross Scorpion + Myr Turbine + any of the following sacrifice outlets:

Steal their Kool Aid

Your Commander will lock a player out of your turn but it also allows you to play their hands. This is a good time to drop any lands they might have in their hands to keep them starved and likewise cast their good ramp spells to get you ahead or continue to lock them out. In the event they finally are able to cast something, you can respond with a Desertion counter-spell (mana permitting) and stick whatever creature/artifact they were trying to cast back in their Vault of Whispers. Thada Adel, Acquisitor and Daxos of Meletis are also nasty foes that puts an opponents deck against themselves. Bribery and Acquire are a malicious and personal jab that should only be used at every chance you get assert your dominance on the board and your opponents deck.


All these cards stand alone from what you can do to further abuse you opponents with just your commanders abilities: it is a multi-pronged deck that throws multiple threats at your enemies making them scramble to deal with one thing while still getting overrun by another.

Have fun...

RevenantBacon on

2 years ago

Drop Thrummingbird, Grateful Apparition, and Karn's Bastion, they're literally pointless. Niko is going to be using his +1 ability to make your ETB creatures bounce often enough that you don't need the extra loyalty on him, and there's literally nothing else in the deck that gets counters except for Lost Auramancers and well... you don't want them to get more counters.

Speaking of the Lost Auramancers, drop them and Protean Thaumaturge because that's just... well it's just a bad combo, and also doesn't work the way you think it does. Vanishing triggers at the beginning of your upkeep, and the creature is only sacrificed during the resolution of that ability when it determines that the creature has no counters left on it, so you literally can't do it, as they only stay a copy until end of turn, and you don't have any enchantments with flash.

Possibly trade Imprisoned in the Moon for Oblivion Ring, as it's strictly better for removing anything other than a commander, or run both, since you're light on removal overall.

Drop the Suture Priest, as it has nothing to do with the decks theme, same with Daxos of Meletis.

Add a Monk Idealist, it's identical to Auramancer, and backups are good to have.

Add Guile as another synergy for Dovescape, and get infinite 1/1 birbs whenever any opponent casts a non-creature spell.

Add an Azorius Signet (I can't believe it's not in the list already).

You obviously need card draw, so add a Mulldrifter and/or an [Omen of the Sea].

Lastly, slot in an Archon of Sun's Grace and a Luminarch Ascension because most of your creatures are rather weak, and you have no way of protecting yourself from decking out.

DuTogira on Personal Play moments you are …

2 years ago

All of my proud moments which I performed are in modern (including taking a game off Patrick Sullivan’s Gruul burn deck using a Pili-Pala combo deck). BUT I have some moments I’m very proud of others for pulling off against me.

LGS: playing in a pod of 4 (using my Sharuum the Hegemon deck) with a Purphoros, God of the Forge player. I’m at 17 life with 7 non basic lands in play. I have an infinite ready next time my turn comes around. ON MY UPKEEP I ask if everyone wants me to end the game, or just keep playing and fuck around (some players at my LGS prefer to lose gracefully than the “pity continue”). I even show my hand and demonstrate what the infinite will be. When I move to draw step, the purphoros player responds by Price of Progress + Lightning Bolting me for exactsies. Never have I been so proud of a loss.

That same purphoros player would later go on to beat my Vona, Butcher of Magan deck (it’s a control/resource denial deck, not vamp tribal) using a Daxos of Meletis deck, by resolving Approach of the Second Sun twice.

Named_Tawyny on You may spend mana as …

3 years ago

Gidgetimer, are you sure about that?

My understanding is that if the card says you can "Spend mana as if it were any type" (eg Hostage Taker ) that this would include WUBRG and Colourless, but if it says you can "Spend mana as if it were any colour" (eg Daxos of Meletis ) that you can't use coloured mana to pay for colourless costs.

mrdehring on Hands In the Sky

3 years ago

A few other mechanics to look for: rebound, cipher, retrace, aftermath, cascade. Of all these I think Oona's Grace is probably just a crazy card.

I was also thinking of other ways to cheat cards into being cast Mind's Dilation , Daxos of Meletis , Planeswalker's Mischief , Baral's Expertise , Stolen Goods , Talent of the Telepath , Diluvian Primordial , Chaos Wand , Omen Machine , Djinn of Wishes , God-Eternal Kefnet . Some of these seem like they may be inconsistent, but I really like Knowledge Pool .

MrMan969 on HELP ME!!!

3 years ago

Ugh, I'm going crazy, I've got a friend who I only mostly just play Commander with and he has a BLUE-WHITE Daxos of Meletis commander and I'm convinced he has less than 10 creatures in his deck. The rest are all just Blue counters, White lockdowns (for anything I'm actually able to resolve), Copy spells, card draw and some life gain. -Oh I forgot to mention that I play Mono-Red... Only commander I've had any luck with has of course been Krenko, Mob Boss that has worked out really well, yet Purphoros, God of the Forge was not quite fast enough to get ahead of him. But I'm not someone to just stick with just one way to win, I Love to constantly create and tinker with decks. I've tried out over a dozen different commanders with several deck variations and I'll still always lose about 2/3 of our match-ups... I'm determined to not venture outside of mono-Red, I'm in Love with it -and despite it kinda being the red-headed stepchild (Pun intended) of commander I'm 100% determined to create a dominant mono-red commander deck (besides Krenko:) ). I'm really trying to resist the temptation of resorting to land destruction for some pay-back for all the frustration and heartache he has put me through when he'll have me completely locked down while he swings at me to death with like a 3 power creature lol, It's like my finger is on the NUKE button but trying everything I can to not have to press it... Any ideas??? Thanks!

zniwalla on ⚡ Rafiq, the Control Freak ⚡

3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, Pikobyte! I like the control pieces in your deck. Seems like you're playing a bit more protective with more focus on Rafiq himself. Mine have some other funky creatures which might not be AS good, but chill a bit with their own stuff (looking at you Thada Adel, Acquisitor and Daxos of Meletis)

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