Hey there, how are you? I only have 1 question- do you like to ramp? draw cards? And winning games? Well then this is the deck for you-, Enjoy – The_Left_Nut
Origin Story
Alright so here’s the story, I’ve been playing magic for a few years now starting with the wonderful set return to Ravnica. My best friend at the time gave me a quiz and I fell into the cult of Rackdos. After playing a super agro unleashed deck for a while l randomly changed gears and played an izzet spells deck and felt the euphoric nature of countering a spell and I was hooked. Fast-forward when commander was on the rise a little bit ago, I looked to build a decent deck to compete with my friends. At first, I started to build a Niv-Mizzet deck until the Locust God was spoiled and I was enamored. Since then this deck has become my pride and joy curating all my money cards from Expedition lands, masterpiece Mana crypt / Sol ring to Invocation Locust God and Force of Will. Playing this deck for the last year or so; I’ve had time to rethink, rebuild and retune for multiple situations. My playgroup and I have gotten serious about commander so this deck has had to evolve to stay competitive. Originally, I paid about $80 for this deck however with constant upgrades literally each month it has reached this peak version (Still Subject to change)
Credit where credits due- this deck would not exist without the inspiration from the budget deck created by ______ Link here
Deck Goals
The goal of this deck is rather simple- Ramp fast and hard- Cast the locust God- Draw tons of cards- Create tons of insects- attack/ combo.
Originally when the deck was budget and in infant stages the power was about a 5. This was limited because of the higher average CMC, Less Tutors, less efficient ramp and only a few bits of protection. As my meta has increased in power level so has the LG, currently id consider it a strong 7-weak 8. And currently the limiting factor is the fact that the Locust God is a 6 cmc commander. However, it will win consistently on turn 6 unless interrupted.
This Deck is for you if?
1. You Like to Draw cards.
2. You enjoy unorthodox strategies.
3. Analyzing board states, and optimizing plays is why you enjoy mtg.
4. Having multiple win conditions and not completely relying on combos to win is a good thing
5. Tokens are Fun!
This deck is not for you if?
1. You like to Durdle and do nothing
2. You can’t have your heart in the cards.
3. You enjoy long grindy games of commander.
4. You must win every game on turn 4 by finding exact combo pieces.
5. You hate countering spells.
A Hitchhikers Guide to the Locust God
Basic Rules
1. Have Faith- trust that the deck can win-AKA have your heart in the cards
2. Ramp is Always a good Option- on early turns it is better to set up an explosive turn by ramping then passing or doing a low impact play.
3. Don’t be afraid to wheel- drawing cards is what this deck wants to do; cycling through our deck we can find the pieces needed to win or answers to a board state.
4. Always have a counter or evasion on hand- one of the hardest things to learn about magic is when to play a spell or hold up mana for a counter.
5. Don’t fret if the locust god dies- when The LG dies he goes to the graveyard and can return to our hand avoiding commander tax- however counter things that exile.
The 5 Pillars of swarming our opponents
This deck is built around 5 main things in order to stay consistent and win.
1. This fist pillar is ramp. The reason that the locust god is not a tier 1 commander is that he costs 6 whole mana to bring out. Fortunately, he is only 1 mana of each color so we can play the best artifact ramp around. In total I’m currently running 13 ramp spells with 2-3 pseudo ramp effects I’ve found any less and the consistency of casting Loki in turn 3-4 is lost, though I might try out 15 spells, but I think that’s just too much, we will see.
2. Board state is key, the deck is set up entirely to be around
3. Next should be obvious, draw cards and wheel. Our commander specifically wants to draw cards and it doesn’t care how we do it. Wheels are mostly what we have to offer. By cycling our hand over and over is common that most games we see 50-60% of our deck, which is what makes it so consistent. The more cards we draw the more likely we can find answers to the board or counter spells for protection.
4. Third it’s important that we protect our board at all costs. We do this with a slew of counter spells each with their upsides and downsides. Most of the time I won’t play the Loki unless I can protect him. Also with the nature of blue red the removal that we have access to is limited. So I’ve found it better to keep things from hitting the board rather than trying to get rid of it later. Currently I’ve found 8-10 counter spells is the sweet spot with a few key removal pieces
5. Swarm our opponents and weaponize card draw. By having impact tremors or Purphors onto the battle field we can turn our tokens into etb shocks. Normally the way this deck wins is from going 0-100 real quick. We untap with the LG and 8 mana and usually the game is just over. Your board state can go from 1 token to 20-30 with only a few plays.
How to play the deck in easy in to follow steps.
Step one- Should I keep?
• Since most playgroups including mine play normal mulligan rules with 1 free mull you have two chances to get a good hand. Bonus if you play scy 2 like me