This decks main goal is to cycle all the time, no big surprise there. We have a few cards that synergize with cycling our cards, so let me tell you what they are:


First we have Astral Slide that allows us to blink creatures at instant speed to try and keep them from attacking us. It also blinks our Eternal Witness so we can get back some cards that we need, whether it's a cycler or a card when need.

Second is Fluctuator, this is the most important card in the deck. It allows us to cycle cards for way cheaper or free! This allows us to pretty much go through most of our deck, (if we keep hitting cyclers) so we can hit our finisher cards or cards to get them.

The third card is Lightning Rift this is one of the win conditions in the deck and the only win condition that involves us cycling our card naturally. This is the slowest win condition in the deck by far, shooting someone for 2 and be annoying but not game ending, unless you able to do it a lot then it's a bit more threatening. Another good thing is about this card is that it can kill any creatures that are threatening you, if you shoot it enough.

The fourth card is Drake Haven, this new addition to the deck is great! It allows us to have some kind of board state so that we just don't die to creatures. We could also use this as a win condition and make a ton of drakes and beat people down. This is probably one of the best cards in the deck and it earns a spot in the deck.

The final card is Faith of the Devoted, this card is a very good card it's sort of the black version of Lightning Rift while still being pretty different. This is another great card at keeping us alive gaining us life that we will need, while also killing our opponents. This one is the weakest of the three enchantments but it is still very good for this deck.

Now there's a couple ways to win in the deck I already mentioned three of them previously, we'll get into those a little bit later because we need to talk about the cards that help us find the things we need. We have have the cascade cards in the deck and the reason they're in there is to get certain things. They can find us the fore mentioned cards that help us with our cycling and Eternal Witness, they also can get us a Demonic Tutor so we can grab any card we need. They also allow us to cast Restore Balance to deal with the board so we don't die/slow our opponents down a bit. We'll get into the win conditions now, since those card can grab one of them as well.

Win Condition

One of the win conditions we have is grabbing Living End off of one of our cascade cards, reanimating all of our cyclers that we cycled away and attacking with them over a few turns. We could always suspend it although it is a lot slower.

Next we have the original version of Living End, Living Death. It does the same thing as Living End, so the win condition is basically the same but could be the safest one to use, since we don't need to cascade into it. What does make it a lot better is that we and always just Demonic Tutor for the card and use it no matter how we get it.

Finally we get to the last win condition, Grimoire of the Dead. This card is a weaker version of Rise of the Dark Realms but since it has a cheaper mana cost were using it instead. The cool thing about this card is that we can pitch cards that we don't want to it or to fill our graveyard with cards to get back later.

That pretty much summed up what the deck is I really hope ya'll enjoy playing with this deck, it was really fun to build!

Deck Price

Now this is pretty pricey due to the original dual lands being in here, so since most people don't want to spend a ton of money on a deck, I will recommend playing the check lands (For Example Drowned Catacomb and Hinterland Harbor) instead of the duals, they will greatly reduce the price of the deck. The deck will loss some of it's power level but it will still work fine.


I couldn't come up with a good name for the deck, so please suggest a name that you think is better. Also if you have any suggestions for how to improve the deck or if I missed some really good cards please let me know, and I will try to put them into the deck. This one will be the hardest deck for me to make changes to since it is very restricted.


Updates Add

Some of the new cycling cards from Amonkhet have been added to the deck! I also added in some ways to cast Restore Balance and Living End from the graveyard or from hand.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

36 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.90
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Drake 2/2 U, Oketra's Attendant 3/3 W, Sliver 1/1 C, Soldier 1/1 W
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