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Chosen of the Angels

Commander / EDH*


An entire army stared the man down. He was but one, armed with nothing but a blade in hand, and they were many, shrieking, hissing demons and their foul kind. They cackled and they sang, preparing to feast upon the blood of the man and all who he defended.

But the man did not fear, for he knew he would not fight this war alone. As the crushing tide of foul, writhing bodies came crashing toward him, he raised his blades to the skies, and a blinding light pierced the skies. The demons seemed to stop in their tracks for a moment as they saw the force he had unleashed.

Angels. Thousands of them, flying on wings lighter than air and carrying their weapons of war. As they flew, they sang, a terrible and beautiful song, and it seemed to pierce reality for miles around. The demons shrieked in agony as they heard this call of the angels break through their minds. And yet, they charged forwards to meet this new army.

The battle was terrible, with demons and angels alike falling to the blades, the claws, the axes and the spears, the teeth and the fists. Infernal blood mixed with holy ichor on the ground. The very sun seemed to burn across the landscape as the armies tore each other to pieces. And in the center of the battle, the man weaved in and out of battle, directing the angels as a conductor would an orchestra, and fighting the demons with his own blade when it was required of him.

Eventually, the endless tide of battle seemed to turn. The demons, having suffered heavy casualties, fled back to whatever abyss they had come from. Those too weak or slow to run were dispatched by the angelic forces, and they, having completed their deed, began to ascend back into the heavens, to watch over the dark lands below. In a world of demons, vampires, and cosmic horrors, their eternal vigilance was necessary.

One figure remained on the battlefield, among the stained corpses of the demons and angels, the burning blood and the echoing silence. The man now kneeled on the charred earth, his blade slipping from his grasp. At some point he had encountered the sword of a rather large demon to his chest, and now he was bleeding. His chest was on fire. He felt himself slipping back, and staring into the sky numbly. He could see the angels swirling above and out to the horizons. They couldn't leave him.

He felt himself slipping away.

When he awoke, he felt distinctly different. The pain was gone, of course. But more than that- a lack of substance, of weight to his entire being. He rose, and looked at his chest. No sign of his wound, glowing ghostly blue. He blinked, then looked at himself again. He looked down. He saw a man, lying on the ground, chest torn open, sword fallen to side, eyes staring blankly upwards.

The man looked very much like him.

Still, though. There was no time for distractions such as this. The demon army had been stopped for now, but he would need to prepare himself for an inevitable second encounter. He reached for his side, and was surprised to find his familiar blade there once more, as though he had never let go of it. He drew the spiritual weapon, and raised it to the sky once more.

A blinding, piercing light broke the heavens once more, and a single angel descended.

(This is a Geist of Saint Traft voltron deck. That's a random little blurb I wrote after being awake for like 18 hours and needing sleep but making this deck anyways. Enjoy!)


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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