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Kenrith's Turing Machine

Commander / EDH Jank


So there was that paper that went around about turning Magic: the Gathering into a Universal Turing Machine. However, it had a problem: it does not work in Commander, as it halted on Coalition Victory winning the game.

Therefore, I did what any nerd would do: I asked the paper authors for a way to fix it. It goes like this, quoting Austin Herrick:

  • Donate Alice's Mesmeric Orb to Carol (any third+ player, doesn't matter which)
  • Copy and donate Witchbane Orb all third-party players have Hexproof, and therefore won't matter for anything (after their decks/hands are exiled)
  • Give Alice a copy of Liliana's Contract, hacked to trigger off of Assassins
  • Use a hacked New Blood to turn 3 of Alice's setup creatures into Assassins

Now, when Alice gains the blue Assassin, she'll win on the next upkeep. The third player is necessary to hold the Orb, to prevent a single player from ever needing to stack upkeep triggers.

Now, he's missing one key detail: tokens without a name all tokens have the same name. Who cares, we're a glass canon deck, and we can change token color and type names. The setup therefore has us create 3 Blue Assassin tokens with:

  • Master of the Hunt
  • Skirk Ridge Exhumer
  • Silversmith

Then we will make them big with counters from Kenrith.

This plus the ability to create the fourth Assassin token without a name gives us what we need to trigger the win from Liliana's Contract, as we can hack the type there from Demon to Assassin. I'm also including a way to remove the opponents' graveyards in Agent of Erebos. I can give them haste with my commander.

I also need to give them shroud. Thus, we're going to use the Menarch/Stolen Identity trick to copy Steely Resolve and name Assassin.

The other substitution to make sure this deck works is that in the final version of your deck, you need to replace Coalition Victory with Vital Surge. We're using Vital Surge as it's a targetless card that does the least a card can do in Magic: gain life. We don't care about gaining life: life totals don't matter here. We explicitly need to have turns where we cast a spell that does pretty much nothing.


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94% Competitive

Revision 3 See all

(5 years ago)

-1 Choke main
+1 Copy Enchantment main
-1 Fervor main
+1 Mirrormade main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

34 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.73
Tokens 1/1 B Token Creature Zombie Goblin, Copy Clone, Metallic Sliver 1/1 C, Wolf 1/1 G w/ Banding, Zombie 2/2 B
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