Gemstone Array

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gemstone Array


(2): Put a charge counter on Gemstone Array.

Remove a charge counter from Gemstone Array: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.

ElderCheese on Mind taking with Memnarch

2 years ago

Profet93 I am going through some of the suggestions you offered. Staff of Domination was there to draw the deck when I had infinite colorless but I rarely used it. Kuldotha Forgemaster is not my favorite card in this deck, sometimes it pays off but normally it does very little... I'm just terrified of not having tutors without black. Extraplanar Lens Normally gets played when it wins me the game lol so it done some work believe it or not. I'm debating some of the nastier combos you suggested. I also found Gemstone Array in my collection which is not a great card but it could help to convert colorless mana into blue mana.

king-saproling on Mana Burn

3 years ago

You might like these:

Personally I would cut these:

  • Spectral Searchlight (doesn't get Yurlok out faster)
  • Greenweaver Druid (doesn't get Yurlok out faster)
  • Dictate of the Twin Gods (does not amplify Yurlok's effect)
  • Blaze (not very impactful unless you are already in a strong position, in which case it is not needed)
  • Flameblast Dragon (same as Blaze)
  • Xantcha, Sleeper Agent (helps your opponents while hosing your strategy)
  • Howling Mine (helps opponents)
  • Koth of the Hammer (slow)
  • Klothys, God of Destiny (slow)
  • Thought Vessel (doesn't produce colored mana)

rb701 on We need more fuel to keep the machine running!!!

3 years ago

the Blinkmoth Urn doesn't serve a purpose here. there's nothing in this deck that requires, or would dump, copious amounts of mana.. at this time. if you plan on sideboarding it, i would highly insist on funneling it to something useful; Gemstone Array gives you a 2:1 of whatever color you may need, then something like Consume Spirit would be good. or, if you want to be more aggressive with milling, you could throw in Whetwheel or Sands of Delirium; gives you something to do with leftover mana before opponent's turn end

TypicalTimmy on Infinite mana in Boros

3 years ago

Forgive me if this is already something known by the community, but I just stumbled across.

Probably the easiest tribe to hit will be Soldiers, Goblins or Humans. As long as you have a total of 4 in play, you can Eldrazi Displacer one for and it'll return, giving you mana back, netting you +.

Sure it's colorless mana, but there are artifacts to filter this:

Or, you just run Eldrazi / Constructs and slam a ton of them down for colorless mana. Or you throw the biggest Fireball in the history of EDH.

In fact, if you get Myr Battlesphere out, it'll bring with it enough tokens to go infinite all by itself. With something such as Impact Tremors in play, you don't even need another spell; Just activations.

What's better is if an opponent goes to use removal as a response, you simply blink whatever they are targeting. Removal fizzles out and you continue with your wincon.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

TypicalTimmy on Consultation Tasigur (Spicy-ish)

3 years ago

Scytec, yes unfortunately is just as affected by summoning sickness as . If you'd like to add two more infinite mana combos, here are two that each share a single card.

Additionally, Basalt Monolith goes infinite with Rings of Brighthearth. You tap BM, and while it is on the stack you add two additional mana of any color from any source. You use two of your total 5 mana to BM's untap ability. Now what happens is the 1st untap ability resolves so BM untaps. While the stack is awaiting the second untap ability to resolve, you tap BM for 3 additional . Now that it is tapped again, the untap ability may resolve. Now you can repeat this process again, sinking into ROB to copy BM's untap ability over and over again each time you activate it. But again, you need a way to filter your mana.

RelinquishedAttempts on One Fox Makes a Big Difference

3 years ago

king-saproling, thank you for suggesting cards for this deck. You are the first and for that I am glad.

However, I don't know how much I want those cards... I addressed Basalt Monolith in the "About Infinite Mana" tab thing saying that I don't want cards that are too cheesy. Anyone could see that Basalt would be very strong, so it's not a very interesting choice for this deck. It's also a card I ran in the first iteration of the deck and it wasn't very fun since the deck isn't very strong nor competitive. Gemstone Array is a very cool card, I personally like storage effects even though they aren't that strong usually, but this deck feels more synergistic when I use tappy stuff, and tappy stuff sounds cool. This deck also has a fair bit of ramp as well. Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel is another cool card, but I think Flickerform or Angel of Condemnation are better and I've already taken out Flickerform. Mimic Vat is really neat and does have an advantage over Osgir, the Reconstructor and Feldon of the Third Path in that you can use opponents' creatures or stop a specific creature from entering the graveyard, but it's less flexible when it comes to choice and I don't know if I need more recursion.

I don't know if it's necessary for me to talk this much, but I felt like it was giving you more respect. If you think your suggestions are good and I just missed why, please tell me. I want to do what's best for this deck, especially since I made it so unfocused despite the investment I put in.

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