
Giving this a better primer now that I have it a bit more worked out. Just a Rafiq of the Many deck designed around making him large with a mix of exalted triggers and enchantments and equipment. Standard voltron stuff. Make him evasive make him hit hard and send it at people for commander damage. Simple premise simple deck. Its decently fast and threatens to kill pretty early once you get him out and make him hard to block. Aqueous Form plus Robe of the Archmagi will draw you a large number of cards, its what I use as my opening kit in most games since if you get too scary to fast people will target you down and drawing 8 cards a turn does tend to help with your ability to recover. If I'm just trying to kill some one its usually either Aqueous Form or Prowler's Helm with Excalibur, Sword of Eden this turns him into a one shot kill. Double strike and being a power 14 commander means one hit and some one is dead. You have plenty of other combinations of equipment to make him rather large so pick your favorites if you don't get Excalibur you got plenty of other things to use. There are a good number of ways to make your equipment cheaper lower your equip costs and or search for what you need to get the job done. This deck definitely could be focused a lot more and made faster or more stream lined and consistent or have things like counter magic to keep people from nuking your board down. But I am not trying to make it a cEDH lite deck its meant to be casual so the exclusion of those kinds of things is intentional. As is the deck is decently fast to pose a threat usually around turn five and pretty resilient in that you have plenty of ways to keep your commander safe and or to get your stuff out of the grave if you loose important pieces. If some how you get to untap with Finest Hour in play your going to either kill one person or more likely two. If you got any questions or recommendations leave a comment below thanks.


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92% Casual


Date added 4 months
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

57 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.72
Tokens Clue
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