Trazyn the Infinite
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Trazyn the Infinite

Legendary Artifact Creature — Necron


Prismatic Gallery — As long as Trazyn the Infinite is on the battlefield, it has all activated abilities of all artifact cards in your graveyard.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Disciples of Gix
Argivian Avenger
Mantis Engine
Tezzeret's Simulacrum
Patchwork Gnomes
Elaborate Firecannon

Bazzul on Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

1 year ago

I’m back after a long break. I guess I’ll answer months after the questions I did not reply to… Sorry to everyone.

igorforkst I am not a fan of Null Brooch the 2-mana price tag is not really viable as we rarely have 2 extra mana to spare when Belzenlok is cast. After Belzenlok ETBs, counterspells are not that much of an issue. We have hand disruption through Grief to remove them and if one goes through, we can still threaten a win next turn.

Nempek I added your suggestions. Specially Grief is the single best card that has been printed in the recent years for this deck. Hand disruption during the turn we combo off is huge. It also has a very effective interaction with Sibsig Muckdraggers giving us and additional cheap discard effect. Regarding your second question, I am almost certain that the deck list you linked has a typo. I believe the player used Dread instead of Dread Presence.

xenca Awesome line, honestly, I like the fact that it uses more efficient combo pieces (artifacts that tap for mana). If you don’t have artifact hate in your meta I would 100% try running this line instead of the regular ooze. Despite the more efficient components of this robot ooze, I still believe Necrotic Ooze should be used by default to avoid being shut down by Stony Silence and Null Rod. The other issue I have with it is that it doesn’t gain Skirge Familiar’s activated ability, thus if an opponent attempts to remove Trazyn the Infinite when Argivian Avenger’s haste ability is on the stack with say Path to Exile and you are out of mana you can’t add by discarding and redo the loop.

xenca on Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

1 year ago

Hey, I love this deck idea! Today we have another line, but very similar, using Trazyn the Infinite instead of Necrotic Ooze. Argivian Avenger can give him haste for . With Voltaic Construct and Gilded Lotus we have infinite mana. Then Staff of Nin can finish for us with infinite damage in instant speed.

Gidgetimer on Looking For A Hand Based …

2 years ago

I just kinda assumed you were already running Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter, Shimmer Myr, and instant speed discard outlets if you were comboing at instant speed. I'm not overly familiar with Trazyn the Infinite combos and didn't look at the deck.

Delphen7 on Looking For A Hand Based …

2 years ago

First of all, sorry if this is the wrong forum. I couldn't figure out where single card questions were supposed to go.

I've been tuning a Trazyn the Infinite list (which can be seen here), and I've often needed to combo off in the middle of someone else's turn (darn removal).

What this usually means is generating infinite colorless mana, and then drawing my deck. However at this point I've often ended up needing colored mana, and no way to generate it.

I've been unable to find anything, and so here I am:

In Mono Black is there a artifact I can discard or an instant style effect that produce colored mana given I have infinite colorless to work with?


Delphen7 on Nekrons Dismembered

2 years ago

Illuminor Szeras seems very strong.

You can upgrade your way to big threats really fast, especially if you include Technomancer.

My inclination would be use cheap mana like Dark Ritual and Sol Ring to ramp out a t1, t2 Szeras. Next is a card like Cathodion to net postive if you immediately sacrifice it, all of which culminates in high mana threats and X spells like Torment of Hailfire

Trazyn the Infinite also seems powerful.

Chromatic Orrery and Basalt Monolith in the graveyard go infinite with him (generating infinite colorless mana and infinite card draw), and Buried Alive/Entomb/Unmarked Grave/Final Parting all get you there fairly easily. Prismite makes infinite colored, and I'm sure something could be pieced together there. Torment of Hailfire perhaps?

multimedia on Necros

2 years ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon on a semi budget.

Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle are excellent upgrades. If you add Myr Battlesphere it's an infinite combo to create infinite Myrs and infinite Necrons with Imotekh.

Staff of Domination in your graveyard is a card that breaks Trazyn the Infinite because it allows to repeatedly untap Trazyn for only 1 mana each time. Use this with any mana rock in your graveyard that can tap for more than one mana: Sol Ring, Basalt Monolith, Thran Dynamo, Worn Powerstone to make infinite mana. With infinite mana then use Staff to draw as much of your library as you want. Sceptre of Eternal Glory if you control three basic Swamps allows for infinite black mana + draw from Staff to draw and cast as many cards as you want.

Scarecrone is another excellent upgrade, you can take advantage of it with Imotekh + Wingrattle Scarecrow for repeatable draw + Necrons because Wingrattle is an artifact and a Scarecrow. It has persist, when it dies it returns to the battlefield after first entering the graveyard. A returned persist creature gets a -1/-1 counter, but you can remove the counter with a +1/+1 counter allowing the creature to persist again.

Thran Vigil enablers repeatable persist and it has other uses too because outside of the combo other artifacts are leaving your graveyard to trigger Imotekh. Steel Overseer can remove -1/-1 counter while also putting a +1/+1 on all other artifact creatures you control which can be a helpful repeatable effect with 2/2 Necrons.

Some changes to consider:

Technomancer is subpar for 7 mana, can only return artifact creatures and they all return at the same time only triggering Imotekh once. Plasmancer only gets a basic Swamp and it's only put into your hand not onto the battlefield, thats not very good for 4 mana.

Necron Overlord, for 4 mana and have to tap artifacts you would think it would hit all opponents, but it doesn't only one opponent makes this effect not worth it. Haunting Voyage, there's a lot of nonNecron creatures here making this inconsistent in what it can reanimate for 6 or 7 mana.

Thought Vessel gives you no max hand size, but that effect doesn't help you, you want to be able to discard hand down to 7 cards, that helps to get artifacts into your graveyard for Imotekh. Temple of the False God is a terrible land especially when you have none or very few land ramp effects, you don't need it. A land that can't tap for mana in the early game or even mid game is unplayable.

Good luck with your deck.